Screw Iowa

Whose gonna win tommorrow in Iowa?

  • Biden

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 18 81.8%
  • Warren

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Buttigeig

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
What I did was give you the oppurtunity to educate yourself. You've attached yourself emotionally to your opinion and you've built a wall up to preserve your uneducated sentiment. This is exactly the same behaviour as a far right troll.
no, that is not what happened

I stated facts and you replied with a youtube video (lol) of some lady from the “intellectual dark web (lol)

Gender is a social construct and there are more than a handful of biological sexes.

You’d refute that if you could but instead you’re getting hysterical

Go take a nap
no, that is not what happened

I stated facts and you replied with a youtube video (lol) of some lady from the “intellectual dark web (lol)

Gender is a social construct and there are more than a handful of biological sexes.

You’d refute that if you could but instead you’re getting hysterical

Go take a nap
PhD's are only relevant if they support the woke AF craziness? Hmmm... Facts are things that you can prove, or validated by someone that has the professional expertise to do so. So far I'm the only one that's provided an expert on the topic, it just so happens that she says gender is NOT a social construct less than a minute into her speech.

Just my $0.02, but don't get too carried away, remember your unclebuck account is reserved for your more silly slanderous posts, jump in one of your socks if trying to argue legitimately or you could expose yourself.
PhD's are only relevant if they support the woke AF craziness? Hmmm... Facts are things that you can prove, or validated by someone that has the professional expertise to do so. So far I'm the only one that's provided an expert on the topic, it just so happens that she says gender is NOT a social construct less than a minute into her speech.

Just my $0.02, but don't get too carried away, remember your unclebuck account is reserved for your more silly slanderous posts, jump in one of your socks if trying to argue legitimately or you could expose yourself.
no need to be so angry

For every “intellectual dark web” youtube video you post saying gender isn’t a social construct, I can post 20 phds who say it is.

Gender is a social construct and there are more than a handful of biological sexes

You can go jerk off to Ben Shapiro now, fraudy McFraudster
Don’t know what people are expecting from the Iowa caucus We all know who’s the only winner in the next election America’s worst enemy Vladimir Putin
no need to be so angry

For every “intellectual dark web” youtube video you post saying gender isn’t a social construct, I can post 20 phds who say it is.

Gender is a social construct and there are more than a handful of biological sexes

You can go jerk off to Ben Shapiro now, fraudy McFraudster
Go ahead and name 20. While I wait, here's an article by a left leaning media outlet that quotes multiple PhDs saying gender is not just a social construct. Furthermore they go on to shed light on the political pressure they feel when they study these phenomena and that its mostly left leaning groups that attack the objective science. Not a good look for liberals if we can't accept science.

"In other words, contrary to the popular progressive belief, gender is partly socially constructed—but it’s not just a social construct."

“Many people are uncomfortable with the idea that gender is not purely a social construct,” says Todd, who notes that her work has faced “very critical attention.” There’s a political preference—especially on the left—Todd believes, for gender to be only a reflection of social factors and so entirely malleable."

"Eagly argues that policy should not influence science. “Science strives for valid findings, the truth of the findings, regardless of whether you like them or I like them. We strive to find out how the biology of people works. Would we close our minds as scientists because it might be politically incorrect?,” she says. How the evidence could influence policy is not up to her, she adds. “I’m not a social policy expert,” says Eagly."

There's 2 more PhDs, so take your time, 60 might take awhile..

I have also seen studies about the same thing with religious or other cult members being 'hardened' in their beliefs when they are confronted with facts that are counter to what they 'believe'.

People have to wake themselves up from their cults, all I know to do is try to be there for them when they do.

And anyone that puts the work in can get a PhD. Even assholes that think conversion therapy is cool:
Screen Shot 2020-02-03 at 7.12.49 PM.png
I have also seen studies about the same thing with religious or other cult members being 'hardened' in their beliefs when they are confronted with facts that are counter to what they 'believe'.

People have to wake themselves up from their cults, all I know to do is try to be there for them when they do.

And anyone that puts the work in can get a PhD. Even assholes that think conversion therapy is cool:
View attachment 4471136
Ya I agree. Religion is full of hypocrites. Catholic church has been harboring child molestors since forever.

I'm not saying that gender can't be partly social, but I don't think it's purely a social construct. I haven't read that opinion piece, Ill try to find, I may disagree with her, the title is definitely curious. I've seen her speak before and I thought she made sense.

I don't think there are 58 genders or whatever the number is up to now, but my opinions stem mostly from her comments on her research and expertise. It seems that there's a bit of a range between each sex, but I think there's a debate mostly due to the fact that its been made a political issue. Sides will use it as a tool to deligitamize or validate parties. The science isnt settled, yet we're marching on it because we've turned it into a political weapon. I'm not qualified to say, so i can only cite the experts that are peer reviewed and paraphrase what they say. If Buck finds a ton of PhDs that say that gender is only a social construct then I'd probably have to amend my position. I have looked a little bit, not much, but what I did find was mostly that we don't know, and that biology has a great impact on your gender identity.
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Ya I agree. Religion is full of hypocrites. Catholic church has been harboring child molestors since forever.

I'm not saying that gender can't be partly social, but I don't think it's purely a social construct. I haven't read that opinion piece, Ill try to find, I may disagree with her, the title is definitely curious. I've seen her speak before and I thought she made sense.
She is likely very smart, she would have had to work very hard to earn her PhD. Here is that article:

I am ok with her point in it that brains still in development can change their sexual identity, but she doesn't really mention the brainwashing that those places are all about.

I don't know enough about sexual identity to have enough understanding to form a educated opinion on it, but I do know enough about cults to know giving adults power over children to convert them is not a good thing.

And for real every word we have is a 'social construct', and can be picked apart because it is just an idea that we humans came up to describe something. Shit like 'human being', it could be argued that since all of the cells in our body is outnumbered 10-1 by other organisms, we could argue that a human being is trillions of 'beings' walking around in a human shaped sack.

But that is just the type of stuff I think about when I smoke.
The science isnt settled, yet we're marching on it because we've turned it into a political weapon.
This is the whole point of why I am posting this election cycle, everything is being used as a political weapon. No matter what it is, if you care about it (and especially if you have a Facebook profile), you will be attacked with it wherever you frequent because your online data is being tracked and used against you in real time.
She is likely very smart, she would have had to work very hard to earn her PhD. Here is that article:

I am ok with her point in it that brains still in development can change their sexual identity, but she doesn't really mention the brainwashing that those places are all about.

I don't know enough about sexual identity to have enough understanding to form a educated opinion on it, but I do know enough about cults to know giving adults power over children to convert them is not a good thing.

And for real every word we have is a 'social construct', and can be picked apart because it is just an idea that we humans came up to describe something. Shit like 'human being', it could be argued that since all of the cells in our body is outnumbered 10-1 by other organisms, we could argue that a human being is trillions of 'beings' walking around in a human shaped sack.

But that is just the type of stuff I think about when I smoke.
Well the title was a bit click bait-y lol, but the sentiment and point was expressed logically imo. I don't think conversion therapy is a good thing at all, but I get her point about not replacing conversion therapy with pre-pubescent trans operations.

"It is crucial that support be available to transgender youth, including access to transitioning for those whose dysphoria persists upon reaching puberty. But this calls for a scientifically based middle ground instead of politically charged, sweeping changes to policy. In our attempt to correct for mistakes of the past, we must be cautious to not create new ones."
Go ahead and name 20. While I wait, here's an article by a left leaning media outlet that quotes multiple PhDs saying gender is not just a social construct. Furthermore they go on to shed light on the political pressure they feel when they study these phenomena and that its mostly left leaning groups that attack the objective science. Not a good look for liberals if we can't accept science.

"In other words, contrary to the popular progressive belief, gender is partly socially constructed—but it’s not just a social construct."

“Many people are uncomfortable with the idea that gender is not purely a social construct,” says Todd, who notes that her work has faced “very critical attention.” There’s a political preference—especially on the left—Todd believes, for gender to be only a reflection of social factors and so entirely malleable."

"Eagly argues that policy should not influence science. “Science strives for valid findings, the truth of the findings, regardless of whether you like them or I like them. We strive to find out how the biology of people works. Would we close our minds as scientists because it might be politically incorrect?,” she says. How the evidence could influence policy is not up to her, she adds. “I’m not a social policy expert,” says Eagly."

There's 2 more PhDs, so take your time, 60 might take awhile..
two posts ago you were saying gender is NOT a social construct! and now you’re saying it is


Go take a nap now, fraudy McFraudster
The poll is obviously Bernie, but from what I just read Iowa usually is never the deciding factor correct? So you guys are just arguing over bullshit lol.