Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
I told you I meant nazi, I have kaiser permanente as a insurance/health provider. I truly thought the name was jewish up unitl like today .
What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?
OK, then. We'll move on to another time you used "jew". Your statement:

"that dude has my respect even though he jewed me"

If you don't mean to use the word jew in an manner that is insulting in a bigoted sense to jewish people, then what did you mean?

Are you going to tell me you meant to say you had been nazied? LOL Yeah, I can see how anybody could have made that typo.
I'm not taking a side and I don't want to know details, nor did I have the patience to read through several pages of back and forth insults over a matter that is completely unrelated to this subforum. It seems as though the parties involved had very little to say to each other and that most of the comments came from uninvolved persons. Please guys, of all the fucking people in the world, I should not be the one telling people to chill. However, I can opine objectively.

With that being said $580 is significant (at least to me, I could do a lot of diving with that or buy a nice lens that I have my eye on) and the matter should be settled and brought to rest, just not in this subforum. If it were up to me, I'd lock the thread or delete it while encouraging a mediated dialogue between the involved parties and exclude the several nosy people who have involved themselves in the business transactions of others.

Just my 2¢.
More to the story. Just sayin.
Anymore just uttering the word jew is anti-semetic isn't it?

Sometimes people misunderstand the context in which it is used. I've been jumped on a couple times for simply using it as well with no insult intended.

But you aren't just uttering the word and it's being misunderstood. Unclebuck's collage of your usage removes any and all doubt about that.

You personally blame the Jews for your dilemma or any dilemma you post about. That is very, very clear. You sound like a mini-Hitler.

Frankly, after using the term in that many derogatory instances, you should be perma-banned.
Sometimes people misunderstand the context in which it is used. I've been jumped on a couple times for simply using it as well with no insult intended.

But you aren't just uttering the word and it's being misunderstood. Unclebuck's collage of your usage removes any and all doubt about that.

You personally blame the Jews for your dilemma or any dilemma you post about. That is very, very clear. You sound like a mini-Hitler.

Frankly, after using the term in that many derogatory instances, you should be perma-banned.
But if you're white I can say what I want about you and nobody blinks an eye, yeah that seems right. Who asked you ?
But if you're white I can say what I want about you and nobody blinks an eye, yeah that seems right.

Wow. That's stupid on a level I didn't think possible.

Jews are predominately white. You could say anything you wanted to about them without pointing out that they're Jewish.

But being the racist Nazi that you are, that thought never once occurred to you.

Cry more about being a white Nazi.
Wow. That's stupid on a level I didn't think possible.

Jews are predominately white. You could say anything you wanted to about them without pointing out that they're Jewish.

But being the racist Nazi that you are, that thought never once occurred to you.

Cry more about being a white Nazi.
Wow. That's stupid on a level I didn't think possible.

Ashkenazi Jews are predominately white. You could say anything you wanted to about them without pointing out that they're Jewish.

But being the racist Nazi that you are, that thought never once occurred to you.

Cry more about being a white Nazi.
Fixed it for ya
One post unclefuck noted said something about "Jewish gentlemen " . How is that even remotely anti-Semitic ? Debunked! I've got work now, something you liberal privileged don't understand. I'll be back later to debunk the rest like it's a series of Hillary Clinton scandals.
One post unclefuck noted said something about "Jewish gentlemen " . How is that even remotely anti-Semitic ? Debunked! I've got work now, something you liberal privileged don't understand. I'll be back later to debunk the rest like it's a series of Hillary Clinton scandals.
the job that you had to force your boss to keep for you via a government assistance program?
Yes the one with policy every employee is expected to follow. Everyone is treated the same you dumb fuck. Get the fuck to work .
Oh, hi, so glad to see you.

I asked you a question and I guess you forgot about it, so I'll ask again. I'm wondering if you could explain how using the words "he jewed me" is non-offensive and not a bigoted insult to people who are Jewish?

I do hope you resolved that issue you had regarding your xanax prescription, by the way. You colon was tied up in knots as I recall. Sounds horrible.
Trump giving a state of the union speech during a shutdown on top of all the other shit would be too much, even for the GOP, settle