Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
Dems caved in....DACA is dead. Dreamers better start packing..Dem leaderships has none balls.
We'll see. Not saying you are wrong but it was the more conservative (so-called moderate) and election-challenged Democrats in conservative states who caved. What was being said over the weekend was Democrats want a budget that clearly states funding for the whole year, not just a continuing resolution. If that's the end product of this three-week funding resolution then it's better for both sides. If not, then there is time for shut down II and a battle of brinksmanship before Trump's orders regarding DACA kicks in.
We'll see. Not saying you are wrong but it was the more conservative (so-called moderate) and election-challenged Democrats in conservative states who caved. What was being said over the weekend was Democrats want a budget that clearly states funding for the whole year, not just a continuing resolution. If that's the end product of this three-week funding resolution then it's better for both sides. If not, then there is time for shut down II and a battle of brinksmanship before Trump's orders regarding DACA kicks in.
Repubs have less incentive to deal now.....DACA is dead
Repubs have less incentive to deal now.....DACA is dead
How so? Again, not saying you are wrong, I just don't see how you can be so certain. The chain of four-week resolutions would have led to a crisis at the last minute over DACA and give Trump an overwhelming advantage. This resolution ends in three weeks and gives time to work out a budget that both sides can agree to. Democrats have signaled they are willing to go farther than they are comfortable with to give extra funding for a wall and other BS that Republicans say they want in order to get DACA and other issues resolved.
Dems in their dark room...... Hey we can win the house in 2018. Dem Leadership:holy hell self destruct! or something like that. only stupid can explain what they just did. closed the government for 3 days ate it in the polls and caved. They received nothing in return. In fact i would say they lost power. Shumer offered the wall money......
Fun fact folks: The Republicans don't need the democrats. They have enough majority to vote it through themselves.

It's not the democrats holding up anything at all. It's the republicans. If the republicans could get all the republicans on board, they wouldn't have a problem.

But they can't even manage that.

When the republicans were the minority, they blamed Obama and the democrats.

Now the republicans have complete majority of all branches of government and STILL can't get anything done and they STILL blame the democrats.

That alone tells you who the problem really is. When you do nothing but blame everybody else for your own failures no matter what, even when you are in complete control of your own destiny, YOU are the problem.
No, I work at a normal company that deals with policies , I know you have no idea what that means and think the world goes by what you say, you're a fucking dumb ass and everyone here excluding your little fucking herd knows it.

are the jews giving you a $4k bonus now that president pedo has given them that for each employee?

why here they are handing dollar bills out now..

Fun fact folks: The Republicans don't need the democrats. They have enough majority to vote it through themselves.

It's not the democrats holding up anything at all. It's the republicans. If the republicans could get all the republicans on board, they wouldn't have a problem.

But they can't even manage that.

When the republicans were the minority, they blamed Obama and the democrats.

Now the republicans have complete majority of all branches of government and STILL can't get anything done and they STILL blame the democrats.

That alone tells you who the problem really is. When you do nothing but blame everybody else for your own failures no matter what, even when you are in complete control of your own destiny, YOU are the problem.
Need 60 votes. Go take a class in civics...
Need 60 votes. Go take a class in civics...
Weak, weak, weak

You'd think the party in power could attract the 9 votes needed from Democrats, but no. The reactionary right won't stand for the civility of including children brought here as children and raised as Americans into our country. No deal for Dreamers, no comprehensive budget, no funding for disaster relief means no support from Democrats and independent liberals. The reactionary right won't support such a deal. The people in the way of getting the budget done are Trump and his loony tune reactionary hard racist right.

Here is what "the liberals" are asking for:

SANDERS: What we're asking for is three things. We are asking for an annual budget which will provide equally for defense and nondefense spending. We are asking that months and months after these terrible disasters impacted Texas and Florida and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands - that we deal with disaster relief. And we are asking what the American people want. Recent poll had 87 percent of the American people saying that DREAMers should receive, retain their legal status that Trump took away from them. And most of those folks think there should be a path toward citizenship.
Dems in their dark room...... Hey we can win the house in 2018. Dem Leadership:holy hell self destruct! or something like that. only stupid can explain what they just did. closed the government for 3 days ate it in the polls and caved. They received nothing in return. In fact i would say they lost power. Shumer offered the wall money......

don't republicans control the house, senate, and presidency?

and didn't trump promise you idiots mexico would pay for the wall?
One post unclefuck noted said something about "Jewish gentlemen " . How is that even remotely anti-Semitic ? Debunked! I've got work now, something you liberal privileged don't understand. I'll be back later to debunk the rest like it's a series of Hillary Clinton scandals.

Yeah, I'll bet you're very gainfully employed. Bwahahaha!
Bet your account here?
Oh, hi, so glad to see you.

I asked you a question and I guess you forgot about it, so I'll ask again. I'm wondering if you could explain how using the words "he jewed me" is non-offensive and not a bigoted insult to people who are Jewish?

I do hope you resolved that issue you had regarding your xanax prescription, by the way. You colon was tied up in knots as I recall. Sounds horrible.
I bet you are(:

Why should he answer YOU, bigot?
Oh, hi

So very glad to see you are back. In our last conversation, you were trying to tell me that a tiny fraction of voters was more important in Trump's win than the 80% of racist Republicans who voted for him.

Yes in fact I did challenge your intelligence. Seems it cut deep.

Or you are just another sock. Most likely a sock.