Screw me!!!!!

The PPP money ran out and the business are back to being broke again. Just a few months later. Guess what covid is still here. Someone didn’t calculate properly. Mr president
Ouch. That stung.

Not had enough of gettin slapped around huh? I don’t think you have the ammunition for a battle of wits.

Keep crying in your beer though. Fun to witness. Lol
Battle of wits? You couldn't write a fucken sentence without calling someone an asshole or snowflake if you tried. Fact is you picked the weakest character in the show as your profile picture. That just goes to show what kind of human being you really are.
I feel sorry for what kids you bring into this world.
Me too all the bank bailout money form 2008 they will have to pay for. And now orange man making it rain with money in America to try and cement his re-election .

trillions my kids have to pay back because of republican blunders.
The PPP money ran out and the business are back to being broke again. Just a few months later. Guess what covid is still here. Someone didn’t calculate properly. Mr president
SERIOUSLY! Stop while you can, you has this one point and guess what. Its foundation is tooth picks!!!
Battle of wits? You couldn't write a fucken sentence without calling someone an asshole or snowflake if you tried. Fact is you picked the weakest character in the show as your profile picture. That just goes to show what kind of human being you really are.
Lol. Thanks man, you brightened up my morning.
You think republicans are keeping this country a democracy? Did you see the streets? That’s the same party they have when a dick tater gets over thrown.

republicans are about helping out the 1%. Rich get richer.
All I saw was looting and business boarding up the their windows in case of violent liberals
All I saw was looting and business boarding up the their windows in case of violent liberals
You stopped watching after Trump lost. You should have seen the party we had!! You went to bed or was busy filling out your fraudulent PPP loan app to get what’s left.
Maybe if you spent less time talking shit and actually making money you wouldn't be shouting out poverty you lazy fuck. You're in the greatest place for an opportunity and you fucken ruin it, every single day of your miserable life. ..... FACT
It used to be great. Now the 1% makes sure that doesn’t happen for the 99%.
We’re outside the margin for a recount in Penn. what says you buddy? That’s game over if your good at math :hump:
Dude you got nothing .... ZERO
lmao because the new right wing turd of a spam troll said so?

Love that you even pull all the stupid as shit Trump talking points like 'he cut off travel from China', when he still let 10's of thousands of people in untested/quarantined and we are over 200,000 dead and million infected because of Trump's lack of ability to keep Americans safe.
It used to be great. Now the 1% makes sure that doesn’t happen for the 99%.
Go stand outside and protest some more. Fact is you don't have enough innovation to own a successful business. You don't even know the sacrifices it takes to run a small business, let alone a large one. Cause all you do is sit at your fucken computer and yell fascist while real fascists have thousands of Muslims in re-education camps. I DON'T SEE ANY NEWS UPDATES FROM LEFT ON THAT DO I?