Screw you Trump!

the rock

Well-Known Member
Obama did not set the flag at half mast for Chris Kyle or Nancy Reagan when they past. But he did for Whitney Houstons passing. Who are truly the rasicts among us?

And for you that do not know who Chris Kyle was. He gave up a promising career in the NFL to serve his country and lost his life doing so.
Chris Kyle>NFL>LOL


Well-Known Member
There is a certain foundation that needs to be maintained in order for our country to survive. Handing out welfare checks to those able but unwilling to work is not part of that. Yes there some that need the governments help and I have no problem with that. But when illegal aliens receive more per month than our elderly that paid into the system their entire lives. And veterans go without.. That is political pandering in order to bolster a voting base. That's what I have a problem with.
And yes illegals are not allowed to vote. It still draws those that can vote into their folds. Although Obama encouraged illegals to get out and vote in the last election. The man simply did not care about the constitution, that was my biggest beef with him.
"I deserve my subsidy, the nation needs me to have my subsidy, everybody else are pigs at the trough"

The biggest horse laugh on you. Or maybe porky laugh.



Well-Known Member
Obama did not set the flag at half mast for Chris Kyle or Nancy Reagan when they past. But he did for Whitney Houstons passing. Who are truly the rasicts among us?

And for you that do not know who Chris Kyle was. He gave up a promising career in the NFL to serve his country and lost his life doing so.
Chris Kyle wasn't active duty. Traditionally you need to have died while on active military duty , be a first responder, or a state official, to receive that honor. Rick Perry didn't drop state flags for Kyle, despite a fair amount of support to do so.

As to your Nancy Reagan claim, it's a complete fucking lie.
Screenshot 2018-08-31 at 5.41.41 PM.png

The Whitney Houston thing doesn't appear to be true either.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
Job numbers are the lowest since 2011 and there have been zero gains in the market for 7 months

Wages are falling and gas, food and healthcare are way up

Wrongo in congo dude.

S and P 500 hits record levels this week.

That is your benchmark and key to a great economy.



Well-Known Member
Wrongo in congo dude.

S and P 500 hits record levels this week.

That is your benchmark and key to a great economy.

it closed at 2901

it closed 7 months ago at 2872

zero gains in 7 months, bot

also, the s&p went from 832 when obama took office to 2297 when obama left office, a 276% increase under obama

if it hits 6339 under trump, let me know. otherwise, you are arguing that obama is better than trump.
