Scroggin W/ CFL's


Well-Known Member
There are always new colas coming out that are not developed. theres to much going on in that there lol. Cant wait to chop it down.


The younger plant's nugs are starting to fatten up nice. More than the older plant. They were getting to much nitrogen also. That could have helped slow bud growth. That bin is to much. Going to try 24oz SoG next grow. The clones are going ok for now. They are not getting enough light as of now. Just going to keep them going. Ill update some pics of them.

Edit: On my oldest plant i got a good smell of one of the older buds and it smells like trix cereal. Thats awesome. I have a feeling its going to make a bunch of little tight nugs. Would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Bad news bro, those colas look rediculously airy.
Really, really sorry to harsh in on your day here, but I just went through the same thing..

I don't check threads much so I could be wrong, but aren't you close to harvest?
My bagseed had some lower colas that looked like that, they still smoke but they're a pain in the ass to trim, and there's so much stem to bud weight..

I hope I'm just tripping, and that things are looking better than I thought.
What strain is it?


Active Member
Bad news bro, those colas look rediculously airy.
Really, really sorry to harsh in on your day here, but I just went through the same thing..

I don't check threads much so I could be wrong, but aren't you close to harvest?
My bagseed had some lower colas that looked like that, they still smoke but they're a pain in the ass to trim, and there's so much stem to bud weight..

I hope I'm just tripping, and that things are looking better than I thought.
What strain is it?
I agree that they will most likely end up airy.

have any of your hairs started to turn orange anywhere? might give us some insight on how long you have left.


Active Member
Looks like she still has easily a month or more left... I really like your grow but it seems like my bud is 5x more developed/done and it is a lot younger. You personally have done an AMAZING job and this grow was no doubt a complete success but I really recommend you buy some seeds. For all your effort you deserve some nice bud. ;) <3


Active Member
ill donate some seeds to ya bro, maybe we can utilize some of these hermie seeds from my current crop.


Well-Known Member
Bad news bro, those colas look rediculously airy.
Really, really sorry to harsh in on your day here, but I just went through the same thing..

I don't check threads much so I could be wrong, but aren't you close to harvest?
My bagseed had some lower colas that looked like that, they still smoke but they're a pain in the ass to trim, and there's so much stem to bud weight..

I hope I'm just tripping, and that things are looking better than I thought.
What strain is it?
Its some shit weed. Harvest? seems like a myth :lol:.. idk i am still thinking positive. Hope they decide to fatten up. As of now they are still airy. Still hoping its a long flowering strain but not sure if its looking like it will turn out good or not.

I agree that they will most likely end up airy.

have any of your hairs started to turn orange anywhere? might give us some insight on how long you have left.
No red hairs yet. Just not sure why its not wanting to fatten up. Hoping a little more time is what it needs.

I think for my next medium will be reg potting soil with perlite and maybe top soil. I will be putting new ones up once these come down. I have a lot of shitty seeds i'm stuck with, so if you get a ton of seeds ill take your donation :D im not scared. Just let me know :p

Looks like she still has easily a month or more left... I really like your grow but it seems like my bud is 5x more developed/done and it is a lot younger. You personally have done an AMAZING job and this grow was no doubt a complete success but I really recommend you buy some seeds. For all your effort you deserve some nice bud. ;) <3
Thx man.

Yea, it kinda sucks. Been trying sense January to get one fully matured plant. I will probably let these go one more month, even if its not finished ill have to chop them. They have been a lot of work, still don't want to give up on them..Its all in good fun. I'm sure one of my grows will go right :D


Well-Known Member
Get some fox farm ocean forest going with some good nutes, you can grow that dirt weed into dank. The knowledge from experience you gained during this grow will make your nnext grow perfect once you have the right medium and nutrients.


Well-Known Member
&#1174;&#1175;legilizeit&#1175;&#1174;;6333808 said:
thse clones maturing any faster?
The clones were already flowering when i planted them. They are getting insufficient light. Flowers are not getting to fat either.

Get some fox farm ocean forest going with some good nutes, you can grow that dirt weed into dank. The knowledge from experience you gained during this grow will make your nnext grow perfect once you have the right medium and nutrients.
Yea definitely would be nice. I wont be able to get ff soil by next grow. Just going to go to Ace Hardware they have stuff that way better than what i'm using. For nutes i will try to order the soil trio. It would be nice to see how much of a difference good nutes w/ good seeds and better soil will produce.

Thx again for every ones support. It can be a little stressful when you keep failing. At least i can get them to grow without killing them :lol:. idk I will take some better pics today. They keep getting more and more frosty(slowly), no red hairs yet. The buds are swelling(slowly). The youngest plants buds are definitely not airy like the older ones, just small. Ill just keep thinking positive and be glad their not dead. when i think of how many hours i put into my plants over the last year and have nothing to show for it, it kinda sucks. Still, I wont stop growing. To much fun. Even if they dont finish, i still was able to get something to grow. :lol:

Ill get some pics up in a couple hours.


Well-Known Member
&#1174;&#1175;legilizeit&#1175;&#1174;;6336852 said:
that was what i was wondering if they were getting any fatter. you might just have a low yielding strain
I have a feeling that, in these plants old environment they received a lot of sun/heat. More than i can provide in my box. I'm pretty sure its a number of things. Also 2 different strains. I will take some good pics today.. Ill post them in a little while. :)


Well-Known Member
Pics :

Older plant

Younger plant

Clone(younger plant)


The plants had a lot of undeveloped growth i chopped off the other day. Hoping it will help the top buds develop more.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I've grown some seeds from really shitty bud and still came up with good sensimillia. I really think that you just need good soil, individual containers for each plant, and a solid nutrient feed that MJ responds well too. Soil isn't expensive, as long as you have the right nutrients you can get by with any soil mix just throw a good amount of perlite (i've even heard of people using 50/50 perlite soil, i dont use that much) in there so it drains. All your soil is doing is providing the medium for nutrient delivery, as long as it's airy, can drain well, and retain enough moisture to deliver the nutrients, your buds will get fat. You already got the light, I'm sure the next round will be ace. I'll be here for it. Giving you some feedback whenever I think I have some relevant knowledge.. although I don't know how relevant my knowledge ever is haha.


Well-Known Member
I've grown some seeds from really shitty bud and still came up with good sensimillia. I really think that you just need good soil, individual containers for each plant, and a solid nutrient feed that MJ responds well too. Soil isn't expensive, as long as you have the right nutrients you can get by with any soil mix just throw a good amount of perlite (i've even heard of people using 50/50 perlite soil, i dont use that much) in there so it drains. All your soil is doing is providing the medium for nutrient delivery, as long as it's airy, can drain well, and retain enough moisture to deliver the nutrients, your buds will get fat. You already got the light, I'm sure the next round will be ace. I'll be here for it. Giving you some feedback whenever I think I have some relevant knowledge.. although I don't know how relevant my knowledge ever is haha.
thx :).

Yea my soil is pretty bad. Its all sand. The roots must not be setting in well. I still will let these go till most of the hairs are red. Hope they get a little fatter. Definitely well get a new medium.


Active Member
FOR SOIL i thot about going to a local canyon and finding some magic brown dirt and mixing it in with my soil because yhe sediments are goood for growth


Well-Known Member
FOR SOIL i thot about going to a local canyon and finding some magic brown dirt and mixing it in with my soil because yhe sediments are goood for growth
That would be awesome.. Im sure anything is better than what im using. I'm one step away from beach sand.:lol:


Active Member
yeah im taking geology in college and my prof said canyons have fertile land because they were rivers at one point


Active Member
Had a veteran pot smoker/grower tell me he uses sediment out of riverbeds to grow with because all of the minerals in which get ran off the mountain by rain and end up in rivers/streams. I tried it once, there were bugs all over my soil. I personally was not into it but i am sure it is good soil. He also grew outdoors so bugs in soil wouldn't be as much of a issue.

if you are looking to get some nice soil and are willing to spend a couple bucks go on ebay/amazon and grab some cheap guano, worm castings, bone and blood meal, dolomite lime and whatever else you might think is necessary. you wont need huge bags unless your making alot of soil. cut the recipe down to make like 1-2 bags of soil or whatever you need. i am sure for under 20 bucks you could get a good amount of additives to add to your soil. just look around for smaller amounts so you dont have to buy a huge bag (ex 50 lb bag of worm castings). There are people on ebay who sell like 3 and 5 pound bags of it for cheap. <--subcool's soil reciple