Scroggy's 2012 garden

I have to use Pythrum now. So far, it has eradicated the remaining thrips !!

Hi Lahad!

What, if you don't mind, is Pythrum and what's it all about?

I've used a few things for my thrips and they still seem to wanna hang out in my lab - fukers!
I heard of this before, originating from China, but I've not heard of a specific version for use with our lil hobby and hadn't even considered it. Is there a specific one in a bottle, or did you just find the extract and magic it together yourself? Be really interested to know how I can try this :) Thanks!
Pyrethrum is extracted from species of Chrysanthemums. IDK which one. Totally organic way to combat pests. Another pesticide that is fairly benign, it's used on animals, is called Permithrin. Look it up. It works.
yo Dan...........what's shakin'? my garden is being fried. this heat is fierce. i actually get too much sun. hard to keep it watered. i have my new poppy beds shaded, and i'm watering twice a day. i'll post pics later today.
Pyrethrum is extracted from species of Chrysanthemums. IDK which one. Totally organic way to combat pests. Another pesticide that is fairly benign, it's used on animals, is called Permithrin. Look it up. It works.

Thanks Dannyboy coz I've just woken up!!
Yes, it comes from the pollen of these big white flowers but be careful as it's strong. I just had a mishap myself and I've been using it for ages. It's great fro thrips too.
Ur having a bit of a late on aren't u ? Must be dark there. I disagree with time zones, so complicated. ;) Hardly anyone on-line now, I'm just doing a bit of internet stalking. I actually woke up at 5am thinking I was being broken into - very scary. It was just the cleaner. I need another dog!
not another dog............un hombre;)

No, the men hide behind me! No. It's dangerous for theft here. Single white female -- aaargghhh - HELP ME !!

I used to have a German Shepherd dog from the age of 11-23 yrs old. 12 years was just not enough. I will def get another but now I just take cats off the street. Only the really nice ones tho !! I'd give u a nice home Scroggy - if u were stray and couldn't find ur way !!
I had pepper spray but the police took it off me. I reckon they just wanted to keep it for themselves. Gun, nope, I can't trust myself not to use it !!