Scroggy's 2012 garden

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpgtomatoes starting to ripen, cukes going mad, peppers almost ready, i wish my poppies did as well as my stupid marigolds(that's one plant), hops galore.
i'm envious. i got started late. all my tomatoes seem to be being eaten from the inside out. about the only things doing well are the beans and the zucchini.
the heat and humidity don't help, Dan. i've had a lot of bottom rot.
i'm growing 3 kinds, my Spanish angel............Brandywine, a local heirloom for slicing, Princep Borghese, for sun-dried tomatoes, and Sungold, yellow cherry tomatoes.
so it's bottom rot? and i'm guessing if/when the temps cool down the fruits will look better? thx for the tomato lesson. i'm embarrassed to say i'm mostly an ornamentals guy. next year i'll get the brandywines. i hate it when i put so much energy into a plant and it doesn't produce....
cool cannabis you see you don' maters look way better now. pity they are all ripening at the same time...too much of a good thing gets dull. but sadly all my other veggies are plagued by mites because of last months record heat. except the maters which seem immune.
i hear ya Dan.............its getting hard to look at tomatoes. we made pickles which are delicious, and i just put in some new green bean plants. my Kush looks great under there. its 4ft tall, LST'd, and just startin' to flower.
003.jpg004.jpgthe pup enjoying a campfire. we missed the meteor showers due to clouds, but it was nice up there. 57F; after the heat of the city, it was really nice.
camp fires are great. i think you can even use the wood ash for fertilizer, no? only did it once, need more info. nice puppy. he friendly?
001.jpg003.jpg004.jpg007.jpginherited ornamental windmill, caged Kush LST'd to umpteen colas, some green beans to occupy the root box during the hot weather.
the cage is 4ft. high on 8" cinder blocks. the plant is in a ten gallon tote. its covered in 40% shade cloth at all times. too many helicopters.
where do you buy shade cloth? my veggies are on my porch that gets intense afternoon sun with temps probably 110+ in the direct sun. i also have some peppers that fall off after being pollinated. could this be from the heat?
peppers usually tolerate the heat. not sure what the issue is. my peppers live in direct sun next to a reflective
001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg005.jpggreen beans taking off, beds newly seeded with collards, kale, and lettuce, Daddy's little secret, daikon radish (for sushi) sprouting in the herb tub.