SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough


Well-Known Member
hey guy, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

i am going to transplant the girls tomorrow. they re all firmly set into the rockwool cubes. there is just no roots out the bottom of the cubes. they are going to go on very short feeds every 3 hours and that will be slowly increased over the next week until i get them up to full feeds.

i will be taking pics as i go through the transplant.

until next time, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm signed up. Glad so many people are working with Blue Cheese. The cheese should never stand alone!


Well-Known Member
I'm signed up. Glad so many people are working with Blue Cheese. The cheese should never stand alone!
good to have another cheese grower on board. the more the merrier.

well guys the transplant is all done. the SEA OF BLUE is underway. yay. me being as forgetful as i am, forgot to take the camera with me this morning. all good i am going back over there soon and i will get some good pics.

until later, enjoy the smoke.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well its has finally begun. here are the first photos of the babies. the pic of the single plant is of the one that had the mot roots. it is in the middle row on the right side.

cooking dinner, so back later.
until then, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Nice looking set up Eight... How long are you going to veg for? Are you going to use a screen?
there is not going to be a screen this time. veg time depends on my brothers other plants. going to go 12/12 when the 3 Mystery girls are ready. maybe 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
well time for the update. the system is a 900mm x 900mm x 150mm deep flood and drain. i am running 8 x 5ltr pots, with granulated rockwool for the medium. they are on dutch master advance grow a+b, i also today added rhizotonic to the res, which certainly wont hurt them. i rang and spoke the guys out at my local hydro shop to ask them about the feeding routine and they said to start with 15 minute feeds 3 time a day and go from there. i am so hoping that they all take off and grow nice and fast. i will take more pics tomorrow. probably wont be much change if any, but i am going to post daily pics for the first 1-2 weeks.

until later, enjoy the smoke:joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey 8, 15min feeds?? I used to run like that on the advice of my Hydro store, until i got some friendly advice from a grow mate, and cut back to 5 minute feeds.. The results were amazing.
I'm updating my journal with some pics now :)


Well-Known Member
Hey 8, 15min feeds?? I used to run like that on the advice of my Hydro store, until i got some friendly advice from a grow mate, and cut back to 5 minute feeds.. The results were amazing.
I'm updating my journal with some pics now :)
i was already thinking that 15 mins is a bit excessive. i will go over and reset the timer tomorrow morning.
i will check your pics out soon. got friends here having a mix.


Well-Known Member
Hey 8 that is good news congrats! Check out my scrog screen. If I could get some blue cheese now I could do a scrob LOL screen of blue. My next order of seeds will def include some BC. Until then my master Kush will have to do. Well I just had to stop by because I was reading your thread and looking at my screen when I thought of how cool it would be to have some blue cheese growing underneath it. Good luck with the rest of the grow I'll be watchin both.



Well-Known Member
Hey 8 that is good news congrats! Check out my scrog screen. If I could get some blue cheese now I could do a scrob LOL screen of blue. My next order of seeds will def include some BC. Until then my master Kush will have to do. Well I just had to stop by because I was reading your thread and looking at my screen when I thought of how cool it would be to have some blue cheese growing underneath it. Good luck with the rest of the grow I'll be watchin both.
hey there chainseeker, good to have you here.

i just got back from checking on the SEA OF BLUE. as i expected most of them have taken a hit from the transplant, but all in all not too bad. i will be taking more pics this arvo when the lights come back on. i am planting the TOP44 seeds this arvo too. very excited to grow from seed again. i love the way it grows from seed.

i forgot to mention before that i have changed the feeding routine to 5 minute feed every 3 hours. see how the babies go with that for a bit.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
day 2 of the SEA OF BLUE. they have suffered a little from being transplanted, but it is ok. they should respond pretty quickly. all of the babies have fresh new growth, so hopefully they are of a decent size in 2 weeks time. my brother is wanting to turn the 3 MYSTERY clone down in roughly 2 weeks, so grow little girls. i want there to be a deep SEA OF BLUE. there is a photo of the 8 x BLUE CHEESE babies and there is a photo of the 3 MYSTERY girls.

i have also planted the 2 TOP44 seeds into little pots filled with granulated rockwool. only one of the seed has cracked open so far, that one is TOP44 #1. the uncracked seed is #2. they have been put in the humidity with the cuttings. i still have 4 x MYSTERY clones, 2 x SLH clones(one of which is going to be a mum) and there is also 5 x BLUE CHEESE cuttings left. out of all those clones, i am hoping to run 8 of them in my other 2.2mx1.2mx2m tent asap. just waiting for them to be ready. HURRY UP!!

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member

Hey 8, Glad 2c they are all in their new homes. They really could do with some Nitrogen by the looks of it.. Unless thats just the HPS..
I will give you an update on my Girls tomorrow hopefully bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
its mostly the hps. they re on half strength dutch master nutes, which i am going to slowly increase to full strength over the next week.


Well-Known Member
its mostly the hps. they re on half strength dutch master nutes, which i am going to slowly increase to full strength over the next week.
Good Plan.. Seems like it's the thing to do.. My Girls will be on full strength within 2 more days :D