SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough


Well-Known Member
What up eight. Sucks that your bro didnt take care of your plants. Oh well just move forward i guess. Looking good and i cant wait until they get bigger. i am excited to see how this turns out.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, still some way to go, but they'll stretch in no time ;)
thanks for stopping in man.

What up eight. Sucks that your bro didnt take care of your plants. Oh well just move forward i guess. Looking good and i cant wait until they get bigger. i am excited to see how this turns out.
they have already shown sign that they are happier in my care. they all have fresh new growth. there is 2 of them that eem to be slower than the rest and there is one that has really taken off. more pics in about 1.5 hours. lights on in an hour.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
well its day 3 since getting my babies home. as you can see there is a good change they are all growing nicely. tomorrow i will get some pics of the 2 BLUE CHEESE and the 2 MYTERY8 girls. i am not going to post any pics of the SEA OF BLUE for a few days so that there is a real change in the next pics.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
here are the pics i said i would post. there is also a pic of my BLUE CHEESE mum and a pic of my SLH mum. and check out the seedlings. there is 2 x SKUNKY BAGSEED, 2 x LACED RHINO and 2 x TOP44. they are all coming along nicely. i wish growing from seed was quicker.


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking really good eight... The Laced Rhino are coming along... :-) Wont take long for the ones your brother neglected to come back on...:-) The super lemon haze is very nice... :-)


Well-Known Member
the babies my brother neglected are looking 1000% better. i will post more pics on day 7 since getting them home.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
sorry there isnt any pics of the SEA OF BLUE, but i want there to be a rel change next time i post pics.
in the mean time, here is my BLUE CHEESE mum and my SLH
mum. there is 6 seedling there too. 2 x LACED RHINO, 2 x SKUNKY BAGSEED and 2 x TOP44. they will be taking up temporary residence in the big tent once they have been potted. they can veg for as long as the SEA OF BLUE, BLUE CHEESE and the MYSTERY8 do. i am planning on a 3 week veg, depending on how they all look.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or do the laced rhino have thin stalks? I cant wait to see all these strains going off at once.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well i have planted the 2 x SKUNKY BAGSEED seedlings and the 2 x TOP44 seedlings. they are now in the big tent under 400watt hps lights on 18/6. i am just waiting for 2 more pots and the 2 x LACED RHINO will be joining them.

here re some pics of the BLUE CHEESE and the MYSTERY8 clones that are in the SEA OF BLUE tent. you can also see the little pots that have the seedlings in them. i am going to use this thread to track the growth of all plants in the big tent.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Having small stems is better when it comes to harvest. It sucks having to downgrade huge colas into small buds because of the garden hose sized stem. IMO it would be better to have smaller colas that you could keep intact.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well the babies have been back home for 6 days now. as you can probably tell they are doing really good. the biggest plant in the SEA OF BLUE is going to be swapped with the smaller of the 2 BLUE CHEESE clones that are in the separate system. it should give the SEA OF BLUE some nice uniformity.

there is a pic of the SEA, a pic of the 2 x BC and a pic of the 2 x MYSTERY8. you will notice the big girl that i am going to swap with the BC at the back.

i am off to watch the footy. until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey 8. Bouncing back there with a little love. In this pic is this two in the one pot or just a clone deep in your medium. Back row middle pot.