Seagulls on laxatives

No, just on TV but know that they are well established in central PA. Even bigger a problem is coyotes. They are all around the Philly burbs. I don't mind them so much because they do a job on stray cats. Groundhogs do what? First off there are damn few prairies or grasslands in PA. Perhaps you're thinking of prairie dogs or gophers which are one tenth the size of a whistlepig. Woodchucks do a lot of damage like burrowing under your front door step, demolishing your garden, and spreading the ticks that carry Lyme disease. Squirrels clean out even my squirrel proof bird feeder and shit on the railing of my deck and invade my attic in the winter. Mocking birds and their cousin catbirds are noisy, annoying (when they buzz you), and disrupt other bird's nests.

I don't know how I forgot deer. Major Lyme disease spreaders, fauna destroyers, and car wreckers.

Hmmm, maybe there wolud not be so many damn deer wrecking cars if wolves were abundant....deer tics spread the lyme not the actual deer..I am all for eliminating all tics and mosquito.
Yup but deer spread the deer ticks. More wolves? Do you think they'll just focus on deer? They'll prefer easier prey such as foxes, groundhogs, squirrels, cats, rabbits, children, and so on. And they won't kill them as humanely as I do.
Hmmm, maybe there wolud not be so many damn deer wrecking cars if wolves were abundant....deer tics spread the lyme not the actual deer..I am all for eliminating all tics and mosquito.

i got lime disease from a deer tick it fucking sucks makes me feel like shit all the time
Wolves do not prefer children..or fox or whatever else you said...they prefer to stay away from man..hunt large prey in packs.
Wolves do not prefer children..or fox or whatever else you said...they prefer to stay away from man..hunt large prey in packs.

They'd have to be desperate to bring down a deer. Smaller and/or slower is much easier to bag.
They'd have to be desperate to bring down a deer. Smaller and/or slower is much easier to bag.

This would be true... If wolves hunted alone. But they hunt together.
It doesn't matter how fast you are, when you're running into a trap :dunce:
They'd have to be desperate to bring down a deer. Smaller and/or slower is much easier to bag.

Completely backwards..if they target humans or a dog or cat around humans they are old and weak...worn down teeth and desperate..starvation drives them to do whatever it takes to survive..just like people..desperate people do desperate things..same goes for mountain lions or bears or lions/tigers leopards...the old and weak.
Completely backwards..if they target humans or a dog or cat around humans they are old and weak...worn down teeth and desperate..starvation drives them to do whatever it takes to survive..just like people..desperate people do desperate things..same goes for mountain lions or bears or lions/tigers leopards...the old and weak.

Sometimes the young are the weak and desperate.

Like child gangs, they are the most brutal and willing to kill.
1.Because they don't have much choice, they usually have no adults to feed them, and don't know where to get help
2.They haven't been told not to yet, lack of experience can make you a more brutal/willing person/animal
Don't really work in the animal world..the young and weak die...the strong kill them off take the best habitats and ensure their bloodlines live and the the other packs don't...wolves kill coyotes...not out of hunger but because they are hunting on their land...the young punks today are weak n dumb and only kill with a gun..which takes no balls or skill..most of the time they panik and shoot out of fear...humans and animals are very different...if a weak pack can't hunt they don't reproduce gov handouts or foodstamps..
You beat me to it on the alkiseltzers. That does do that, and sometimes you can catch one while casting out a fishing line. They will go after anything. I see seagulls as filthy flying rats spreading disease. They probably are not even worth eating due to the stuff they get into.
Don't really work in the animal world..the young and weak die...the strong kill them off take the best habitats and ensure their bloodlines live and the the other packs don't...wolves kill coyotes...not out of hunger but because they are hunting on their land...the young punks today are weak n dumb and only kill with a gun..which takes no balls or skill..most of the time they panik and shoot out of fear...humans and animals are very different...if a weak pack can't hunt they don't reproduce gov handouts or foodstamps..

Wrong. Most child gangs don't kill with guns, they kill with stones, bare hands, ect.

And it does work in the animal kingdom, young animals that try to fight family leaders get kicked out all the time. And they usually lose because they tried to take power while they were too young/weak. All it would take is for one of those young animals to go to a human settlement, instead of deeper into the wilderness after losing, and you would have a young desperate murderous animal.
LOL..what?...where are you getting this info..and I use that term lightly...animals are kicked out of the pack..males only..when they begin to mature..this prevents inbreeding and them eating too much..wolves, lions ..most pack animals...that lone wolf may join another lone wolf to increase his chance at survival or sometimes woo a young female away from her pack..(dangerous..if he is caught , he is killed).sometimes the wolf will even pal around with a wolverine to increase his chance at survival until he matures and is ready to challenge an alpha for his position and rank....only the alpha male and bitch breed..the rest are subordinates and help hunt and raise the young...
And where are these child gangs killing people with stones? even in the slums of south america they have knives.
LOL..what?...where are you getting this info..and I use that term lightly...animals are kicked out of the pack..males only..when they begin to mature..this prevents inbreeding and them eating too much..wolves, lions ..most pack animals...that lone wolf may join another lone wolf to increase his chance at survival or sometimes woo a young female away from her pack..(dangerous..if he is caught , he is killed).sometimes the wolf will even pal around with a wolverine to increase his chance at survival until he matures and is ready to challenge an alpha for his position and rank....only the alpha male and bitch breed..the rest are subordinates and help hunt and raise the young...
Try watching animal planet sometime. Any male challenger gets kicked out, not just old male challengers and relatives.
And where are these child gangs killing people with stones? even in the slums of south america they have knives.
Eastern Europe, Africa, etc. and knives aren't much closer to guns than stones are :dunce: