Seagulls on laxatives

Animal planet is for rookies....what specifically have you seen where a young challenger is kicked out of what? for doing what? You are being very vague....and your gang thing holds no water.... in Africa the young kids are kidnapped an held in camps or forced to fight (with guns) paramilitary style ..they don't roam the plains attacking people and in Europe either.
Animal planet is for rookies....what specifically have you seen where a young challenger is kicked out of what? for doing what? You are being very vague....and your gang thing holds no water.... in Africa the young kids are kidnapped an held in camps or forced to fight (with guns) paramilitary style ..they don't roam the plains attacking people and in Europe either.

Hippos. Lions. Monkeys. Any fucking animal will kick out a younger challenger that loses :lol:

You also seem not to know much about reading, I said child gangs, not Warlords armies.

GANGS OF CHILDREN THAT ARE FORMED ON THEIR OWN, WITH NO ADULTS :dunce: :lol: :lol: They are all over the world, not even just in Africa or Eastern Europe.
And of course they don't roam the plains, they roam the streets.
O.K. I don't believe you about the gangs of children beating people with stones..has it happened ? probably so...there are billions of people on the planet..but it is EXTREMELY let's just agree to disagree...

Now Lions? no way ..A pride will kick out young males when they begin to get a mane and eat too much and sexually mature...the prides male/s handle that almost always...the ousted young males will team up and scavenge until they are mature and attempt a takeover of another pride...You made that up about the female lions will on kick out a female member if times are tight and food os scarce but when the prey is plentiful they are welcome to rejoin the pride...hippos ? male hippos will kill challengers yes..but they do not live in any sort of bonded society..the alpha male gets the best water hole and all the bitches that want to eat and lounge there...and breeding rights...monkeys? an ousted alpha is killed or demoted to bottom wrung ....Nature has it's own way to prevent incest and young males are often driven off when they begin to take interest in mom or sisters.....
O.K. I don't believe you about the gangs of children beating people with stones..has it happened ? probably so...there are billions of people on the planet..but it is EXTREMELY let's just agree to disagree...

Now Lions? no way ..A pride will kick out young males when they begin to get a mane and eat too much and sexually mature...the prides male/s handle that almost always...the ousted young males will team up and scavenge until they are mature and attempt a takeover of another pride...You made that up about the female lions will on kick out a female member if times are tight and food os scarce but when the prey is plentiful they are welcome to rejoin the pride...hippos ? male hippos will kill challengers yes..but they do not live in any sort of bonded society..the alpha male gets the best water hole and all the bitches that want to eat and lounge there...and breeding rights...monkeys? an ousted alpha is killed or demoted to bottom wrung ....Nature has it's own way to prevent incest and young males are often driven off when they begin to take interest in mom or sisters.....

I'm not agreeing to disagree with you just because you are being arrogant and ignorant. You should just look up "Child gangs" and stop being a dumb fuck.

And you are missing the whole point with the challengers. Maybe some animals do kick out the males when they get to old, but almost ANY animal kicks out a young animal that challenges the alpha, no matter the age or sexual maturity.

Sounds like you could still learn from watching animal planet. :dunce:
And I've watched male hippos allow their challengers to survive on TV, the younger male leaves and has to go find another male to challenge in another group, or find a female and non claimed water hole, or die walking around with no water.

So way to be wrong there too. :clap:
.You made that up about the female lions will on kick out a female member if times are tight and food os scarce but when the prey is plentiful they are welcome to rejoin the pride..


You just are talking about females and forgot that male lions exist as well :dunce:

Go watch some Animal Planet and stop being stupid, for real.
You are almost too stupid to type to....No shit that challengers survive sometimes....we were talking about wolves ...and you have gone to lions and hippos...male lions do not get challenged by their own offspring!...neither do wolves! or hippos!....Male lions kill all young cubs asap when they take a pride ensure the lionesses comes into season and bares their offspring...any challengers would be nomad males looking to take a pride over....
You are almost too stupid to type to....No shit that challengers survive sometimes....we were talking about wolves ...and you have gone to lions and hippos...male lions do not get challenged by their own offspring!...neither do wolves! or hippos!....Male lions kill all young cubs asap when they take a pride ensure the lionesses comes into season and bares their offspring...any challengers would be nomad males looking to take a pride over....

Way call me stupid then prove you can't even follow things chronologically.

We aren't talking about wolves, we WERE talking about wolves. Then you asked something along the lines of "What animal casts out young challengers" and I answered your question. Then you tried to argue by forgetting that we were talking about challengers at this point, and talking about animals sex drive ages and their parents murdering them.

And you missed the point again. You said a male challenger would kill all the babies. But you forget, once his lioness "bares offspring", there are now new male challengers (his children :dunce:) and if the original challenger were young, it doesn't matter if he came from the family, sometimes they don't die and are young lonely ass, desperate lions.

Way to pick things apart, but I put it back together for you :dunce:
Animal planet fuck ups are in season right here. Just wait, they'll wander by any second and impress you for how moronic they are.
And as far as killing children goes, everyone knows you just don't lead them as much as adults............

There was a movie, and these guys were in a helicopter, one of them manning a large minigun/gatling gun or whatever. They were flying over a village, and he was murdering women and children, happily.
A man in the helicopter, standing behind him asks "How can you shoot women and children?!?!"
He replied, "You just don't shoot as far in front of them as you do with the men."
Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket".

One of the BEST of the Viet Nam War movies ever made!!

Along with "Platoon".

Some parts of "Apocolypse Now" were good, but overall I di-int care for it as much as the other two.
Completely backwards..if they target humans or a dog or cat around humans they are old and weak...worn down teeth and desperate..starvation drives them to do whatever it takes to survive..just like people..desperate people do desperate things..same goes for mountain lions or bears or lions/tigers leopards...the old and weak.

So you agree they're a problem. Yup, even the old ones.