Seamaiden's gifted seeds journal


Well-Known Member
They look maiden!! as far as pissin off riu, I think the whole thread you are refering to legit! if he would respond to the issue being addressed there it would be nice.. I understand busy but if you have the time to basicly come in and say fu then why not that same time to explain what if anything is being done! if you get booted I am sure there will be a bit of a exodus! Im still hopping E can get back and all will be well but dont look great!


Well-Known Member
He locked the thread, and that's pretty much it. It appears that Petty Bullshit's account may have been closed as well. RIU really needs at least one other site admin to help him with this shit, seriously.


Well-Known Member
Of the California Indica x Big Bud, I have one confirmed boy (the biggest one that's approaching 3' in height) and one confirmed female. I have two Conquistadors that are whispering boyish things, we'll be seeing quickly. One may be named The Little Tortilla Boy, for his toasted tortilla spots. I might save his sperm if I can adequately separate him. On the other hand.. no.. don't want to push those tortilla genetics, I'm sure I'll get another male. He'll still always be The Little Tortilla Boy to me, though.

Pix LATER. 8)


Well-Known Member
And she is a she. As posted previously, my largest C.I.xB.B. plant is all boy. So, I've decided that I want those genetics. I have three unknown females, one C.I.xB.B. female, and Ms. Papaya (this is without going through my notes).

In any event, some questions:
1) Ms. Papaya; Clone her before she goes into full flower (i.e. now), yes? (doin' a little dance, and hopin' I can do da clone). Oh, and she eez beeg, deez gurl. 8)

2) Mr. C.I.xB.B. BMOC guy, whose genes I want, I trimmed him back HARD. I think he can take it, yeah! He's topped over 32" since he was transplanted, about 1 month ago. Fantastic, good boy! (I'd rather have big-ass boys than those like The Little Tortilla Boy, with tortilla marks all over its leaves. Must be destroyed, genes no good, been borked since day 1). In any event!
*How do I best isolate a male whose pollen I want, but want to control, when I don't have the ability just yet to grow him indoors? I was thinking making a grow box using, for instance, a white sheet (hopefully small enough weave to keep in pollen, but enough air flow to allow transpiration), or maybe something using some good, but small, air filters and translucent plastic. I would need to mostly be able to water it, and keep it somewhere on the deck (or property, don't make me go hiking though, please).
*Since I'm only growing him for his pollen, he doesn't need to be very big, right? This would mitigate the need for anything that would be too big for me to handle well, maybe I could force him further along in flowering and collect his pollen faster.. (?)

3) So far, the Conquistadors that have shown sex appear to be swinging towards AC, or male-ish, tendencies. Therefore, in order to preserve ANY of their genes, I must breed out. Of the females that I have, does anyone have a suggestion as to what might be the best cross? (Papaya, unknown, Cali. Indica x Big Bud, POSSIBLY one Conquistador, which.. let's keep our fingers crossed). Who knows, maybe I'll just pick a site on each lady and pollinate each of them with a little bit of each fella. But not The Little Tortilla Boy, his days' end are fast approaching. No need to try to fix his problems anymore. ;)

I have to upload my pix... :oops: (It's time-consuming)


Well-Known Member
I find it veeerrry interesting that your Connies aren't showing sex yet either. They seem to take a while!! I got the one male outdoors but then nothing else from any of the others yet. I keep telling myself, it's almost September, surely I'll see something in the next few weeks!!


Well-Known Member
Wow.. it seems some big changes have gone down here on the site. :?

LB, I do have Conquistadors that are showing sex, they're showing that they're likely to be male. I'm hoping that those that haven't (shown sex) will indeed be female, but delay seems to be no guarantee.

I must be able to figure out very soon if I can clone or not, the known females for sure. I've also done some research, and to separate my males quickly, cheaply, and "on the fly" I need a portable closet. They're often made of a muslin or other light-colored (white), thin, breathable fabric, sometimes with a clear vinyl window, or the whole thing could be made of clear vinyl (not desirable, could become a real hotbox). $42 or so at Walmart will solve that in a neat, zippered-up way. In the meantime, I have a portable hanging rack, some canvas, and maybe some old sheets. I might be able to fashion something not so pretty but utilitarian at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Ok kids, an update: We have two CIxBB females, two Conquistador females, and the Papaya female. Along for the ride are the remaining three bagseed girls, a folly of girls, with one of the three standing out for her dark, full features and lush, voluptuous nature. She may be cloned, she's been through everything and still looks great. Small and compact due to LST and some bad stressors, she's got about four main little colas. I can hardly wait to see her in flower.

One of the Conquistadors, #23, needs to be repotted as she's only in 1.89 gallons. She wants for bigger digs, give them to her I say, I've earned it and so has she!

Ms. Papaya, having an entire 4 gallon pot to herself from early on, has given me some clones. They look good this morning, surprisingly. I threw everything I had at them, seaweed extract, rooting hormone, peat pots planted in a sandy-soil mix rich in earthworm castings and dampened with more seaweed extract, then some water that I forgot to dose with Super Plant Tonic (duh!).

Two of the CIxBB girls gave me some tiny branches for cloning as well, but I think I mixed up which was which, so some are from CIxBB #1, and some are from CIxBB #2. They also seem to be doing well in my tiny cloning bin.

Ok, I need to get uploading some pix, ought I not?



Well-Known Member
Oh, and I think I may have forgotten to mention, if ever there were a nice place to be unemployed and just hanging out, this is it. As long as there aren't any helicopters or other aircraft overhead. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh! Ju meen li'e deese? :|
So, I'm in the middle of killing all but my best two males, I have one or two left to go now. I have a total of nine females, I need to do another head count to see who's who, I know I've got three mystery ladies, one Papaya, two CIxBB, and two Conquistador. That leaves one other woman thing, which I THINK is a Conquistador, but now I can't remember.

One each male CIxBB & Conquistador, both the biggest and brightest boys in their class. Strongest athletes, too. :D



Well-Known Member
looking good. that's paradise if i've ever seen it. who needs candles or incense with that natural perfume factory?


Well-Known Member
It was even better upcountry. However, that was also above the snow line, and me, I'm not so good in steep areas with snow.


Well-Known Member
That was 100% Dave's doing, though I'd had the idea months ago. Only just now he got it sorted out. I spend so much time out there as it is, now it's worse. I LOVE having my coffee in the morning out there. I love sunning out there, it's TOTALLY private. I considered sunning naked, but there are people home and I have never sunned my tender bits before, so I thought maybe it might be wise to not do that just yet.

I've taken more clones, and pix of clones, and pix of girls and girly hairs. The CIxBB #1 girl, OHMYGOD, there is NO mistaking that! But, it brings me to a question regarding when you start the flowering countdown, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
Update: I've got some clones that seem to have taken. Just to be safe, I took some more, so now I've got six Papaya going, more Conquistador, and some more CIxBB (because they're lookin' the best by FAR at this point!). My second attempt at cloning includes all the ingredients of powdered rooting hormone, Super Plant Tonic (or, Hippie Juice, made by freshly squeezed hippies), a seaweed extract dip, and a mild tea. But this time I found an actual seedling tray. I did not realize that they have these totally cool little channels for channeling water and stuff! It came with peat pellets, I can order Rapid Rooters online when I get the money, but right now it's going into lighting what I have. :D Keep your fingers crossed that these clones take, because if they do, I might at least have a female line going (unless it goes the dreaded hermaphrodite).

I need some dinner.