I dig what you're saying about the minimum being a floor, BUT that problem is also that employers look at as as a standard, trying to get much more is hard... like in most other situations, the ones with the apparent power (the much needed money in this case) hold a bit more power (of course if more people pressured for better wages based on actual job/job performance, that could be done as well.
I think we will have to disagree on he youth on the nation, though not the state of the naion itself, economically. Yes, things aren't as ood as people would like to have us believe... But I'm 35... so not that old... despite good grades etc, I had to drop out of college (NYU, just sayin'

)... I've been working (on some even) since I was a little tyke. Even living in NYC, with such a high cos of living, relative low minimum wage, and the economic downturn (this was in the early/mid 2000s) I mad ends meet.
I've also travelled around (the U.S.) a bit, and spent a lot of time around college age kids... from my experience, over all... not a brain trust. Seriously worried for the future of this nation. I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here (again, over all). There has definitely been a progressive (and exponential) decline in a lot of the things that made "the greatest generation" for example, really greater than the current one (tougher, more honest, harder working, better sense of value, a better sense of Values (the other kind), and a myriad other things.
Don't get me wrong, progress has been made... but a lot has been lost a well.