Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

Nothing screams liberal like personal attacks without addressing the issues brought up.
Bro your witless ignorance merits zero consideration. That's why you were a mistaken horses ass in 2012, today you speak with all the authority of a crusted goats ass.
You are right. The minimum wage is just a wage floor. It's not a living wage. A living wage for everybody who works full time is an honorable goal. I don't see how enacting a higher minimum wage now creates a barrier to doing the other.

Disagree about the youth of this country. They are well educated, bright, enthusiastic and facing headwinds in the jobs market like nobody has seen in about 80 years. The Great Recession is lingering and has set back an entire generation. Eventually things will work out for them but they'll probably never make up for ten or so years of making ends meet in the 25% or so unemployment level found in their demographic. They got a raw deal and old fucks like you only rub salt in the wound.

I dig what you're saying about the minimum being a floor, BUT that problem is also that employers look at as as a standard, trying to get much more is hard... like in most other situations, the ones with the apparent power (the much needed money in this case) hold a bit more power (of course if more people pressured for better wages based on actual job/job performance, that could be done as well.

I think we will have to disagree on he youth on the nation, though not the state of the naion itself, economically. Yes, things aren't as ood as people would like to have us believe... But I'm 35... so not that old... despite good grades etc, I had to drop out of college (NYU, just sayin' ;-))... I've been working (on some even) since I was a little tyke. Even living in NYC, with such a high cos of living, relative low minimum wage, and the economic downturn (this was in the early/mid 2000s) I mad ends meet.

I've also travelled around (the U.S.) a bit, and spent a lot of time around college age kids... from my experience, over all... not a brain trust. Seriously worried for the future of this nation. I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here (again, over all). There has definitely been a progressive (and exponential) decline in a lot of the things that made "the greatest generation" for example, really greater than the current one (tougher, more honest, harder working, better sense of value, a better sense of Values (the other kind), and a myriad other things.

Don't get me wrong, progress has been made... but a lot has been lost a well.
i've found that going to college and getting an education in something that interests you and has a demand for said education is the best way to get ahead. community colleges have pretty good deals for those that are unemployed and more deals if you are a minority(sorry white people-you have no idea what it's like to be poor)
You have no idea what's its like to be educated.
That has been forever. The great thing is that you actually can start your own business although the government keeps making it harder.

Most people want to work 9-5 and somehow make bank president someday without understanding the work involved in between.
Your ideas sound like they grew from intense conversations with goats in a cave.
I dig what you're saying about the minimum being a floor, BUT that problem is also that employers look at as as a standard, trying to get much more is hard... like in most other situations, the ones with the apparent power (the much needed money in this case) hold a bit more power (of course if more people pressured for better wages based on actual job/job performance, that could be done as well.

I think we will have to disagree on he youth on the nation, though not the state of the naion itself, economically. Yes, things aren't as ood as people would like to have us believe... But I'm 35... so not that old... despite good grades etc, I had to drop out of college (NYU, just sayin' ;-))... I've been working (on some even) since I was a little tyke. Even living in NYC, with such a high cos of living, relative low minimum wage, and the economic downturn (this was in the early/mid 2000s) I mad ends meet.

I've also travelled around (the U.S.) a bit, and spent a lot of time around college age kids... from my experience, over all... not a brain trust. Seriously worried for the future of this nation. I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here (again, over all). There has definitely been a progressive (and exponential) decline in a lot of the things that made "the greatest generation" for example, really greater than the current one (tougher, more honest, harder working, better sense of value, a better sense of Values (the other kind), and a myriad other things.

Don't get me wrong, progress has been made... but a lot has been lost a well.

wait till they start putting brawndo on the plants.
Yes, that is exactly what you did as well. They may be better off, they may be worse off. But even if they are better off it is $250 bucks a year. It isnt going to change anyones lifestyle.

However, that job that would have paid a kid $12.50 and got him a start in the business world is no longer available. The government has now forbidden it. But you always have been a prohibitionist so this would make you happy.

So that kid gets no job, gets no future... Thanks Fogdog and Obama and Seattle.
I quoted the headline and the overall conclusion from the article. I didn't cherry pick a statistic to create a false impression as you did. The overall point of that article and the one it quoted from the Seattle Times article about University of Washington's study was that Seattle's minimum wage increase which now stands at $11/hr did not cause the devastation that right wingers claim it was going to cause when the bill was enacted.

Higher Minimum Wage Has Had Moderate Benefits, UW Report Says

The sky has not fallen. That’s the takeaway from a new report on the effects of Seattle’s newly heightened minimum wage.

I quoted the headline and the overall conclusion from the article. I didn't cherry pick a statistic to create a false impression as you did. The overall point of that article and the one it quoted from the Seattle Times article about University of Washington's study was that Seattle's minimum wage increase which now stands at $11/hr did not cause the devastation that right wingers claim it was going to cause when the bill was enacted.

Higher Minimum Wage Has Had Moderate Benefits, UW Report Says

The sky has not fallen. That’s the takeaway from a new report on the effects of Seattle’s newly heightened minimum wage.

I say it hasnt really helped and maybe hurt. Your article says it increased peoples pay by a few dollars a week.

The government has yet again dictated, jobs have been lost, some people get a couple of bucks extra a week and you call it a success.

Makes me understand why you constantly call me a failure. You have it opposite.

How much is that minimum wage going to help the guy that is now unemployed???

Your left leaning article spun it up the best they could but the sky was never going to fall, the plan simply was not going to work which has been demonstrated yet again.

Cant wait for 5 years from now when Seattle is in a recession... Lets watch the revenue drop from lost jobs. You cant tax a robot an hourly rate.
I dig what you're saying about the minimum being a floor, BUT that problem is also that employers look at as as a standard, trying to get much more is hard... like in most other situations, the ones with the apparent power (the much needed money in this case) hold a bit more power (of course if more people pressured for better wages based on actual job/job performance, that could be done as well.

I think we will have to disagree on he youth on the nation, though not the state of the naion itself, economically. Yes, things aren't as ood as people would like to have us believe... But I'm 35... so not that old... despite good grades etc, I had to drop out of college (NYU, just sayin' ;-))... I've been working (on some even) since I was a little tyke. Even living in NYC, with such a high cos of living, relative low minimum wage, and the economic downturn (this was in the early/mid 2000s) I mad ends meet.

I've also travelled around (the U.S.) a bit, and spent a lot of time around college age kids... from my experience, over all... not a brain trust. Seriously worried for the future of this nation. I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here (again, over all). There has definitely been a progressive (and exponential) decline in a lot of the things that made "the greatest generation" for example, really greater than the current one (tougher, more honest, harder working, better sense of value, a better sense of Values (the other kind), and a myriad other things.

Don't get me wrong, progress has been made... but a lot has been lost a well.

Every generation seems brain dead to the older ones that have been seasoned by the realities of the world. I think it's been that way ever since before Homo Sapiens became Sapiens. Just saying that you may be 35 but to them you are an old fuck. Especially when bewailing the callow youth of today. I'll bet your parents or their friends thought you were a dipshit when you left college too. Doesn't sound like it worked out all that great for you in the 2000's but the recovery from that downturn was quick and nothing like the decade-long miasma this one is turning into.

So you did OK in the long run, that's a good thing. As it will be in a few years for those of similar age to yours in 2000. Just saying they are smart, motivated and you better be ready to compete against them soon.
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Every generation seems brain dead to the older ones that have been seasoned by the realities of the world. I think it's been that way ever since before Homo Sapiens became Sapiens. Just saying that you may be 35 but to them you are an old fuck. Especially when bewailing the callow youth of today. I'll bet your parents or their friends thought you were a dipshit when you left college too. Doesn't sound like it worked out all that great for you in the 2000's but the recovery from that downturn was quick and nothing like the decade-long miasma this one is turning into. So you did OK in the long run. As it will be for those of similar age to yours in 2000. Just saying they are smart, motivated and you better be ready to compete against them soon.

Actually pretty much everyone I ever met has always considered me very mature and intelligent, plus my parents had been dead a while and I was taking care of myself... so no, not much of a dip shit here.

But I do get your point, and tried to address it...

"I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here"

I did OK because I'm smart, hard working, and willing to do things a lot of other people won't, like manual labor, and teaching myself useful skills (gardening, construction, many computer related skills... I do IT ;-)... the ability to communicate...). I have made it in war zones (literally) and in neighborhoods in this country that are almost as bad as what people always think of as the third world.

I promise you, neither the educational system nor any other such factors outside myself have contributed very much to me being ok now.

I'm just that cool ;-)
I say it hasnt really helped and maybe hurt. Your article says it increased peoples pay by a few dollars a week.

That's not what you said. This is what you said:

They are not getting a little help, they are getting hurt. That is the issue here.

A soon as somebody shows you to be an idiot you deny you said it. Just like TRUMP! who denies daily the shit he said the day before.

The government has yet again dictated, jobs have been lost, some people get a couple of bucks extra a week and you call it a success.

Makes me understand why you constantly call me a failure. You have it opposite.

How much is that minimum wage going to help the guy that is now unemployed???

Your left leaning article spun it up the best they could but the sky was never going to fall, the plan simply was not going to work which has been demonstrated yet again.

Cant wait for 5 years from now when Seattle is in a recession... Lets watch the revenue drop from lost jobs. You cant tax a robot an hourly rate.
And there we have it again. You go right back to your vomit and lick it up. Reports come out to show Seattle was not devasted by the moderate pay rise and now you say you can't wait for it to 5 more years.

A broken clock is right every 12 hours. So, Seattle is due a recession as is the rest of the country. You can claim its due to a $12 minimum wage then, and be wrong but feel vindicated. (snicker)

You are over confident in your ability to predict what will happen. Remember when you said Baltimore after the Gray decision came down that Baltimore would burn because black people can't control themselves when they get angry? That they would go right out into the streets and burn down their own neighborhoods. Didn't happen did it?

How about your over confidence? That's a major predictor of a failing businessman. I predict in five years you will be in a different business because your current one failed. But it won't be due to your actions. Somebody fucked you over. Just like your partner in your previous failed business as a pool cleaning guy. (snicker)

Actually pretty much everyone I ever met has always considered me very mature and intelligent, plus my parents had been dead a while and I was taking care of myself... so no, not much of a dip shit here.

But I do get your point, and tried to address it...

"I know the old look at the new with disdain as a matter of course... I like youth to be honest, usually it comes with a lot of good ideas and lots of energy. At least some new thinking. But I'm not seeing that here"

I did OK because I'm smart, hard working, and willing to do things a lot of other people won't, like manual labor, and teaching myself useful skills (gardening, construction, many computer related skills... I do IT ;-)... the ability to communicate...). I have made it in war zones (literally) and in neighborhoods in this country that are almost as bad as what people always think of as the third world.

I promise you, neither the educational system nor any other such factors outside myself have contributed very much to me being ok now.

I'm just that cool ;-)
I'm not going to give any room to the argument that today's youth are any different from earlier generations. The word callow has been around a loooooong time. It describes that transitional period between young adult and adult. Only a few avoid that embarrassing transition.

I'm glad it worked out for you. Maybe you are exceptional. I have no idea. You are not exceptional when it comes to looking down your nose at younger people.
i know that la fitness, one of the largest west coast fitness clubs, instead of having to deal with the min wage hike closed all their seattle gyms. i'd say that was a negative reaction and caused a net loss in jobs and opportunities.
That's not what you said. This is what you said:

A soon as somebody shows you to be an idiot you deny you said it. Just like TRUMP! who denies daily the shit he said the day before.

And there we have it again. You go right back to your vomit and lick it up. Reports come out to show Seattle was not devasted by the moderate pay rise and now you say you can't wait for it to 5 more years.

A broken clock is right every 12 hours. So, Seattle is due a recession as is the rest of the country. You can claim its due to a $12 minimum wage then, and be wrong but feel vindicated. (snicker)

You are over confident in your ability to predict what will happen. Remember when you said Baltimore after the Gray decision came down that Baltimore would burn because black people can't control themselves when they get angry? That they would go right out into the streets and burn down their own neighborhoods. Didn't happen did it?

How about your over confidence? That's a major predictor of a failing businessman. I predict in five years you will be in a different business because your current one failed. But it won't be due to your actions. Somebody fucked you over. Just like your partner in your previous failed business as a pool cleaning guy. (snicker)


If some people make a couple bucks a week more but some other people get fired or never get hired then we have a disagreement over whether it is helping or hurting. You are looking strictly at the dollars and not taking into account the added cost of those dollars in lost jobs.

What are you talking about with the pool business? I hurt my back and decided to sell it. I sold it to a guy I have no contact with. It made me a good profit. Now my capacity to make a profit has doubled. If I am in a different business in 5 years it is because I can make more money at that. I never had a partner in any business.

Being successful is going out and making it on your own, not waiting for the government to legislate it for you.
You are not exceptional when it comes to looking down your nose at younger people.

No one's perfect, I just get sooo close ;-)

And yeah, due to my personal experience (not just an arbitrary judgement on younger people... and by the way, I count people my age as dumb lazy shits too, so there's that) interacting with a lot of high school, college, and other people in their teens up to my the last oh 20 years... I have come to feel that way.

If you have a lot of experience with those age groups, and can say different... I envy you, I wish I could hope that much.
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If some people make a couple bucks a week more but some other people get fired or never get hired then we have a disagreement over whether it is helping or hurting. You are looking strictly at the dollars and not taking into account the added cost of those dollars in lost jobs.

What are you talking about with the pool business? I hurt my back and decided to sell it. I sold it to a guy I have no contact with. It made me a good profit. Now my capacity to make a profit has doubled. If I am in a different business in 5 years it is because I can make more money at that. I never had a partner in any business.

Being successful is going out and making it on your own, not waiting for the government to legislate it for you.
but according to the progressive left, you didn't build that business.