Second Grow 150w HPS


Active Member
I adjusted the LST yesterday to bend the main stems a bit more, they've recovered nicely since then. Decided to go ahead and top the back three to try and keep them a bit shorter. Gave another feeding today, full strength but hopefully they won't burn much if at all.

The 6 of the healthy pheno are continuing to look strong, while the other two are slowly recovering from all of their problems. Unfortunately keeping the light high enough to not upset the sickly two means the others are all stretching a bit. I went ahead and moved the light back down a couple inches and if the two sickly ones get worse again I'm just going to toss them. Don't really see the point in keeping them around when they are having a negative impact on the others.

Pics in a couple min.


Active Member
This shows the whole setup with the carbon filter and fan installed. Still need to add weatherstripping where the fan is mounted to kill some of the vibration noise. Also going to have to move the rear mount point for the light back about two inches so the chain wont be touching the fan anymore.

All of the plants together inside. Temps are staying between 80-84F and humidity is around 50-65% with the high being shortly after the plants are watered. When i repot the females I am going to remove the layer of stones I put over the soil as it is keeping in too much moisture.

Below Is one of the two sickly plants and then one of the healthy ones from two angles. The difference in pheno is pretty clear in structure and the fact that they've had identical conditions from the start but one is in such bad shape.



Hopefully no more than another two weeks before they're big enough to switch to 12/12. Next grow will almost certainly be with an LED, though I'm still considering CMH at this point too.


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Finally got around to checking out your journal, KawiZZR. Def subbed up for the ride. I really dig a good LST and/or microgrow.


Active Member
Just updated with pics yesterday, but I'm bored so now a mini update. The sickly looking plants are looking just as bad today, but don't look any worse off than they did before and they're still growing so for the moment they get to stay. Below are a couple pics of the same healthy plant as yesterday. Doesn't seem stressed by the nutes in any way, think I might even try increasing the amount next time they get a feeding. First and third pics are yesterday, second and fourth are today.






Active Member
Everything is looking really good, one of the two bad plants perked up quite a bit and is looking pretty healthy. The other ones are all looking good still, filled out decently since the lst and topping the other week. I'll add some pics tomorrow during lights on.

Going to start 12/12 by the end of the week. They've just about covered the cabinet floor space at this point, so once males are pulled it should still be pretty full. Haven't gotten a new bulb for the light yet, hopefully in the next few days.


Active Member
Pic update:
The 7 remaining (killed off the one that wasn't recovering) before additional lst today.



After some more lst to the front four plants.

Same healthy plant as the other week from a few angles.



The sickly plant from before that has improved drastically. Still much leggier than the others, and with smaller leaves, but it is a much healthier green than before.



Active Member
Changed light schedule today, set it up so that today is 14/10 and tomorrow starts 12/12. Not sure if I should use 10" round pots or get 9" square pots that I saw the other day. Either way I could only fit 4 pots, just not sure which would be better. Any suggestions?

Smokey, I'm almost sure someone asked you this before but I can't find it. What's the coverage area of the blackstar like? I can see it covers your tent well but idr what size it is? My area is only 19x23 so I'm hoping it would cover that with no problem. My temps are still creeping up into the mid 80s sometimes so I'm thinking I might have to break down and get an led to better manage the heat. The exhaust fan/filter is helping a lot but there's just too much heat in that small space sometimes. I can remove the center divider and I'll end up with 19x46 but I wouldn't be able to cover that with just the 150 so I'd need another light anyway.


Active Member
End of the second day of 12/12, the last three days have shown some really nice growth. Unfortunately the One plant of the different pheno is starting to fall pretty far behind in growth. Should be able to tell sex of them all by end of next week.

Couple of pics:
Same one as before but much fuller.

Still staying pretty short with tight internodes, curious as to how much they'll stretch in the next two weeks.

It is starting to get overly full inside, ready to start thinning the herd soon as they show.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
heres a picture of my bagseed i was tellin ya about.this was a seed in jiffy cup 4/4/11_popped her head out of soil on 4/8/11. i topped her at 9th node,and she is a hedge.this picture doesnt do justice here!shes 3 mo. from seed,and preflowering.i wish i knew the genetics! my bro got a whole plant givin to him cuz of the seeds.i got every one of them!wouldnt normal just randomly try a bagseed,but soooo glad i did!


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
shes in a 5 gallon.that is really only like half of her! slight fruity smell when ya mess w/her,but really a low odor strain so far.ill grow this bagseed til i run outa seeds!for realz.i cant wait to see her all personal use,so not real worried about quanity.


Active Member
Thats awesome, and I think that should be the goal of everyone who grows, just to provide for themselves and occasionally friends. Unfortunately I checked this morning and so far I have 4 males! I'm really hoping I get at least 2 females out of the three left. I cut clones from the really unhealthy plant I trashed the other week, and surprisingly three of the four are still doing well.

So if I end up with only one female or even if I get two, I may just take a bunch of clones off the girl(s) and go back to veg for a couple weeks then flower those in 6" pots. Bc if I were to flower just a single one right now it would not be worth the time. If nothing else I can always throw a bunch of new seeds into party cups and go 12/12 from seed.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
party cups are a pain in the ass bro.IMO only id havta say the 6"pots or somethin similar would be better than cups.if you look around,most folk have def probs n shyt in them cups.rootbound is a gaurntee.i did 1 gal pots,got great dry yeild over all,did 12.staggered harvest from march-may.


Active Member
Yeah, I know they can cause issues but I ran a few on the side last time under cfls and averaged 6-8g going 12/12 from seed so I don't mind them terribly. Hopefully my last three are all females though so I won't have to start more right now.


Active Member
Haha no worries, I've still got a bunch to learn and I know it. In all likelihood I just got lucky with not having any problems last time. Since the cfls were pretty cool I didn't have any issues with the soil drying out too quick or not having enough available nutrients. I learned never to buy miracle grow products again though. The peat moss I'm using is mg brand and so far I've been having issues with gnats and have been pulling little sprouts every week or two. They aren't damaging anything so I've left them out but they are rather annoying. I'll get a pick tomorrow during lights on of one of the pots where I didn't pul a random sprout early enough and now I'm afraid to bc I don't want to leave roots behind to rot in the soil. Starting next round I'm using better soil though, rather not have these little problems along the way. Mg gets to stay in the outdoor garden from now on.

And happy 4th to you as well man!