Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!


Active Member
Also worth mentioning that you arent using your tap water is that you will probably need a cal/mag supplement. Thats a big thing for coco users. People who use tap water dont usually have issues.
The hydro store I purchased the stuff from helped a lot. Turns out since I took five hours to grind the coco up, there is no need to soak it. The General Hydroponics Coco-Tek has almost no salt in it as well, and he mentioned that you don't need to rinse anything from it. Only wet it to expand it, but..I did the expanding the hard way. He said you can do it that way, but it's a "pain in the ass" to do..and that it was for both the Mrs. and myself >.<. Two people, five hours of grinding that damn brick to what it is now could have been far more easy.

As for nutrients he recommended one that is specifically made for Coco. I forget the name, but the pair for vegging and flowering together is $30.00. Have to go pick that up today. But then my issue is I have no PH meter, and I heard those are quite pricey.


Active Member
That could be a problem, you could put it in bigger pot. I don't see your size pot. you could expand it and transplant into a bigger pot. You can use soil base nutes with coco, It consider soiless soil, I am going to mix a "super soil" and only a top dressing about half way
The pot I am using for all three plants are five gallon buckets. From what I have learned I simply need hydro nutrients, the coco-tek is perfectly fine as is, may need cal and mag supplement since I am using Crystal Geyser water by the gallon, and a PH meter would always help. Seems as if all I will be able to do today is the vegging and flowering hydro nutrients. Think I will be fine one the other issues for a few days?


Well-Known Member
I would stick to your plan. Nice save on the coco. I have spring water that ph at 6.8, plus using coco as replacement for base soil, ph isn't that much of a problem, because of added lime. I am harvest a big plant right now, I get high off of smelling it, nice big happy high. The main cola is longer then the entire small purple haze, this one is sister to small one.:weed: time


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in $100 meters. I have the $7 ones from Ebay (ph, ppm), I dont use them anymore but its good to know what your water is at every now and then.


Well-Known Member
LOL I should add I was laughing at your posts, you're an OCD motherfucker! I dont mean that in a bad way of course. The excitement dwindles eventually then yer just wanting someone else to water your plants! My wife has watered mine uhh twice for me, and she kicked the whole way!


Well-Known Member
What's good Ocho? Here is some info on those WWxBB girls. Be prepared for one hell of a stretch. I grow in the same exact area as you and run a 400w HPS all the way through. I'm currently growing 1 WWxBB and it streched like a big dog! If you don't know, Female Seeds are Nirvana crosses. Some of Nirvanas strains have an unknown parent so you really have a crap shoot on your hands. Its always good to do as much research as you can on a strain. My WWxBB was a freebie from Tude so who really knows if its a WWxBB bean. Mine is growing like a sativa though. Try to start your seeds in a small pot to control height. It will also help you when watering as you can pick up the smaller pots to see if they need watering. A 5 gallon bucket to start from could cause you some issues especially over watering. Its easy to do when you have a baby plant in a big pot... That's my 2 cents. Happy growing! BTW... I have 1 bubblelicious from Nirvana, 1 Plushberry plus 2 clones from her, 1 cross from a buddy, (Ultimate Chem 08 x Super Strawberry diesel) x The Purps, 1 Mad Scientist from Sannie, 1 Kushage from THSeeds and the WWxBB all goin right now, just at different stages.


Active Member
What's good Ocho? Here is some info on those WWxBB girls. Be prepared for one hell of a stretch. I grow in the same exact area as you and run a 400w HPS all the way through. I'm currently growing 1 WWxBB and it streched like a big dog! If you don't know, Female Seeds are Nirvana crosses. Some of Nirvanas strains have an unknown parent so you really have a crap shoot on your hands. Its always good to do as much research as you can on a strain. My WWxBB was a freebie from Tude so who really knows if its a WWxBB bean. Mine is growing like a sativa though. Try to start your seeds in a small pot to control height. It will also help you when watering as you can pick up the smaller pots to see if they need watering. A 5 gallon bucket to start from could cause you some issues especially over watering. Its easy to do when you have a baby plant in a big pot... That's my 2 cents. Happy growing! BTW... I have 1 bubblelicious from Nirvana, 1 Plushberry plus 2 clones from her, 1 cross from a buddy, (Ultimate Chem 08 x Super Strawberry diesel) x The Purps, 1 Mad Scientist from Sannie, 1 Kushage from THSeeds and the WWxBB all goin right now, just at different stages.
Well I appreciate your input very very much. My biggest seedling will be 3 days old today, the other 2, the other not even a day. Though it doesn't seem they did much while I slept for the past few hours, its probably due to the fact that A.) It was only 4 hours ago B.) Still need to go grab the hydro nutrients. I guess the Jacks Classic would help some as I have been feeding the babies a very diluted version of the 1/4 strength, but probably not like that hydro nutes.

I greatly appreciate the advice. +Rep to you, and thank you very much auldone :D!


MAn this looks! great! best of luck! looking forward to seeing how it goes alogn the way, I'll be here por the ride too! :D :clap:


Active Member
Hello everyone :D. I hope you are all having a good evening..or day if it isn't dark where you are :D. A small update here for you guys ^_^.

I went to the hydro store earlier, and made it just in time. Being almost broke, he cut me a seven dollar deal and sold me the nutrients cheaper than what they were for $15.00. This is the same nutrients he uses throughout the entire store, and this solution is good for the entire vegetative stage. Also, it has all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients that are need. What do you guys think :D?


He said to not mix this with Jack's classic, and to use this for all of vegging. I am no longer going to use the Jacks Classic, and from here on out these will be my Vegging nutrients. Friday I am going back to pick up Nutrients for flowering, and he recommended the container of Fox Farm's Big Bloom (Same size deal as this), which runs $15.00 as well.

Little girls haven't changed much, except the one I removed the seed casing from is opening up to the light excellently.

Thank you everyone :D!



Active Member
cant wait to see this unfold, should be a good grow ocho im sub'd
Hattowndank, welcome, and it's great to have you here with us all :D. +Rep for you, and ill be typing a little update/overview of what I learned with the research I have done on Coco-tek for the last 15 hours :3. Thanks again hattown :3


Well-Known Member
Hey ocho, those nute look like they cover entire grow. I used Fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. Big Bloom was add with tiger bloom in flower. So with thoses look like you be


Active Member
Hey ocho, those nute look like they cover entire grow. I used Fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. Big Bloom was add with tiger bloom in flower. So with thoses look like you be
Thats absolutely great. You think that it will even be good for flowering? If not, that is fine. Fox farm is not that expensive, and they sell it in three packs as well for only $45.00 (Two blooms and a vegging).

I realized with Jack's Classic that added lime in the soil helps to incorporate the Jack's Classic at it's best, but I never added lime in my grows. The last two grows, one that was stolen, I simply grew in Scott's Topsoil from Walmart ($3.00), and mixed in a Miracle Grow Peat Moss. The ratio was around 60/30, and never added lime. Used Jack's both all purpose and blossom booster at 1/4 strength, maybe a tad more here and there, the entire grow. Never had any issues, but seeing that this medium is around 90% to 95% Coco and the rest soil, it best to go with the Hydro friendly nutrients.

And on the plus side, this solution can be used in both soil and coco coir. So whether I stick to Coco, Soil, or bounce back and fourth between the two, it's good for all of it.:leaf:

Stay tuned for a small update :D. Thank you :3!



Active Member
Another Update :D -

So I know staring at seedlings for updates can be repetitive and lightweight spamming my journal, but that is why they call it a journal :D. Here is another update for all of you here, as well as all of you reading and possibly subscribing :D.

General Hydroponics Coco-Tek Brick is my medium, and it in fact does not need rinsed. I had a little panic earlier this morning after reading research I should have read prior to planting, but luckily I was being overly paranoid. The medium is 100% organic, and in fact does not need flushed of salts like a lot of Coco Coir out there. My worry was the fact that I did not add water to the Coco-Tek brick to expand it from a hard brick to the medium for the growing.


^Lulz at the Cat investigating XD. Onward ^_^. Instead, the Mrs. and myself went to town on the brick. Clean hands, a lot of muscle pain, and five hours of breaking and grinding chunks apart down to the medium. Now you can in fact do this, but I do recommend just adding saves A LOT of trouble. So in the end, I was lucky. Coco requires water to expand from that hard rock like brick to its medium, and since I did the hard exhausting method, there is no issue. Coco coir also typically contains a lot salt traces within it, and requires rinsed of it. And lucky for me, General Hydroponics already completed that task for me. Again, super lucky, and no issue there again. Anyone that is new to Coco, and do not know this yet, Coco is a soiless medium, and contains no nutrients. It is not a soil grow, and you cannot treat it as one as I nearly did >.<. Also, if you read that flushing daily or even weekly is required, please look up the Ask Ed's Coco guide. Rule of thumb, flushing one time a month. That is unless or course you see any plant issues or deficiencies. In that case, you may need to check your PH levels, add CAL, MAG, ect., or do a flush due to excessive nutrients.

As you may have seen previously, I was going to use Jack's classic nutrients, all purpose and blossom booster, for the grow as my last grows went perfect with it. Well, thanks to my new friends that pointed a few issues out, and sent me on a path of super 15-hour research, I definitely realized that HYDRO-FRIENDLY NUTRIENTS ARE BEST IN COCO. I purchased the nutrients you see a couple posts above this as well as below here. Cannot beat it for $19.99, as Roofwayne pointed out how they are an excellent choice, as well as the levels of the ingredients it contains. All of the water I had already made up, with the Jack's soultions, I have stored away for in the future. I added 1/4 strength to a gallon of water, filled my spray bottle up, and put it in the grow so the solution is not cold (cold will shock your plants, and can easily kill them), and ready for feeding later on :D.

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A slight issue I encountered/noticed..

The third plant, that I removed the seed head off of today, was most definitely taking too much heat from the light. It is in the grey bucket, and that bucket is around four or five inches taller than the other two. Luckily, it seems no damage was done, but would have if not checked on as constantly as I do. Which is really constant :o. I rearranged the buckets as well as tilted the fan upwards. The tallest bucket, with the third smallest baby in it, is now further away from the light. Before it was underneath it practically, thus the heat issue. It is already hard enough to arrange thee 5-Gallon bucks underneath this light without the plants tilting towards it some. Since the issue occurred, she is still getting light, just a not as extreme. She is fresh out of the seed shell I removed earlier today, and the other girls are much taller than her. Why risk a plant when rearranging will benefit the other two, as well as help a safe growth of the third. Below is a picture of what I did to the setup, what do you guys think? I believe once she is three inches tall or so, it will be much easier to not fry her. Along with that, she will most likely be behind in growth compared to the other two. Any input, advice, or thoughts :D?

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Now to the update on the babies :D..Due to the fact that all of these plants are WW x BB, I haven't made any nicknames for them. So here is what they shall be called, as it has been what I have used in my head and on pictures to differentiate that plants from one another..

*Number One - Popped on Easter Sunday, oldest of all of the three, as well as the biggest. Had the slight lean towards the light, as you can see in the picture, but after repositioning the buckets it has straightened once again. Interesting how half the seed is still attached :D. Picture is below, and she is three days old :D.

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*Number Two - Popped the day after Easter, second oldest, and is not far behind number one. Picture is below and she is two days old here :D

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*The Ugly Duckling - Popped up just barely on Tuesday, and still has the seed on it's head. The smallest and youngest of all of them. Thank you supchaka, as he encouraged me to remove that seed head. The pictures below show from when it popped and up to now. She is 1 day old ^_^.

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As for a few other last details:

Temperature and Humidity: Temperature typically at a stable 75F, and has not exceeded 77F. Humidity also is typically at a stable 37%, and does not exceed 40%. I keep proper air flow with the fan, closet door open, as well as the door of the room open. Seedling also will be strong, as the fan gives them a good wiggle ^_^.

Lighting: Still at 100W, so these girls don't fry. Eight inches above them.
I will return whenever any reply is posted, as well as a vital question for anyone here that can answer it. DUN-DUN-DUN.'s really important >.<. Thank you everyone, can't wait to hear back :D!
