Security camera install... Can I keep it plugged in to an outside plug all the time??


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to keep the camera plugged in to an outside plug that will be exposed to the snow and rain all the time??
The plug is on the side of my house about 1 foot above the ground... Can I keep it plugged in or will the rain and snow get into the receptacle??
The plug is on the side of my house about 1 foot above the ground... Can I keep it plugged in or will the rain and snow get into the receptacle??

Also the plug has a cover on it, but when its plugged in the plug is exposed to the rain snow.
You get a UL listed live use receptacle cover for it which is bigger, or run a cord ( like the link below) to a waterproof junction box and make a connection there.

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No what??
Is it a gfi plug
I'm mean yer asking an impossible question for us to know without being there and seeing it
Hints.. is it:
Horizontal AC power outlet vs vertical outlet
Same for the plug in DC power supply; bottom or side wire?
a big brick, a tiny brick...
etc, what a picture would say in 1000 words.
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Best case scenario is nothing bad happens at all and your exterior outlet is a gfci like it SHOULD be, so it simply turns itself off as needed.

Worst case scenario is it isn't gfci protected, water gets inside of it, it shorts out, and either simply trips the breaker (or a gfci upstream from it) or starts an electrical fire.

Good luck not burning your house down! If it was me, id Google "gfci outlet" so you know if you have one or not. If you dont have one, change the outlet to one (super duper easy if your not an idiot.. and even then), and get a cover on it. Your talking about unscrewing and rescrewing a few screws.. no big deal. If yoyr in the US, do black to gold screw, white to silver screw, ground to green screw.. done deal