See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

.....and apparently your one of them. :razz::razz::lol:

Why is that? Because I live in America? I didn't vote for that idiot. He was voted in because more of the younger generation voted now and also because 95% of the African American population voted for him because he is also African American and has a way of influencing people by the way he TALKS. So could Hitler, Stalin and Hussein to mention a few. Not just obama but most all of our govt officials are insane.
Why is that? Because I live in America? I didn't vote for that idiot. He was voted in because more of the younger generation voted now and also because 95% of the African American population voted for him because he is also African American and has a way of influencing people by the way he TALKS. So could Hitler, Stalin and Hussein to mention a few. Not just obama but most all of our govt officials are insane.

I absolutely agree, Obama is the same creature as any other modern American political puppet, except that now people actually will be delusional just to like the guy. When the American populace blindly and happily supports our gov't (presuming that the gov't both knows whats best for us and has any desire to achieve it) because of this ass clown, far more subversive hidden attacks on our rights and well-beings are made possible.:spew:

I guess it's hard to be an optimistic historian in this country, the mechanisms of this government's delusions and double talk were sown long ago, now they are just budding irreversably. :peace: and love
Sure is nice to hear something from someone with some sense. Especially coming from a state like Cali where it is mostly Democratic.

You're right it started long ago and is now coming to fruitation. People had better wake up and realize what this guy is doing or it will be too late.
I hope none of you guys voted for this halfwit because you thought he would push to legalize MJ! Now he's getting our guns AND printing money. What a freakin douchebag!!
The reason its not legal is because of the money it already makes. First off it was make illigal because it threatened the lumber company because it was so easy and cheap to grow and it has so many uses (paper, silk, rope, natural fuels...etc) It would put the lumber industry out of business(that makes some very rich men unhappy). The last case over the issue before it was illigaized was "It encourages young white women to have sexual relations with negros." They care not for the saftey of your and I, as one can easly comprehend because cigs and alcohol which kill hundreds of thousands every year are perfectly legal. whos the last person you heard died because of a toke of pure mary jane? Also...all the money they make with tickes and operation busts, the dealers money obtained, etc...they make good money on the "drug war." Sure those poor suckers who got locked up for growing or selling a harmless plant cost money to feed and house in the pen...but why would they care about that? thats our job, as the taxpayers. Besides they cant make it legal now. All the people that did pay tickets, and did hard time will want repreations for the years they lost of their lives for nothing, and there would be lawsuites galore. If it does become legal it will happen VERY slowly. Even if it does (which there is rumor of in CA, they say its in the works of being on the 2009 november ballet) they will be taxing what they can from it. the bill says +5 dollars on every eight boughten from your local 7/11, and a anual fee of 100 dollars PER PLANT. There will still be harrassment to dealers and growers though. Who wants to pay 100 for every plant they grow? might as well buy weed. who wants to pay an extra five at the liqour store when you can get it from your homie for the reg price? shit, who knows...maybe the IRS would get involved with a tax issue like that. n the other hand it would produce tons of new jobs and funds for the now broke CA. Sorry this was long. Somtimes these kind of things work me up. Time for a toke! :bigjoint:
I hate the American government, i love America. Plus it doesnt matter who you voted for...they were all pre picked by the puppet masters. We couldnt make the right choice if we wanted to...though Ron Paul might have made a difference..too bad he was pretty much kept a secret.
I hate the American government, i love America. Plus it doesnt matter who you voted for...they were all pre picked by the puppet masters. We couldnt make the right choice if we wanted to...though Ron Paul might have made a difference..too bad he was pretty much kept a secret.

You know what they say, though: there is no such thing as a poor libertarian. :hump::hump::hump:
Just Remember, all you stoners out there, if you dont want 2 more years of this insane Regime (Bush-Cheney etc.) VOTE, yes that's it, get off your lazy asses and VOTE!! "I give unto you all the herbs bearing seed"

If you do the research you'll find that democrats incarcerate more marijuana offenders than do republicans. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!
Clinton holds the record
The sad state in America is, for so many years most peoples main reason for voting for 1 guy is, hes not as bad as the other guy. Whats wrong with this picture? If the trash that gets trotted out before us isnt accaptable to the majority of us, than nothing will change until most of us accapt a 3rd party, even than that will eventually run into more of the same. Money is the problem, do you realize if Abraham Lincoln were to run for office today, he wouldnt have enough money to do so. The real reform we need in this country is campain finance reform, ban Tv ads, we are not electing actors, oh wait we are so just nevermind. :lol:
its utterly pathetic,everyone whos smoke cannabis knows its safer than alcohol,most people who drink have no idea its both a POISON in its purest and simplest terminology,and a DRUG itself,people are so fucking ignorant its unbeleiveable.

Cannabis could stop 'global warming'(which is all a load of shit anyway,what happened in the last ice age????all those factories perhaps????),we can make plastic,clothes,building materials,fuel....almost anything out of it with 95% less pollution than what we use,and its still denied to us,its utter madness,and most of the products made are of better quality than there current alternatives!!!!

and 'oh cannabis makes you mentally ill etc etc etc etc is all bull too,it can SET IT OFF it SOME people,just like alcohol can,just like many perscription drugs do,but thats all fine and dandy as their legal and taxable.

Prohibition doesnt work,we all gonna keep lighting up,all gonna keep growing,or in some cases,continue putting our money in the hands of criminals to aquire our favourite little herb,because thats what the government encourages us to do,give our money to the criminal system,unless your buying of a close buddy/grower sort of thing(you know the set up im talking about).

And yeh,toke up and let the world burn,winter solstice 2012 is meant to be the beginning of the end,so imma make sure i got some dank bud for then!!!!!

Toke up guys

Max out
Important footage - be sure to watch both documentarys
Whoa...I just watched the 2008 one. I have always known something was wrong, but couldn't really pull it all together...I think this does. It is a little tough to get through sometimes and needs to be replayed in parts for understanding.

You need to see this.
