See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

Hay... are you aware of the massive spending spree which is going on right now? Obama has already spent more than every other President COMBINED. Reagan spent, but his investments paid off for us. :clap: Obama will only bring debt with little else to show for it. Massive debt.

First of all the unregulated theft on Wall Street started under Raygun.

The money spent on bailing out the bankers was not a is the bandage to allow the sheeple to get used to the mass inflation, a way to ease the burden down gently on us all.

Be real is not like he was buying space lasers...and it is not like this is something that Obama...or the Left...or really even the right wants. The alternative is a complete crash of the system...which I am 100% for! I am already at the bottom and have lived for long periods of time on nothing, but a bountiful harvest from the trash. The problem is that 99.9% of the sheeple believe all the bullshit they were taught.

Let's not blame a party, much less a single is the system!

And it seems like we spent ~a trillion during the dubya I am having difficulty believing the "more than any other combined".

If he was not spending the money...the exact same people would be bitching about his lack of know cuz he's black! (kind of)

i think i agree with Hayduke with what he said i do believe that the "system" as it is called is what is failing ( at a rapid rate as well) and not one particular person!
Hay... are you aware of the massive spending spree which is going on right now? Obama has already spent more than every other President COMBINED. Reagan spent, but his investments paid off for us. :clap: Obama will only bring debt with little else to show for it. Massive debt.

Can we see a source on that? im already a republican so if thats true its eye popping. Bush must have spent tons bailing companies out aswell, in iraq and afganistan. Other presidents spent much more then bush in wars, projects and whatever.
Anyone that smokes pot and labels themselves a Democrat or Republican is kinda stupid if you ask me. Libertarians are the only ones you should be voting for, or do you like hiding and running around at night growing plants in the forest or turning your closet into the amazon?
growing plants in the forest or turning your closet into the amazon?

I actually kinda like this part!!!

I have for a long time loosely aligned myself with the Libertarians on the basic idea that you can do what ever you want, as long as it does not negatively impact others...However I have seen the party grow, not with necessarily like minded lovers of freedom, but by disgruntled fiscal conservatives who got fed up with the willy-nilly spending of the Cheney Administration.

I use to live in the USA, now I moved back to my country, I never voted over there nor here, to me it's silly. Things don't change because they are right or wrong, it's about the profit as we can all see. Cannabis makes the government and companies richer by being illegal than being legal. The DEA survives thanks to catching grow house, smoker, and things of that sort more then any other drug. The pharmaceutical companies obviously don't want it legal, and it's not because "it kills you" bullshit. Most of us know the good reasons of legalizing it, but is not; most of us know the Iraq war was a bad Idea, and still continues. Presidents that that get elected usually are just puppets for big companies. We are living a corporate take over. The only way I think it would be legalize is by them aknolegding they were wrong and pardon many, many people that are in prison because of cannabi, and ofcourse most importantly if they can make more profit that they are right now.

P.S I am not America bashing in my opinion this is how most of the world works.
Agreed....its not one man's fault (Obama) but rather our entire government has been corrupt and its becoming more and more obvious now that our government is handing out millions/billions to companies so that the CEO's can keep their Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

Personally, I think that if the current generation of people in our government die off and the new generation starts to fill in the seats, that this country will turn around.
Agreed....its not one man's fault (Obama) but rather our entire government has been corrupt and its becoming more and more obvious now that our government is handing out millions/billions to companies so that the CEO's can keep their Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

Personally, I think that if the current generation of people in our government die off and the new generation starts to fill in the seats, that this country will turn around.

No, ur quite right. it isn't one man. But it all starts at the top. We now have a president and a Congress who think sucking the private sector dry and driving up cost of living and inflation is the way to go. Nothing could be more wrong and unless we get some parity back in Congress, we are all going to be very broke, for many generations (well, not me, but you...:lol:).
I know most of the stuff being said here is about America.

But I live in Canada and its not as peachy as people think.

I personally have been arrested 3 times for posession.

Now we have our "beloved" pffft stephen harper sneaking a bill through the house of commons involving manditory minimum sentances for production and selling of marijuana. Not one shred of coverage from the media... nothing... When parliment resumes in september all it will take is the senate to pass the bill for it to become law. I believe it's called bill C-15. Calls for a 6 month jail term for 1 marijuana plant.

The only thing that makes me smile is that his wife is getting porked by a mountie.... haha

I think a picture is worth 1000 words however.

The blue guy with a red stripe right up his ass. (wonder what else is in there right next to his head...):hump:


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Not that much. Canada has always looked to Europe for models to copy in medicine. One of the reasons they lag behind us, unfortunately.
Oh my bad... i thought you meant Pharmy Corp.

I think the US has had a great influence on Canada and there are many ways to apply pressure. If the US was blase about it, Canada would be 100% decrim'd by now I think, or close to it.
Oh my bad... i thought you meant Pharmy Corp.

I think the US has had a great influence on Canada and there are many ways to apply pressure. If the US was blase about it, Canada would be 100% decrim'd by now I think, or close to it.
Right and the fact that they are cracking down, smells of US boarder/trade pressure.
