Well-Known Member
Hay... are you aware of the massive spending spree which is going on right now? Obama has already spent more than every other President COMBINED. Reagan spent, but his investments paid off for us.Obama will only bring debt with little else to show for it. Massive debt.
First of all the unregulated theft on Wall Street started under Raygun.
The money spent on bailing out the bankers was not a choice...it is the bandage to allow the sheeple to get used to the mass inflation, a way to ease the burden down gently on us all.
Be real dude...it is not like he was buying space lasers...and it is not like this is something that Obama...or the Left...or really even the right wants. The alternative is a complete crash of the system...which I am 100% for! I am already at the bottom and have lived for long periods of time on nothing, but a bountiful harvest from the trash. The problem is that 99.9% of the sheeple believe all the bullshit they were taught.
Let's not blame a party, much less a single man...it is the system!
And it seems like we spent ~a trillion during the dubya years...so I am having difficulty believing the "more than any other combined".
If he was not spending the money...the exact same people would be bitching about his lack of initiative...you know cuz he's black! (kind of)