See How The Government Is Spending Our Money


New Member
data from the Cato institute shows that the economic growth by these massive stimulis's will be 1/6 th of Obama PREDICTIONS. That's right we are now being governed by predictions. Lawdy...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah its kind of weird how America was getting tired of a White Republican president from Texas, so they find the farthest thing from a White Republican they can find, and they put him up against John McCain...:-|

If McCain had one, nothing would have changed. Now that Obama has won, he is realizing how little power he really has, and everyone is calling in those Favors.

It seems like they got tired of G.W Bush's crappy speeches so they found a guy who knows how to speak to people, both "left and right" trying to "bring the parties together". Obama can "gap the generations" and speak to the younger and the Older generation.

I dunno, I still have hope for Obama, I would love to see some real change, but every day I start to wonder even more.... How much can hope really help?



Active Member
See also Agency Securities ; Municipal Bond ; ... When a government borrows
money it also avoids the excessive tax burden that such .... Hamilton's Blessing
: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt (1997). ..... debt, and
increasing the money supply (government spending = tax revenues + change in


Well-Known Member
When a fuck up happens, would you rather know you fucked up, or....scapegoat!! Government =(


Well-Known Member
what are you guys talking about?!? American government is a magical land of candy-flavored inequality, rainbow coated corporate interest, and high fructose corn syrup red tape... sooooooooo whats the problem?


Well-Known Member
Good representatives...good government
Bad representatives....bad government.
Guess which we have right now? :lol:
out. :blsmoke:
that is a good point, but many would argue that government in all of its modern definitions is innately corrupt, because human beings are prone to imperfection and ridiculousness. I don't think there's a good government anywhere (except maybe Bhutan, check this link), if anything people under the reign of a "good" gov't are just deluded.


Well-Known Member
utilitarianism? lol, i'm in poli sci this semester, it all sounds pretty shitty... but the best i've seen so far was the governance in Bhutan, as mentioned earlier (see link)... they are rockin some peaceful vibes over there, dude.


Well-Known Member
I think they're on to something.

King Jigme Singye Wangchuck would go much further. With the self-confidence of a ruler whose country has never been conquered, he has tried to dictate the terms of Bhutan’s opening—and in the process redefine the very meaning of development. The felicitous phrase he invented to describe his approach: Gross National Happiness. For many Bhutanese, this idea is not merely a marketing tool or a utopian philosophy. It is their blueprint for survival. Guided by the “four pillars of Gross National Happiness”—sustainable development, environmental protection, cultural preservation, and good governance


New Member
Just Remember, all you stoners out there, if you dont want 2 more years of this insane Regime (Bush-Cheney etc.) VOTE, yes that's it, get off your lazy asses and VOTE!! "I give unto you all the herbs bearing seed"
I GOT OFF MY ASS AND VOTED!!! whats changed or whats gonna change????


Well-Known Member
I GOT OFF MY ASS AND VOTED!!! whats changed or whats gonna change????

Well...You always got Hope...:lol::lol:

You can hope it gets better, You can Hope that you get some honest officials elected into office....You can Hope that Obama really can make a difference....But Hope aint shit when you cant get shit done.

Hopefully Obama can pull it off. He got handed the biggest Clusterfuck in history. Its like sending in a guy to disarm a Nuclear bomb that has 1000 redundant fuses. If you ask me, he's doing pretty good so far. One thing I give him credit for, Even with all the Bullshit that he probably has to deal with, advisors and people telling him what to do, say or think, He Still manages to stand his ground to some degree and he is honest. As far as Change, I dont think one man can change a country, its gonna take a lot more than that.

Other then that you could always move up here to Sit back, light up a fat blunt of BC blueberry Kush and watch the show. :joint::mrgreen:



New Member
The problem with Bush is the same problem with Obama...both presidents let Congress have their way. they are the ones who are killing us....

out. :blsmoke: