See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

What would you do if china came and put a military base in every country, and in your back yard.

I would enroll in flight school.

All of our bases are there by consent of the host country.... what are you even talking about???

The Philippines would like us to leave, and Okinawa is a little tired of little girls getting raped (by foreigners). And Cuba....Island property is just worth too much.

I wish we still had a neg-rep button.I think GE would be down to a red box by now.
Pay $5 a month for elite status...but IMO it's nearly as bad as calling 911.

This thread was started in 2006 by people who were freaking out over our government spending. Well, now you cannot use the link anymore that everyone was up in arms about back when Bush was in office. What happened? Did your messiah only make gov't spending worse or what? I would like to hear from some of the original posters about there thoughts on gov't spending and the current administration.
I would enroll in flight school.

The Philippines would like us to leave, and Okinawa is a little tired of little girls getting raped (by foreigners). And Cuba....Island property is just worth too much.

Pay $5 a month for elite status...but IMO it's nearly as bad as calling 911.


We haven't had bases in the Phillipines since the 90's.I was there when we were pulling out.The leases that were defined and built because of Mcarthur were expiring and the Govt of the PI decided shopping malls were a better idea.Mt Pinotubo blew shortly thereafter.We have downsized so much people.Did you know we decommissioned the Nimitz CVN-68.Closed so many bases abroad too.
Just take Green earth's ever so well thought out logic and have the USA announce tomorrow that we are closing every single foreign base.

The world would howl with derision at us. "HEY, WHERE yah GOIN???
Hell yah.. lets close every single base outside the United States and outerlying islands!!!! Save the tax money and build schools here instead of death camps across seas.... close the prisons and build the schools... you gotta problem with letting marijuana offenders outta prison too?? The only people that want those foreign military bases are the ones that shit themselves when the go to sleep cause they are scared that a foreigner might piss on their door step
We haven't had bases in the Phillipines since the 90's.I was there when we were pulling out.The leases that were defined and built because of Mcarthur were expiring and the Govt of the PI decided shopping malls were a better idea.Mt Pinotubo blew shortly thereafter.We have downsized so much people.Did you know we decommissioned the Nimitz CVN-68.Closed so many bases abroad too.
I hate malls.

We already spend more money per pupil than any other country. Money isn't the problem with education.

Really...any? Is that an average of all states? Limited to K-12?

Public Schools Spent $9,138 Per Student in 2006.....

So, multiply that by say 30 (a classroom) and that comes to 274,000 a class. Holey's not the money.

It's where the money is being leeched that's the problem.
Public Schools Spent $9,138 Per Student in 2006.....

So, multiply that by say 30 (a classroom) and that comes to 274,000 a class. Holey's not the money.

It's where the money is being leeched that's the problem.

My district receives ~$38/student/day...on the days in which they show. ($7,200/student/year)

You get what you pay for!

Still plenty of money...... past generations have come and gone on much much much less.....and yet education achievement is down down down....

It's not the money.......
Still plenty of money...... past generations have come and gone on much much much less.....and yet education achievement is down down down....

It's not the money.......

Well past generations also went to the movies, bought homes and cars etc. on much less. It is not the $ amount it is the value of the $...poor people understand this one very clearly regardless of education.

I agree that money is not the only reason that kids are underachieving...the school only has them for 6 hours a day...the other 18 they are influenced by their families and society.

Private schools receive ~ twice the tuition/student while paying the teachers ~half of what public school teachers make...these schools are almost exclusively church based which collects tax free cash more than 52 times a year. They are not paying their teaches less to be mean.

Public school teachers, whether you think they are properly compensated or not, nowadays almost have to coach or advise an extra curricular activity after school hours in order to keep their jobs. And while they sometimes receive a small stipend, it does not come close to covering their time away from their own kids.

I am humbled almost on a daily basis at how much teachers are spending out of their own pocket to help their students have what they need to succeed.

It may not be the money, but as long as we spend more on the penal system than the education system...well, you get what you pay for.

wanna find the problem with public education? You need look no further than the govt. and unions.

I really do not see how the gov or unions have anything to do with whether little johnny does his work...The problem with PUBLIC education is the PUBLIC!

School isn't about educating in the abc's any longer. Anything run by govt. and unions is guaranteed to be substandard. It just takes time.
Stimulating Failure

Posted 11/06/2009 07:27 PM ET

The Job Report: Another month, another drop in payrolls. Will it ever occur to our leaders in Washington that what they're doing isn't working — and may actually be damaging our economy?
News that the unemployment rate jumped to 10.2% in October, its highest level since 1983, as the economy shed 190,000 nonfarm jobs, underscores the spectacular failure of the so-called fiscal stimulus to stimulate anything other than economic misery.
Since the $787 billion stimulus was passed in February, the economy has lost 2.9 million jobs — for a total of 4.3 million since the end of 2008. The silver lining, some say, is the number of jobs lost each month is shrinking. But they lose sight of this: There's no guarantee the economy's 3.5% growth in the third quarter will continue.
Indeed, some worry the economy is on a slow-growth path that will lead to permanently high joblessness, weaker income growth and fewer opportunities. The Blue Chip consensus of more than 50 economists nationwide expects unemployment to remain above 8% at least into 2012.
Why should this be? Well, start with the fact that virtually all job growth comes from companies with fewer than 500 employees, and that startups and very small businesses are responsible for more than half of all new jobs.
Today, these entrepreneurial job creators are running scared. That the White House vows to jack up taxes on those with "high incomes" (that is, entrepreneurs) is one reason why. Next year's scheduled expiration of the Bush tax cuts that pulled the economy out of the 2001 recession is another.
Higher income taxes, a flood of stiff new regulations and the possibility of at least $2 trillion in new taxes related to cap-and-trade and a health care overhaul over the next decade have created a climate of uncertainty — for small and large businesses alike.
Businesses are hunkered down. They have $1 trillion in cash stashed away, but they won't invest out of fear it'll be taxed away or some government czar will tell them how to run their business.
At the same time, banks have a record $800 billion in reserves but can't seem to find any worthy borrowers.
The White House claims its stimulus "saved or created" 640,000 to 1 million jobs. But no evidence shows that's true. Stimulus has failed. If anything, borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars to fund such feckless initiatives is destroying private-sector jobs. Time has come for a dramatic change of course.
Obama has turned a blind eye to terrorism.... we will all pay.

Obama thinks his mission is health care.... we will all pay.

Obama has ceded leadership on foreign policy... we will all pay.

This guy is going to be a very expensive pet President. I think we need to Craig's list him.