See this yet? "Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabis"

One they write the rules to.
In the words of Sarah Palin, 'You bet ya'.

Look behind the curtain and you will find the dispensary cats donating money to the sponsors and meeting with them.
Those behind this are complete sellouts - they always were - but there is no longer much need for them to be stealth because we don't have an effective voice.

Our only defense is disgust and rejection of them.
That is a personal decision each must come to on their own.

If giving away our freedoms wasn't so tragic I would be rolling on the floor laughing right now.
Those gun nuts supporting this attack against our Civil Rights think they are safe because they have guns!
Leo has body armor. And tanks. And air power.
They are coming for your guns and you are allowing them to set precedent now on 'other' citizens rights.
When they raid the gun owners they are going to get what we get, "tell that to the Judge".

This is where Timmah, and even crazy Joe Cain, are absolutely correct - this is much bigger than the MMMAct - this is government running roughshod over our rights.
And this is Democrats along with Republicans doing it to us - they all worship money and donations and power - they only do the right thing when forced to act.
This is government that has moved from not doing legally required budgets to not doing anything it doesn't want to do if they can get away with it.

Fast & Furious! - even the cops can't get Justice! It's the new American way.

Civil Rights are a big issue...also a separate one.

Keeping issues separate, and focusing on them one at a time solves problems. Inter mixing them causes confusion.
One they write the rules to.
In the words of Sarah Palin, 'You bet ya'.

Look behind the curtain and you will find the dispensary cats donating money to the sponsors and meeting with them.
Those behind this are complete sellouts - they always were - but there is no longer much need for them to be stealth because we don't have an effective voice.

Our only defense is disgust and rejection of them.
That is a personal decision each must come to on their own.

If giving away our freedoms wasn't so tragic I would be rolling on the floor laughing right now.
Those gun nuts supporting this attack against our Civil Rights think they are safe because they have guns!
Leo has body armor. And tanks. And air power.
They are coming for your guns and you are allowing them to set precedent now on 'other' citizens rights.
When they raid the gun owners they are going to get what we get, "tell that to the Judge".

This is where Timmah, and even crazy Joe Cain, are absolutely correct - this is much bigger than the MMMAct - this is government running roughshod over our rights.
And this is Democrats along with Republicans doing it to us - they all worship money and donations and power - they only do the right thing when forced to act.
This is government that has moved from not doing legally required budgets to not doing anything it doesn't want to do if they can get away with it.

Fast & Furious! - even the cops can't get Justice! It's the new American way.

Absofuckinglutely correct Marty! Well said!
Civil Rights are a big issue...also a separate one.

Keeping issues separate, and focusing on them one at a time solves problems. Inter mixing them causes confusion.

wrong. we are finding out that holistic ways of looking at things tend to be more productive. this is true for the disciplines in school and social issues.

it's like talking about debt but not factoring in your income because they are separate issues.
wrong. we are finding out that holistic ways of looking at things tend to be more productive. this is true for the disciplines in school and social issues.

it's like talking about debt but not factoring in your income because they are separate issues.
i think thats a bad example because if theres debt theres income factored in anyways because debt and income go hand in hand so they truly wouldnt be seperate issues!

Not to mention, i have to agree that issues should be handled seperately. If you were to take 1k n 1 issues n cram them all together your not going to get everything addressed as if you were to take them one by one and adress them that way until the matters are settled!
Government running roughshod over our rights? Is that another way to say "the man is keeping me down"?....

It's another way of saying that our elected officials answer only to the handful of people with money, not us.

This is supposed to be a representative democracy bob, not an oligarchy.
This is why we need a ballot initiative that completely abolishes legislative tampering.

Is there a way this (no tampering) could be achieved? Has that type of effort been done before? Pls excuse me as I'm not too well versed on the whole political process.. Can you elaborate some?
In Arizona, the people kept passing legalized mmj initiatives, but they kept getting repealed by the state government. So, they then passed a ballot initiative that made it so that it did not require a simple majority (or 75% like in MI) to modify a ballot initiative via legislative process - it made it so that it is impossible to modify for any reason, even if they get 100% in both houses of congress and the governor's signature.
There are petitions out now to end prohibition. To regulate like beer and wine. We are trying to get it on the ballot this fall.

No discussion here from the mmma crowd?
That's a huge step Beans.. you speak of legalization correct..? Believe me I dream to see the day and I hope that it's not as far as some wish to believe. Guess I've been kinda sidelined until I feel the critical mass of new beliefs needed to see this shift in thought and law. still absorbing where the mmm pro gram is heading legislatively. so i may end up expanding my ending-prohibition-consciousness, before you know it.
No sir. I speak of another ballot vote. Patitions are out there now.
Only way to get them out of my garden.
Not sure of the site. I'll check tomorrow.