See this yet? "Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabis"

So does nobody see this as a way to make a lot of money, a little more legit? To be a more legit business. I mean anyone willing to do all of this should have a major step in the rest. If I had the money after a lot more research with a lawyer, I am in. My pharm tech cert may finally pay off. lol I also have budtender experience if anyone needs on in the meantime. ;

Edit. It is similar to the dispensary laws in AZ. Which I found to be good from a business stand point, and honestly this one reads better.

It is real similar to AZ. It forces wanna be growers to go legit or go home. Doesn't stop a small grower from playing, just makes them go legit if they want to sell to dispensaries. Takes all the "one oz per month for your 12 plants' care givers, and shoots them in the ass. Those guys will be all gone, as they should be. They will either have to go with the program and become legit, or risk getting busted, as they will have no legal way to sell their 'overages".

Hell, I'd pony up the $1500 for just my 12 plants, if it lets me sell legally to dispensaries. I can already pass all the other hoops. Lets see, 12 plants..6 flowered every 2 months, so 3 per month for an average. I can get 4 oz per plant easy when I want to..12 oz per month..I only need 1oz for myself...11 to sell at 200 per zip...2200 per month..minus 400 in actual cost to grow, minus another 125 per month to cover the license fee...That's $1675 in profit per month. About an hour a day tops to tend a 12 plant grow..30 hours a month...$55.83 per hour...seems fair...

Already know my strain tests 20% + in thc, with high thcv..totally organic, bug and mold chemicals..yea, I bet that gets $200 a zip from a dispensary. Although prices would go down if it passes...

What do you guys think would be the going rate for "pharmaceutical" cannabis?
It is real similar to AZ. It forces wanna be growers to go legit or go home. Doesn't stop a small grower from playing, just makes them go legit if they want to sell to dispensaries. Takes all the "one oz per month for your 12 plants' care givers, and shoots them in the ass. Those guys will be all gone, as they should be. They will either have to go with the program and become legit, or risk getting busted, as they will have no legal way to sell their 'overages".

Hell, I'd pony up the $1500 for just my 12 plants, if it lets me sell legally to dispensaries. I can already pass all the other hoops. Lets see, 12 plants..6 flowered every 2 months, so 3 per month for an average. I can get 4 oz per plant easy when I want to..12 oz per month..I only need 1oz for myself...11 to sell at 200 per zip...2200 per month..minus 400 in actual cost to grow, minus another 125 per month to cover the license fee...That's $1675 in profit per month. About an hour a day tops to tend a 12 plant grow..30 hours a month...$55.83 per hour...seems fair...

Already know my strain tests 20% + in thc, with high thcv..totally organic, bug and mold chemicals..yea, I bet that gets $200 a zip from a dispensary. Although prices would go down if it passes...

What do you guys think would be the going rate for "pharmaceutical" cannabis?

F'ing nice man! And as for the going rate. I would say that will be decided by the prices for all the licenses. And if the limit goes up for medical grade growers that would drastically lower the cost. So if the licensing is high but the amount of plants that can be grown goes up than yea I would say about 200-225. imo. But we want is low license fees and higher plant count. We will have a better idea when they release the fees for all the testing, inspection, insurance, ect.

I even seen a piece on the legal sale of seed in there. Whether they run separate or not who knows, but its there. The idea of seed banks in MI would be a great market to hit.
I think it's so they could buy and sell with dispensaries..although to sell, they would have to to the "pharmaceutical" testing thing..
Why wouldn't a regular patient or caregiver be allowed to purchase from a dispensary?

I understand the need to regulate dispensaries, growers that supply dispensaries, and quality of medicine the dispensaries offer, But why make standard patients and caregivers get enhanced cards to make a purchase?
They can, and will be able to. Dispensaries are another law that is in the works to be regulated.

I said it before in my summary, but as I read it, these grows would operate as dispensaries, for their own grown, pharma grade medicine.
Business hours are regulated to certain hours of the day, and that only makes sense to regulate when the storefront would be able to operate.
If you have a bunch of plants that need taken care of, who are they to say you cant do that after store front hours.

They also are regulating compensation. Which also leads me to believe the same. Why would they regulate how much they could sell it to a dispensary for, and then not regulate what that dispensary could sell for.
Then people who operate dispensaries, AND pharma grows would just sell to the dispensary at max, and then jack up the prices because its "pharma grade."

If people would read, this law really has nothing to do with the MMMP.
Think of it as an entirely new program. Other than the further protections for MMMP cardholders.


This is the only section that you can read as not being able to sell to dispensaries. But as the Current MMMP law is written, there are no dispensaries.
The dispensary law is working its way through the process to be passed.

I like many parts of this bill, but as a whole, it sucks! Why can't these legislatures pick one thing at a time? Say 1 bill to reschedule medical cannabis, another to clarify protections against employers...
I think it's so they could buy and sell with dispensaries..although to sell, they would have to to the "pharmaceutical" testing thing..

It's so they can push Doctor organizations to rec only PharmaGrade.
That screws up the MMMA without touching it.
Am I the only one who sees it this way?

Hope you fellas can meet the "good moral character" clause.
Praise the sky-God.
bob you just made it so I only give 1/2 Oz a month away for free now. got to be different then the rest of these posers .. Got to Shine! ;)

naw, but the way I see it if these cat's are getting free meds now... how is that going to work out for them when and if they have to buy from a dispensary with a "enhanced card"?
Bob doesn't give a fuck about that. He isn't worried about the patients. He is a corporate man, wanting meds done the corporate way!! That comment right there makes it crystal clear and shiny. I am not even listening to this bullshit today.
It is a prepaid conviction they are trying to pass. Why anyone would pay taxes or fees for something federally illegal is silly. Got a card recently and the included paperwork stated "this is not legal advice" aka we make up rules and you can follow them and still be fucked. They are trying to regulate something which is federally illegal and steal your money doing it. The state supreme court recently strengthened the affirmative defense and patients no longer have to sign up for a state card if they have a legitimate doctors note for medical marijuana. Maintaining our privacy is the right move not falling into the states trap where you can be "legit" until you go to federal prison for a federal crime. The state does not have your back, will not stick up for you, and doesn't give a fuck about you especially if federal comes looking for you.
Yeah swiss, I'm afraid the steam from our state movement had kind of hit the tip point. at some point we got to take that momentum and parlay it into some federal movement to legalize or the movement is going to die. states are great and I hope they all sign up some sort of medical but the next step is federal law. If we don't take the next step we're just standing here asking for it, cards in hand with personal info all submitted for raids and torment from the big bad fed.
It is a prepaid conviction they are trying to pass. Why anyone would pay taxes or fees for something federally illegal is silly. Got a card recently and the included paperwork stated "this is not legal advice" aka we make up rules and you can follow them and still be fucked. They are trying to regulate something which is federally illegal and steal your money doing it. The state supreme court recently strengthened the affirmative defense and patients no longer have to sign up for a state card if they have a legitimate doctors note for medical marijuana. Maintaining our privacy is the right move not falling into the states trap where you can be "legit" until you go to federal prison for a federal crime. The state does not have your back, will not stick up for you, and doesn't give a fuck about you especially if federal comes looking for you.


and this is why i want to start a group to help me work on taking DOWN LARA.


and again i think it'd be easy... but we'd have to do it before they finish these bills.
No you guys, they are fixing something before it gets out of hand. I am Michigan born and raised, but in the past three years I have been living in Norcal and AZ. And we do not want to go the route of california. Its is a absolutely flooded market because of the lack of regulations in the state. As great as flooding the market may sound, we dont want to do this. It will create a lot of problems. One being that the small grower selling is overstock will soon be gone anyway, as there will become more and more growers over the years with no real regulations. That will bring the market down to nothing. MJ will start to leave the state at a larger rate because of the same problem. When the market is flooded here you will have to look elsewhere, causing a major problem with the federal gov. And lastly if it gets to prominent the society will start to become annoyed and we will loose our no-smoking voters. We dont want to abuse this. We want to show the non-smokers we can handle the legalization of mj. And one way we must do that is to have business style laws and practices.

Now this should in no way hurt the small growers looking to help out a few patients. If anything it makes it so you won't loose your market. Well except selling the overflow to dispensaries. But that had to happen for a solid plan to work.....Sorry Gladstone, just give your patients a better break so they can buy your extra and figure out how to get rid of it. lol

I want michigan people representing the cannabis world in amsterdam, at seed banks, and all that. And this is how we do that.
I give my patients a better break, I wasn't pissed about the law. Bob saying it will do away with the small caregivers is bullshit mentality. Does he want them making meth or breaking into his garage. If a motherfucker wants to get down by growing meds, let him.

Just the hater mentality in general. I will do one of the following. Go back illegal. Pay the full money and agree to everything or move. I will take care of patients regardless. I have for 20 years. I believe supply and demand dictate more than the government. They outlaw prostitution, but pussy still has a high value. And there are a lot of people out there with pussy. (But like meds, that pussy has to be up to the quality that is desired).
Sorry Gladstone, just give your patients a better break so they can buy your extra and figure out how to get rid of it. lol

Absolutely not mad about that at all. I give away more than oz a month and I am remodeling to give away much more. My patients know that. I cannot imagine having so much meds I would be in trouble. I have not been able to cure a jar for a week, let alone stock pile enough to face charges. I have never sold buds to a dispensary either. I have sold hard candy and seeds, but never flowers. The dispensaries have asked me several times, I simply do not have enough. Bob's wording showed his wishes and I could not disagree more. I am in the UP, if I was able to supply a dispensary I would contact an attorney and just be that dispensary. And I am 100% in favor of testing. (at a reasonable cost)
Bob doesn't give a fuck about that. He isn't worried about the patients. He is a corporate man, wanting meds done the corporate way!! That comment right there makes it crystal clear and shiny. I am not even listening to this bullshit today.

Not at all. I give free meds to a few patients..and don't need their plant count to do it. If someone is only giving one zip per month trade for a patients plant count, they are not being kind. They are counting on making tons of money from the rest of the yield.

Sure, there are probably a few CG's that give away tons of meds and make very little money, but they are far and few between.

Yes, I'm all for mandatory testing of cannabis before sale to patients that are not in a direct cg/patient relationship. Shouldn't you know what you are getting?

Personally, if I had to get my meds from an unknown grower, I'd like to know that they are bug, mold and pesticide free. I'd also like to know their cannabanoid I supposed to rely on the grower saying "it;s good shit"?

People that want to get high don't much care. Patients treating a condition should care, they should be able to buy based upon a chemical analysis that works for their condition.
bob you just made it so I only give 1/2 Oz a month away for free now. got to be different then the rest of these posers .. Got to Shine! ;)

naw, but the way I see it if these cat's are getting free meds now... how is that going to work out for them when and if they have to buy from a dispensary with a "enhanced card"?

I'd wager that most patients who gave away their plants for an oz per month did so because that is all they need. Didn't want the hassle of growing, 1 oz per month fit their needs. They are so happy to get free weed that they don't care that the cg is making bank off them

That's great. But when that cg goes to transfer those meds to an un related patient, it should become a business transaction. IE: tested for quality and books kept.

the med law was not enacted to create a tax free living for people, it was enacted to help sick people. It's about the Patient...not the Care Giver.

Want to make money at this? Great, keep books, test your product and run like a business.
I give my patients a better break, I wasn't pissed about the law. Bob saying it will do away with the small caregivers is bullshit mentality. Does he want them making meth or breaking into his garage. If a motherfucker wants to get down by growing meds, let him.

Just the hater mentality in general. I will do one of the following. Go back illegal. Pay the full money and agree to everything or move. I will take care of patients regardless. I have for 20 years. I believe supply and demand dictate more than the government. They outlaw prostitution, but pussy still has a high value. And there are a lot of people out there with pussy. (But like meds, that pussy has to be up to the quality that is desired).

I didn't say it would do away with all the small growers. I said it would make them act in an accountable manor or they would not survive.

Small guy could still pony up and do testing and keep books...but the guys in it for profit only, won't do that. I personally think that small, legitimate growers are the best way to fill dispensary shelves. So long as the growers do it in a professional manor.

The guys that will go away (and I want to see gone) are the guys dealing mite infested mid grade swag as medicine. If you don't think that those guys are out there and in large are kidding yourself.