bob harris
Well-Known Member
So does nobody see this as a way to make a lot of money, a little more legit? To be a more legit business. I mean anyone willing to do all of this should have a major step in the rest. If I had the money after a lot more research with a lawyer, I am in. My pharm tech cert may finally pay off. lol I also have budtender experience if anyone needs on in the meantime. ;
Edit. It is similar to the dispensary laws in AZ. Which I found to be good from a business stand point, and honestly this one reads better.
It is real similar to AZ. It forces wanna be growers to go legit or go home. Doesn't stop a small grower from playing, just makes them go legit if they want to sell to dispensaries. Takes all the "one oz per month for your 12 plants' care givers, and shoots them in the ass. Those guys will be all gone, as they should be. They will either have to go with the program and become legit, or risk getting busted, as they will have no legal way to sell their 'overages".
Hell, I'd pony up the $1500 for just my 12 plants, if it lets me sell legally to dispensaries. I can already pass all the other hoops. Lets see, 12 plants..6 flowered every 2 months, so 3 per month for an average. I can get 4 oz per plant easy when I want to..12 oz per month..I only need 1oz for myself...11 to sell at 200 per zip...2200 per month..minus 400 in actual cost to grow, minus another 125 per month to cover the license fee...That's $1675 in profit per month. About an hour a day tops to tend a 12 plant grow..30 hours a month...$55.83 per hour...seems fair...
Already know my strain tests 20% + in thc, with high thcv..totally organic, bug and mold chemicals..yea, I bet that gets $200 a zip from a dispensary. Although prices would go down if it passes...
What do you guys think would be the going rate for "pharmaceutical" cannabis?