Alright guys, I'd like to start off by saying that I've only read abt 10 pages of 8 plants 1 pot so far. That being said, Taftbag's methods are inspiring, and I see a bright future for him. As for the "high level mature people" on this thread I truly believe you should forget all you've learned through your many yrs of growing experience. I am going to do the same, starting by getting rid of these useless Secret Jardin tents & all my equipment. I'd love for you all to follow along w me as "I'm trying to form a team", that will assist me through my new and improved grow. Also, if anyone has contact with my (hopefully soon to be mentor) Taftbag, please have him contact me. I'd like to join forces w him and know the possibilities of our future grows could be endless.
Here is my new work in progress: Growmomma's Nightlight Grow (In loving memory of Taftbag)
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Stay tuned: For Veg I'll be using a power strip incorporating multiple nightlights!
OK, OK. In all seriousness, I would like to thank you all for keeping this thread going solely for entertainment purposes. It's been a long time since I've laughed this hard!
As for Taftbag, WTF is about all a person can say really. Poor thing is so ridiculously clueless, my four yr old is by far more intellectually advanced. O well, think I'll read a couple more pages of 8 plants 1 pot, shit just gets better n better huh?