Dave's not here man.
Oh, what the fuck! Let me in assholes! It's cold and I swear I saw taf playing around with a riding crop just around the corner. DO NOT WANT!
Dave's not here man.
Lol. Subject may also try and take captives to a "dimmer spot" for 20 mins, if this occurs you will never be the same. Reports coming in... He is targeting the "high level mature people" of the fort.Be advised, subject is said to be armed with "water food"
Let him in. For christ sakes, let him in! Open the fucking gate! He's one of us! I know we said never to open the gate, but if we leave him out there he'll be rough-housed for sure.
"Daves not here"
I havent heard that since i was a kid in the late 70s on my mothers Record player.
oh sorry one last thing does that soap have to be pink or can it be any colour also shape an size does it matter
Sorry for starting out so harsh. But dam you guys. I'm getting sick of all the I know better and you can'ts. around here. I thought this was a place were you could come and learn from each other. On a subject that we all seem to hold a interest in. Now I will be the first to admit that I have learned a lot on this sight. But like you I have seen the assholes with there I am better then you attitude. So if your one of them then. GET THE FUCK OFF MY THREAD!!!!!! YOUR NOT WANTED HERE!!!!!. If you are a nice person and you have a positive attitude, with nice things to say please. Feel free to give us your input.
OK That being said. I started this thread so me and the tool man would have a thread to get with each other. But also I would like to talk about full farming a pot plaint. What I'm talking about is % of plant that is usable to the % of the plant that is waist. How to get the most out of the lovely little lade that you spent so much time caring for. In time I will go into detail how I try to get the MAX YIELD out of every plaint I proses. How I proses the trim for hash , and then oil. Will also want to talk about the best way to use some of the products that can be produced from a pot plant. What I call farming 101 using the hole plant and nothing but the plant.
But for now we have a start that I truly have hopes will keep the assholes out.
i grew a plant in a microwave set it on a timer to come on for 30 secs everyday used a 1 million candle power torch an i now have 2 pound of top crip bud that thing turned into the little shop of horror's plant
I don't get it.
"Daves not here"
I havent heard that since i was a kid in the late 70s on my mothers Record player.