See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

OK, pirate question. 3 sheets to the wind.

What's a sheet? + rep for a correct or funny answer.

IGK about BT, he's probably old enough to have served on one of those. Arrrrrrggggg!!!!!

maybe a forum where you have to answer questions that only the pro growers know the answers and need 100% correct to gain entry ?
get one question wrong and your banned from entering it for life.......
Originated in London in the early 1800's....

Seems sailors had a rating system regarding how drunk they were. "One sheet" was merely tipsy, and it went up to "four sheets," meaning unconscious.

A "Sheet" is the rope used to secure a sail.

I am not very witty, so I'll just give you the meaning........

I guess we hear "three sheets" because folks weren't interacting much at the "four sheets" level.
Well shiver me timbers!! I'm back from Taffytown and find slackjawed lubbers running amuck with no clue as to where the hell they are!!! FILL ye fist's with steele boy's.....It's run'em through or over the side with'em!!!!
As a side note
: If ye should capture one of these interlopers, save him for Taffy, he needs a fresh "rough house" partner; I spy him on the poop deck with some of his "old" partners:>>>


  • pirate taffy & crew.jpg
    pirate taffy & crew.jpg
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Well shiver me timbers!! I'm back from Taffytown and find slackjawed lubbers running amuck with no clue as to where the hell they are!!! FILL ye fist's with steele boy's.....It's run'em through or over the side with'em!!!!
As a side note
: If ye should capture one of these interlopers, save him for Taffy, he needs a fresh "rough house" partner; I spy him on the poop deck with some of his "old" partners:>>>
wait wait wait..thats not funny..that cant be him and his crew...i see a wench we all know he "walks his own plank"
IGK about BT, he's probably old enough to have served on one of those. Arrrrrrggggg!!!!!


Curse ye, ye scurvy mongrel, for I was the feared Blackbeard! How else do ye think I ended up in North Carolina? Why else would ye think that me ships, Queen Anne's Revenge and her sister ship Adventure, be lying on the bottom of Davy Jones locker near near Beaufort. NC?
Originated in London in the early 1800's....

Seems sailors had a rating system regarding how drunk they were. "One sheet" was merely tipsy, and it went up to "four sheets," meaning unconscious.

A "Sheet" is the rope used to secure a sail.

I am not very witty, so I'll just give you the meaning........

I guess we hear "three sheets" because folks weren't interacting much at the "four sheets" level.

+ rep for the MomaPug!

Yep, a sheet is the rope to secure the sail. 3 to the wind, the sail was just flapping and useless. 4, the sail was just gone somewhere else. LOL

Curse ye, ye scurvy mongrel, for I was the feared Blackbeard! How else do ye think I ended up in North Carolina? Why else would ye think that me ships, Queen Anne's Revenge and her sister ship Adventure, be lying on the bottom of Davy Jones locker near near Beaufort. NC?

Well, hell. Grab another ship and come on down. Just got through lobbing a few shells at Ft. Sumter, but a few more wouldn't hurt.

Well, hell. Grab another ship and come on down. Just got through lobbing a few shells at Ft. Sumter, but a few more wouldn't hurt.


So the resumption of The War of Northern Aggression has finally begun! Those Yankees might have thought they won, but it's only been halftime. We'll get 'em in the fourth quarter.
SWEET!!! oh . uhh . ARRRR SWEET!

Had a cleaning at the dentist this morning (really though) so the cavity search is done and good.

The fact that you said cavity search and faggotry in the same post can and may be held against you in the future.
BUT, no faggotry. AND, if you want to Rough House, you'll have to ask Brick Top to put you on the schedule. There's been a run on Rough Housing, lately.

Arrrggghhhhhh, they be no faggotry aboard my ship. All me maties are as straight as a mast. When want some rough housin' we'll sack a port and get all the 'booty' we wants from the wenches we take as plunder. While we'll we be doin' that tafbang can polish his own miniature cannon or roughhouse with an octopus. That be more ta his liken anyway. He gets seasick touchin' real 'booty.'
Arrgh, no taf, ye can't borrow me pegleg again you scurvious little bastard! I'll never get that smell off of it from last time.
Arrgh, no taf, ye can't borrow me pegleg again you scurvious little bastard! I'll never get that smell off of it from last time.

Taf, if that be the sort of thing ye' crave it's up ta the crow's nest with ye' ya scallywag and ye' can ride the masthead again, but don't come ta' me ta ask me ta' remove the splinters fer ya. And stop lookin' at me crew with that glint in yer eyes an grin on yer face a sayin, blow me down or we'll make ye shark bait, and while yer at it, stop askin me old salts to keelhaul ya lad. It ain't what ye' er hoping it too be ya son of a biscuit eater. And if I every catch ye peekin' in me cabin again when I'm with me wench and then runnin' around the ships yellin' thar she blows, thar she blow I'll hang ya from the yardarm me bucko, savvy? Now go clean up that horrid mess ye left and ask the ship's first mate ta explain ta' ye' what a poop deck really is ya landlubber.
YAAAARRRRRGH! Me leaves on a treasure hunt to Big Sur fer a few days, and ye landlovin swashbucklers are letting Tafmaster touch the poop deck? Man the cannons. Blast the scallywag!
I couldn't help myself .... I told the story of taffy and posted pictures of his 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' picnic basket grow, pinkish-read soap exciting his plants and his pool cue with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree on top of it plant on Shantibaba's forums ... this is the first reply it has received.

Oh Dear Oh Dear.......I'm speechless. Suitable reactions to the likes of this can only be conveyed by a look.
Shit like this would be hilarious if it weren't so prevalent.

I got to say though that when a decent bunch of folk get together on these sort of forums there is nothing better.

How the guy who posted those pics is gonna cut his way through life is anyone's guess( make a great Truman Show style documentary), probably more to be pitied than laughed at....ah f**k it ya gotta laugh
ok folks....its time to get serious for a moment.

****NEWS FLASH****
as some of us have been following the saga known as the taffy....we have some very serious news to report.the 7 foot beast has died.
it was chopped down the other night. speculation as it stands now is that after a ill attempt at growing marijuana in a picnic basket and after
4 months of the plant not budding taffy ended the misery of this plant to "makes hash".reports as it stands now is the plant did not reach its full potential of sexiness.
donations are now being taken for the family in the form of scissors and trash bags to dispose of the body

