See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

Politicians do it better .... and they can do it straight.

I always imagine politicians wearing suspenders and knickers in their own homes with a glass of gin and snorting coke from the bald head of a naked dwarf whilst singing along to Elton John's rocket man..
I always imagine politicians wearing suspenders and knickers in their own homes with a glass of gin and snorting coke from the bald head of a naked dwarf whilst singing along to Elton John's rocket man..

*grabs his bong and takes a rip before this image is burnt into his mind*
I always imagine politicians wearing suspenders and knickers in their own homes with a glass of gin and snorting coke from the bald head of a naked dwarf whilst singing along to Elton John's rocket man..

You frighten me.

But I think it would be Benny and the Jets myself.
Originally Posted by newworldicon
I always imagine politicians wearing suspenders and knickers in their own homes with a glass of gin and snorting coke from the bald head of a naked dwarf whilst singing along to Elton John's rocket man..

That just might have to be my new sig line.

Originally Posted by newworldicon
I always imagine politicians wearing suspenders and knickers in their own homes with a glass of gin and snorting coke from the bald head of a naked dwarf whilst singing along to Elton John's rocket man..

That just might have to be my new sig line.

It's all yours..
I have to imagine that Taf's new found wealth has created a bunch of new North Dakota friends for him. After all, a couple hundred bucks there is real money. Hell, he's probably got him a new posse. I can hear them now "Yeah, Taf...those chaps look great man."..."Dude, where'd you learn to grow so good"...."Bro, that soap idea is the shit!"...."C'mon, Taf, let's rough-house". And then, after they've got their tounges DEEP in his ass "So, Taffy....Bro...can I borrow 3 bucks for a Coors tall boy?"...."I'll drive, but I don't have any gas"...."I know a guy who can get us a gram of some kill dank for like 20 bucks".
I have to imagine that Taf's new found wealth has created a bunch of new North Dakota friends for him.

Come one now, think about it a minute, just how many new friends could Taffy really make? He lives in North Dakota. About eleven people live in North Dakota and how many of them do you think would be into a guy whose idea of being well dressed is a pair of cowboy boots, ass-less chaps and nipple clamps? I strongly suspect that Taffy's wildest most hoped for dream is that when he grows up he can be a real life version of "Mr. Slave" from "South Park."

That guy has to be lonelier than the 'Maytag repairman' from the OLD TV commercials.

For $20 a gram it better be covered in spores.

If I live to be 100-years old I will never forget Taffy's; "spores" and I will NEVER stop laughing at Taffy's; "spores."

If his parent's house has a basement, they need to check it for pods, because that guy isn't human.
Dont you think you guys are taking one 20 something troll a little too seriously?

I went and had a real life and forgot about Taffy until I came back here again....
lol you guys still on the chandelier guy.

He's like the Jerry Lewis of growers. Everyone thinks he's annoying and nothing more than a big joke.

Hummmm .. The French think Jerry Lewis is a master comic so I bet the French would consider Taffy to be a real master grower.
He's like the Jerry Lewis of growers. Everyone thinks he's annoying and nothing more than a big joke.

Hummmm .. The French think Jerry Lewis is a master comic so I bet the French would consider Taffy to be a real master grower.

LOL the French think they are the greatest lovers in the world until they realise the woman has left the room because he took too long staring at himself in the mirror whilst lecturing her on why she is so lucky to be imminently fucked by him......