Well-Known Member
thats what ima do with my AK-48 ima just clone the fuck out of them and store the extra seeds......
Seed companies are not ripoff artists! Only if they sell you beans that are not what they say the are! Think about it for a second, on bean $10 grow her out and if you can get two oz off her street value is $300 an oz so you turn $10 into $600 less grow costs and that is about $50 per plant. So if you can find me an investment that with a little work you can turn $60 into $600 in a matter of 4 months? Let me know I will invest all day long!
Or if you take two clones each time before you throw her into flower you will end up getting around 7 off one bean, if you clone it twice and you take $600 times 7 you are looking at $4200 off one $10 bean. If you don't like the prices make your own or go buy clones.
comparing the inflation of a mcdonald's cheeseburger to taxes on a pack of ciggs is about the dumbest thing i've seen today. news flash: new hampshire has NO sales tax, no liquor tax. what in the hell does any of it have to do with an international seed company's right to charge what they see fit? seed prices have very little to do with actual taxes, so i don't get where this discussion is headed.
I believe the state and federal taxes are rolled into cigarettes shelf price. You don't see a base price before state and federal taxes, you just see the total price.
And saying you can turn a seed into profit missed the point I think. You can buy overpriced paint and turn it into a piece of art that gives you a 10X return on your investment. That doesn't mean the paint company that originally sold you the paint didn't gouge you.
I see what your saying but I don't agree with it! You can buy the good paint and sell your painting for 10X or you can buy finger paint and put it up on the fridge for free! There are so many different breeders out there from Nirvana-cheapest to some of the Doggies nuts on attitude- highest priced. Lots of shit out there to chose from and my biggest point is that everyone wants to bitch and moan! Making seeds cost allot of fucking money and these people are in the business to make money, not give out shit for free. There is a free market out there with competition so that should keep the prices managable.
Complaining about the price of a Ferrari saying it isn't worth that much cus you can't afford it doesn't mean it is a ripoff or they are gouging you. They offer a product for a price and the "customers" US will let them know by buying their beans or not. Some people just need to be told that the price is what it is and if you don't think it's fair don't buy it! It's a little thing in life called tough shit! It would be different if there was only one place to but seeds but there are tons! Get over it or learn to make your own! IMHO.
Not trying to flame you at all incognito! Just tired of people crying about beans that are $10! It is so simple, if you want that strain the buy it if you can't afford it get a better job or learn how to grow so you will have the money. Nirvana beans are around $40 usd for 5 fem beans, doggies nuts are like $200! guess what I don't buy the $200 dollar ones cus I don't think they are worth it! I don't sit around crying how unfair the world is cus I can't afford doggies beans!
You know what I think ipod's and iphones are to expensive too! I want one for $5.00! LOL
You know what I think ipod's and iphones are to expensive too! I want one for $5.00! LOL
I hear ya. I wish the crack whores only charged 2bucks for a blow job.........and deliver to house.
hey im a first time grower right now but ive been around many sites and i have to tell you man i was actually pretty surprised, in a good way, about the price. It might not be big and shiny, but these little guys sometimes have years of cross breeding and development behind them, and going through nirvanas catalog (yeah yeah i know a lot of people hate nirvana) i was actually shocked that for 25-30 Euros i can get top notch weed going on in my closet... ofcourse you have the popular strains and like any company i know, the first thing in their mind is how much money can be made through it, and dont tell me the sweet lady in the corner shop next to your house is just there to make people smile... with internet competition and the history of these shops indicating their time on this earth is limited, i think that just gets more greed up to their heads.... i know if i would open a business the plan would be to never work again for other people - just make the money and run. now im not saying this is moral in any way, but its the way of the world really...
I hear ya. I wish the crack whores only charged 2bucks for a blow job.........and deliver to house.