Seed Companies Are Way Greedy, Dudes.

Johnnyorganic just saying my point people saying seeds are cheap bs
cheap for people with alot of money

obviously u dont work and dont know what its like
Until you PROOVE otherwise, which you cannot :clap:; my retort is that I do know what it's like, Junior.

Personally, I hope the owners of the seed companies are as rich as Midas. Reward for taking the risk involved in running a business and getting our product to us.

Some people work hard and earn their money.

Some people work hard in preparation for making money.

Some people work minimum wage. Which probably means you if you think $100 for a fist full of seeds is a lot of money.
sry bro im pissed off today havint got my 50bag yet

I do MMJ by the way and a drug dealer I am not! I like to think of myself as more of a pharmacist! LOL it’s better than taking a bunch of Oxi’s for pain! It’s all legal but for some crazy reason there is always that stigma around MJ that makes it seem illegal? 50 bag? Is that what 1/8's go for around your area?
here in NZ i only get 20 foils or 50bags i grow my own stuff but
dont grow enough to survive and still have to buy

foils are a gram and 50s are like 4 grams

i do respect u guys (maybe one day i can live off it)
i was looking for somthing to moan about xD cause im stressed sry

So thought...

I kind of see this problem in the same way i have my theories on working with the game to never get caught instead of totally rebelling and becoming a stand out that would get caught. The idea behind that is even if smoking pot is 100% illegal if your quick enough on your feet and prepared never to get caught you reduce your chances of having any relationship with the authorities. Things you do like dress normal and blending in are just things you do in this game called life to avoid any attention. Yes it sucks that weed is illegal but if you play the game the right way and never get caught its a hell of a lot better then not playing the game at all cause its "unfair".

Now how this relates. The ability to have services that CAN deliver seeds for sowing without any one else knowing (Theoretically) is something that should be appreciated. Yea the prices suck but its better then any other option you have. Maybe its just giving in to it but to me at least i have the option of making of easily receiving seeds. Using a Game as a metaphor might seem like a huge generalization but it makes sense because if you work within the confines of the rules given to you to lead whatever life you want and never get caught. On the other hand if you don't want to play the game then your left with bag seed if any seed. The price may suck but its the situation that has been given to us. So why not play the game for the return on investment that you would receive hopefully paying in full for the setup and then after that costs are dropped and more profits. The variety of seeds online is overwhelming and its a resource that will continue to be used based on that exact reason.
Someone start a thread with the lowest priced seed companies using quality genetics and we as RIU users can constantly update the thread. That way I can be like," well fuck, I want some OG Kush, lemme go check that bomb ass RIU thread and see who's getting rid of shits the cheapest right now".

I live in a dream world where we all work together to save each other money......

You know, i honestly think i do too. i just don't see any reciprocation so i forget that i'm doing it sometimes. we're socialists!!!!!

Actually the main risk we take is that the seeds will be seized by Customs. In such case, you get a little note saying your shit was seized.

And every time a reputable company re-sends a seized order it adds to the cost of the seeds for everyone. It spreads the risk around. I'm fine with that.

I don't recall anyone claiming the seed brokers were poor. But, if you think running a business is easy you are just demonstrating your lack of experience in the real world.

Speak for yourself. You don't speak for 'most of us.'

You should probably stick with bagseed anyway. :-o

so, the first part there..and i'm just assuming you own a seed broker/company by the way you're posting, i dont know you at all. you truly believe that as a retailer of cannabis seeds to the united states, you are 'under the gun' of the american law and you're basically sneaking around getting away with crimes because they just can't catch you? or is that what you'd just like everyone to believe so you can justify, to them, the price of your seeds? i dont really see, i've spoken to seed bank owners in canada which is just across the pond for me, and they've always remained that the american DEA doesn't give a shit about seed sales. not unless you start speaking of revolution and overgrowing the government like you know who.

i'm honestly not trying to be a dick dude, i'm just wondering. back during prohibition, rum runners got caught all the time. major ones with TONS of product. that hasn't happened in the seed world since marc emery (that i know of) and its not because the DEA just can't catch you guys. your stealth packages are great, but come on..its the fucking DEA, if they want you, you're had. they could just as easily go online and buy one of your ten packs as the next guy.

my only point is this "risk" seed companies/brokers claim to be taking IS a real risk, but HOW MUCH of a big risk? feel me? like sure, the cops could run into Mellow Yellow and take everything that isn't nailed down legally, but are they going to? no. the american DEA could shut down all the major seed companies tomorrow and send everyone to prison for ever and ever and ever, but they wont..probably because it'd cause more of a stoner revolution than it would do 'good' but thats another topic.

so yeah, i'm not trying to be an asshole, like i said. i would just really like to understand the reason behind 8-20 dollar pot seeds being sold by 'stoners'.
I don't think I was suppose to see that quote, lol... how did I know she went back to the cigarette/tax discussion? Call me MR. CLEO!

Howard Stern is a smart dude... from what you have said, I can see his followers are as well. Well put.

That was my point exactly. What company doesn't inflate prices by a shit load? If your against one, you got to be against them all. IT'S BUSINESS!

What do you mean "go back to it"? It was literally the next post and was a direct response to the previous post. Post #46 and #47.

And to howard stern - I was merely pointing out that a potential return on investment doesn't negate a gouge. I'm not the one arguing that the prices are too high or unfair. Just pointing out that simply because you treat it as an investment and get a return on it doesn't mean the initial price was fair and not a gouge.
Problems like these always solve themselves. IF it is so easy, and IF it is so lucrative, eventually their will be a ton of people trying to do it. Supply and demand will take over and prices will drop. Period. I own a few business' and that's how they all work. Caregivers in my newly legalized state are realizing that they can't charge 15 a gram anymore because they have ten dispensaries in their back yard now.
wow i didn't know people were so passionately cock riding big business seed companies or i'd of never said anything. my bad. i can see your point but you don't have to get mouthy..

some of you should find better ways of presenting your side of a debate than 'if you disagree, you're just stupid'. thats not actually a debate, thats more of just shit talkery on the even lesser form of e thugging. for those of you who brought vallid points to the conversation and gave me points of view i hadn'y considered, thanks. the rest of you, you're probably lonely underage kids still at home with mommy and daddy and just haven't had the life experiences that teach you to be respectful in a debate or converation yet. i forgive you:)

Whatever you do... live by what you preach, don't insult back. Just saying.
You know, i honestly think i do too. i just don't see any reciprocation so i forget that i'm doing it sometimes. we're socialists!!!!!

so, the first part there..and i'm just assuming you own a seed broker/company by the way you're posting, i dont know you at all. you truly believe that as a retailer of cannabis seeds to the united states, you are 'under the gun' of the american law and you're basically sneaking around getting away with crimes because they just can't catch you? or is that what you'd just like everyone to believe so you can justify, to them, the price of your seeds? i dont really see, i've spoken to seed bank owners in canada which is just across the pond for me, and they've always remained that the american DEA doesn't give a shit about seed sales. not unless you start speaking of revolution and overgrowing the government like you know who.

i'm honestly not trying to be a dick dude, i'm just wondering. back during prohibition, rum runners got caught all the time. major ones with TONS of product. that hasn't happened in the seed world since marc emery (that i know of) and its not because the DEA just can't catch you guys. your stealth packages are great, but come on..its the fucking DEA, if they want you, you're had. they could just as easily go online and buy one of your ten packs as the next guy.

my only point is this "risk" seed companies/brokers claim to be taking IS a real risk, but HOW MUCH of a big risk? feel me? like sure, the cops could run into Mellow Yellow and take everything that isn't nailed down legally, but are they going to? no. the american DEA could shut down all the major seed companies tomorrow and send everyone to prison for ever and ever and ever, but they wont..probably because it'd cause more of a stoner revolution than it would do 'good' but thats another topic.

so yeah, i'm not trying to be an asshole, like i said. i would just really like to understand the reason behind 8-20 dollar pot seeds being sold by 'stoners'.

The problem with your 'debate' is it isn't much of a debate at all. The fact of the matter is, there is a lot that goes into this & your not understanding. From someone who owns a business himself, you should know a lot more, which makes me hesitant to believe that in the first place. Not that it matters what I do or don't believe. Moving on, whether you say the US doesn't give a shit or not, the only ones they care about are people like Marc Emery, your very very wrong. You have done close to no research on the topic I can see. You only know of 1 person getting caught, but have you really looked into the history of it? Probably not, Emery was not the first to be caught from out of state & is certainly not the first to be spending more then 3+ years in a PRISON not JAIL but PRISON for they're 'bean' sells. Please, do not spit utter BS when you have no facts of this BS... because as someone who knows & has done research & watches the news regularly [& I'm not talking FOX news, ABC, BS] I'm talking CNBC & the real stuff... many seed companies have been raided, shut down, & arrests have been made, across state lines, by the US. So don't tell me they don't give a shit, they're catching anyone/everyone they can, the DEA isn't stupid, they have a theory... the best way to take down the dealers is going to the roots & in they're eyes, one of those roots is seed sellers. Have you ever watched STING operations? They catch the small time dealer & make that dude tell them where the bigger dude is, etc etc until they get to the King Pin, the dude distributing the originals... the seeds are the originals. This goes for any drugs... so please, enough with your fake facts.

Not trying to be rude to you, but it's getting annoying...

As for you saying you want to know why seeds are sold for $8-20 by stoners... again, where are these facts coming from? I, for one... use to sell cocaine, but did not snort cocaine, who says that the dealers are stoners? Who says that the little Chinese dude who sells knock-off brand shoes, wears those shoes? More utter BS by you. Now, this isn't even relevant, so I won't spend more time on it, just showing you how confused you are & how little you know. Pick up a magazine, read a book, anything on seed companies & you would understand better that that business is not as clear-cut as it sounds.

Hell, I picked up a Skunk magazine this week & read an article on a seed dealer, a big one in fact & even he's not rich. So where do you get off saying they're rich? This dude produces thousands of seeds, but they don't produce them daily like you think. This dude admits in his interview that he's been doing this, running this business since 1984 & still couldn't move to the states & live comfortably on what he has made, because of investment in the company. He goes on to tell readers that he constantly has to relocate his grow op, meaning he has to constantly CHOP DOWN his plants & restart from scratch every few weeks/months. Taking only what he has with him to breed in the new location. Then, he has to find a new location, he has to buy that location, which in most cases is acres of land, which isn't cheap, then sell old locations for less then purchased price just weeks/months before. You seem to think these guys run a legit operation out of a warehouse, your wrong. Then he goes on to say that it can take him anywhere from 2-4 years to come up with a new strain, because of all the mix-breeding to stay on top of the game over other seed companies, so they are constantly testing new breeds, meaning they are constantly buying nutes, bug sprays, & everything else that goes into keeping a plant healthy & alive. Why? Because he also has to give a review on the new strain... meaning, if he releases a new strain called 'Love Potion #1" he has to tell consumers how easy the grow is, how much it yields, how prone it is to mold/mildew, how much it produces outside as apposed to indoor, color, smoke, etc. Is that easy? No, that also takes months for the initial grow itself & hundreds of thousands of dollars in nutes & other materials [because he has about 10 different strains being made at once] & if one of those strains dies, mildews, etc. it can become a dud, how do you find out if it is a dud strain? You regrow it, if it easily dies again, then you know it's not a strain worth putting on the market because it is a unhealthy type of strain, impossible to grow due to genetics, therefore, you just spent 2 cycles now, on one strain, that's 6-months as apposed to 3.

So this dude invests all his money into helping us, he invests all his time into helping us have new strains, he invests risks in shipping to us, he invests his life basically & what does he get in return? Not much, he doesn't even have enough to move to the states & live comfortably, he even states that 'Many people think we are rich, were simply not... I been doing this since 1984, I probably have a few thousand to my name' does that sound rich for someone doing it for over 20+ years & is one of the TOP SEED COMPANIES in the world? No. Lawyers make more then these dudes. The only reason they do it, is because to them, it's a fucking HOBBY! Most of them don't even have employees, they work alone, you try to manage 400 plants, while cross breeding 20+, while testing 10, while watching your back from FEDS, while shipping orders, while moving locations, then tell me it's easy & not worth a measly $8-20 a seed. Fuck, this dude deserves $50 a seed off everything he puts into it & how much WE GET BACK after the grow.

I think you think that the operation is like Wal-Mart, ran from a field/warehouse with employees all over watching, caring, & shipping like a legit business. This is the farthest thing from legit & it's not ran that way, it's ran from a field, sure, but by 1 or 2 people... not 5, 10, or 100. When you go into business with a friend, only 1... & you manage 400 plants, while managing shipping orders, like I said, while not getting caught, while buying estate, while staying under the radar, while buying gallons of nutes & not looking suspicious.... then come back & tell us it isn't worth it.

EDIT; Just went back to rehash the article, he actually runs 1,500 plants by himself! Not 400, so I was incorrect, but that alone makes my statement stronger. I doubt you can even manage 400 plants, let alone 1,500, & every few months you have to relocate, meaning all 1,500 go to the garbage. So, is it still NOT worth it? Come on...
I agree, some of the prices are crazy.
I agree with LaKapitone, if we start trading seeds we can get around this.

My experience with seed companies overall has been so so, some are great and some stink.

If anyone is interested in trading or exchaning strains of medical marijuana seeds, only predominantly indica strains, contact me.

Search google, facebook or youtube for "Frank Dank 420"

use the pm function in, the contact page on the terapad website, or my hushmail email.

we can trade seed for seed, nugs for seed, lets work out a deal

I agree, some of the prices are crazy.
I agree with LaKapitone, if we start trading seeds we can get around this.

My experience with seed companies overall has been so so, some are great and some stink.

If anyone is interested in trading or exchaning strains of medical marijuana seeds, only predominantly indica strains, contact me.

Search google, facebook or youtube for "Frank Dank 420"

use the pm function in, the contact page on the terapad website, or my hushmail email.

we can trade seed for seed, nugs for seed, lets work out a deal

No thanks, Deputy Fife.

Every company is greedy, its the nature of the beast. But owning a seed company is probably pretty expensive. IT costs, insurance, employee wages, pens and stationary, taxes. Thats not even the seed production side of costs. Alot goes into running a business, been working at my family's for over 10 years.
Every company is greedy, its the nature of the beast. But owning a seed company is probably pretty expensive. IT costs, insurance, employee wages, pens and stationary, taxes. Thats not even the seed production side of costs. Alot goes into running a business, been working at my family's for over 10 years.

MOSS That's what I'm saying. Why? The seeds. He's got the good seeds... what are we, we're sitting in the shit here. Why? We have to go to them to get them. Huh. Ninety percent our sale, we're paying to the office for the seeds. AARONOW The seeds, the overhead, the telephones, there's lots of things. MOSS What do you need? A telephone, some broad to say "Good morning," nothing...nothing...