Seed not sprouting


Hi guys i took 4 different strain seeds and put them in a glass of water for 21hrs. They all sank to the bottom, then i put each seed in its own moist paper towel, inside a sandwich bag and on a heat Matt. After 32 hrs i opened up the bags 2 seeds had a 1/2 sprouts and 2 seeds had no sprout but they look like they have a little crack on them. So then i planted the seeds the 2 with sprouts popped out the soil, the ones i planted with no sprout didnt pop out of the soil. On 3rd day in soil i dug out the other 2 seeds and they look the same no sprout. I put them back in paper towel, in sandwich bag back on the heat matt. What i want to know is that, is there any hope they will sprout???
Too much moisture. After the first 24 hours they only require very little moisture to thrive. Also bacteria can cause them to fail. I pour a small amount of peroxide inside my water when I first put them in, just Incase the get something on them
Hi guys i took 4 different strain seeds and put them in a glass of water for 21hrs. They all sank to the bottom, then i put each seed in its own moist paper towel, inside a sandwich bag and on a heat Matt. After 32 hrs i opened up the bags 2 seeds had a 1/2 sprouts and 2 seeds had no sprout but they look like they have a little crack on them. So then i planted the seeds the 2 with sprouts popped out the soil, the ones i planted with no sprout didnt pop out of the soil. On 3rd day in soil i dug out the other 2 seeds and they look the same no sprout. I put them back in paper towel, in sandwich bag back on the heat matt. What i want to know is that, is there any hope they will sprout???
you're completely overthinking this thing if these seeds don't work for you the next time you buy seeds take moist paper towel like I mean a lot of it wet it underneath the sink like you would have sponge and then rinse it out then put the seeds on top of that then cover it with another piece of wet paper towel get a tupperware container put the whole thing in a tupperware container poke some holes in the top and throw it in your closet for a few days boom sprouted seeds this is the easy step LOL
you're completely overthinking this thing if these seeds don't work for you the next time you buy seeds take moist paper towel like I mean a lot of it wet it underneath the sink like you would have sponge and then rinse it out then put the seeds on top of that then cover it with another piece of wet paper towel get a tupperware container put the whole thing in a tupperware container poke some holes in the top and throw it in your closet for a few days boom sprouted seeds this is the easy step LOL

This is what i do but not sure how moist, i put it back 1 day now and 1 of them has a little white sprout, other no. Maybe needs more water? I put napkins in water but then i squeeze all the water out so no water can be squeezed out then i put the seeds. Like i said i been doing it that way forever just this time 2 sprouted 2 didnt.
This is what i do but not sure how moist, i put it back 1 day now and 1 of them has a little white sprout, other no. Maybe needs more water? I put napkins in water but then i squeeze all the water out so no water can be squeezed out then i put the seeds. Like i said i been doing it that way forever just this time 2 sprouted 2 didnt.

Just keep them in the paper towel for 7 days. After that i give up. I just had one that took 5 1/2 days no joke... was weird but i just stayed patient
I had them in soil but no sprout after 2 days i moved them to paper towel i see little sprout these last 2 seeds taking way to long to sprout. They are on a heat matt covered with towel is that too hot? Seems hot when i open the sandwich bag steamy

You need to be patient. It can take up to a week to sprout. It's never a good idea to start digging around in the soil because the seed didn't sprout as fast as you think they should. Especially after just 2 days.

Good luck.
Like everyone here is saying, don't screw with them too much... I have been growing old-school, just in the dirt forever... I soak for around 6 hrs, then put in soil before they sprout... lightly water and wait... generally get 95-100% germ rate every time... only issues are when it is cold and rainy outside... or blazing hot... Just had some seeds go through that cold and rainy weather, and the seeds started to sprout, but then rotted... on the opposite side, I have two mystery plants that popped out of the ground after the whole winter without me even knowing the seeds were there... my point is, they can go through a lot, but too much "care" will kill em
Thanks for your input guys, i truly think i should not cover the bags on the heat Matt getting to hot steam comes out of the sandwich bag when i open it. I turned off the matt and left it covered. Will set tomorrow.
Like everyone here is saying, don't screw with them too much... I have been growing old-school, just in the dirt forever... I soak for around 6 hrs, then put in soil before they sprout... lightly water and wait... generally get 95-100% germ rate every time... only issues are when it is cold and rainy outside... or blazing hot... Just had some seeds go through that cold and rainy weather, and the seeds started to sprout, but then rotted... on the opposite side, I have two mystery plants that popped out of the ground after the whole winter without me even knowing the seeds were there... my point is, they can go through a lot, but too much "care" will kill em
I popped 25 outside here in Interior Alaska. In the dirt. Black Gold Seedling Mix you can get anywhere. Nighttime temperatures got as low as 38 a couple of nights but all seeds except 1 older one I was hopeful for popped. They’re strong plants. Will veg all summer ultimately in 20 gallon bags to later flower indoors. No heat mat. No wet paper towels or sinking in water. Dixie cups with Seedling Mix.
Hi guys i took 4 different strain seeds and put them in a glass of water for 21hrs. They all sank to the bottom, then i put each seed in its own moist paper towel, inside a sandwich bag and on a heat Matt. After 32 hrs i opened up the bags 2 seeds had a 1/2 sprouts and 2 seeds had no sprout but they look like they have a little crack on them. So then i planted the seeds the 2 with sprouts popped out the soil, the ones i planted with no sprout didnt pop out of the soil. On 3rd day in soil i dug out the other 2 seeds and they look the same no sprout. I put them back in paper towel, in sandwich bag back on the heat matt. What i want to know is that, is there any hope they will sprout???
Tham bruh what didn't you do to them??
Usually takes 3 plus days for them to sprout longest was 8 days in paper towels. I was about to chuck her. Also scuffing helps alot with older beans.
Patience is the key to gardening.

No change in root size on 1 of them just white spot the other seed just cracked. I turned off the heat matt overnight no change do i have to put more water on the paper towel cause i cant squeeze any water out at the moment.
No change in root size on 1 of them just white spot the other seed just cracked. I turned off the heat matt overnight no change do i have to put more water on the paper towel cause i cant squeeze any water out at the moment.

Does your heat mat have a thermostat? If not they can get *way* too hot and dry out your paper towel/rockwool/rapid rooter cube. Just don't bother with the heat mat for now.

As long as it is moist it is fine. You shouldn't be able to squeeze any water out of the paper towel, it just needs to be moist.

Stop fiddling with it and checking it or digging it up, they will spout, or they won't just leave them for a few days.

You don't even *need* the paper towel method, how do plants grow in nature? Seed finds its way into soil (usually via bird shit), water meets soil meets seed ... seed sprouts and plant grows.
Does your heat mat have a thermostat? If not they can get *way* too hot and dry out your paper towel/rockwool/rapid rooter cube. Just don't bother with the heat mat for now.

As long as it is moist it is fine. You shouldn't be able to squeeze any water out of the paper towel, it just needs to be moist.

Stop fiddling with it and checking it or digging it up, they will spout, or they won't just leave them for a few days.

You don't even *need* the paper towel method, how do plants grow in nature? Seed finds its way into soil (usually via bird shit), water meets soil meets seed ... seed sprouts and plant grows.

It might be that seed it didnt crack or sprout had it 4 days now on moist paper towel nothing. I just put it in water and it sinks should i leave it in water until it sprouts?