Seed prices, is it me?

Capitalism is the reason people charge through the roof for their seeds instead of a reasonable price. You’re obviously missing the definition of capitalism, I’m not against buying and selling seeds. I’ve spent thousands on seeds in my lifetime and never was I just gifted seeds, I got freebies once I spent money yes. I’m not even expecting anything free in this world, just reasonable prices. A breeder can make 10,000+ seeds a batch! They can still make decent money and not rape us for it.

And one of you comparing gold to need help seriously. They’re just seeds that can be made in unlimited quantities, gold isn’t a renewable resource. Anyway..good morning

Sensi seeds cost ~$100 a pack in the 80s. Seeds have always been expensive, because regardless of what you think, they take time and energy (and oftentimes considerable risk) to produce.

If you don’t want to pay, then don’t. Choosing not to buy something you feel is too expensive is part of capitalism too. There are plenty of cheap seeds around.

I do think it’s bizarre when people bitch and moan about the price of seeds. When you compare the price of a pack of seeds to all of the costs associated with a grow, it’s pretty insignificant. Setting up a grow space, lights, nutes, soil, energy costs, and the time spent caring for the plants...these costs vastly outnumber the cost of even a $300 pack of seeds. When you take into account how much money can be made from a single plant, and how a great plant can be cloned forever, there’s really no reason to bitch and moan about spending a little for some quality genetics.

There are plenty of breeders that I think are overpriced compared to their peers. Guess what? I won’t buy from them. It doesn’t mean I’ll make semi-coherent rants about how capitalism is the downfall of humanity.
Capitalism is the reason people charge through the roof for their seeds instead of a reasonable price. You’re obviously missing the definition of capitalism, I’m not against buying and selling seeds. I’ve spent thousands on seeds in my lifetime and never was I just gifted seeds, I got freebies once I spent money yes. I’m not even expecting anything free in this world, just reasonable prices. A breeder can make 10,000+ seeds a batch! They can still make decent money and not rape us for it.

And one of you comparing gold to need help seriously. They’re just seeds that can be made in unlimited quantities, gold isn’t a renewable resource. Anyway..good morning
Sensi seeds cost ~$100 a pack in the 80s. Seeds have always been expensive, because regardless of what you think, they take time and energy (and oftentimes considerable risk) to produce.

If you don’t want to pay, then don’t. Choosing not to buy something you feel is too expensive is part of capitalism too. There are plenty of cheap seeds around.

I do think it’s bizarre when people bitch and moan about the price of seeds. When you compare the price of a pack of seeds to all of the costs associated with a grow, it’s pretty insignificant. Setting up a grow space, lights, nutes, soil, energy costs, and the time spent caring for the plants...these costs vastly outnumber the cost of even a $300 pack of seeds. When you take into account how much money can be made from a single plant, and how a great plant can be cloned forever, there’s really no reason to bitch and moan about spending a little for some quality genetics.

There are plenty of breeders that I think are overpriced compared to their peers. Guess what? I won’t buy from them. It doesn’t mean I’ll make semi-coherent rants about how capitalism is the downfall of humanity.

If I was still making money I wouldnt think twice about spending on packs.. Some of the stuff out of Seed Junkie packs has been CRAZY!.. Find a special pheno or two and you can cash out.. but considering I'm just growing for pers/fam and I value switching things up regularly, I am just as happy growing chucks and $20/30 packs of regs.. I will still spend a bit more for fems, even though I end up just saving them for some fucking reason.. but I just dont like spending that much on regs with my couple little personal tents..

I'm late to the whole IG thing but some of the chuckers on there (and here for that matter) have some quality genetics.. cutting out the middleman and buying direct will get you the best deals.. and Bodhi has BOGO deals if you keep your eyes open
Capitalism is the reason people charge through the roof for their seeds instead of a reasonable price. You’re obviously missing the definition of capitalism, I’m not against buying and selling seeds. I’ve spent thousands on seeds in my lifetime and never was I just gifted seeds, I got freebies once I spent money yes. I’m not even expecting anything free in this world, just reasonable prices. A breeder can make 10,000+ seeds a batch! They can still make decent money and not rape us for it.

And one of you comparing gold to need help seriously. They’re just seeds that can be made in unlimited quantities, gold isn’t a renewable resource. Anyway..good morning

I've gifted and been gifted seeds. I've made them and bought them and gone to far away places and harvested them. Every one of those transactions involved willing people and there was no rape. Amazing huh?

I'm not missing the definition of capitalism, although I prefer to use the term "free market" (voluntary human interactions not impeded by outside constraints / uninvited third parties ) as opposed to capitalism, which is a term that has taken on different meanings to different people and is so frequently misused, it needs some scrutiny.

Apparently capitalism means greed to you, and is the reason you think people charge unreasonable prices as opposed to a "fair price".

I think it's already been mentioned but pricing in a free market is related to supply and demand. If you think the prices are rapey, in a free market, you can always enter the business and deliver a great product at a price you choose. Whether consumers choose your product or not is up to them, as it should be.

Not sure what your gold comment means, but I'm glad you're not against buying and selling seeds. And, yes, good evening, maam.
Seed prices are wayyyyy too high. The price of weed is so cheap and dropping but seeds are going up it seems. You can get dank for $1 a gram but seeds $20-$30 per seed! Like foh

And you guys perpetuate it by paying these prices. Capitalism literally ruins everything in life.
Remember wide gene pools? Pure sativas?
Trading convo and gifting friends beans like the good ole days. The love is being sucked out of it
and I can’t say I’m surprised. Greed is the downfall of humanity.
The pro growers and breeders pay the high prices because their customer base demands certain strains. They are not doing it because they like wasting money. In fact, many sell hundreds of clones from those high dollar seeds, so they can offset the cost.
Gold at the time of this posting is currently $1240.87 an oz, or $39.89 a gram ($1240.87/31.1035=$39.89). I weighed out 1 gram of seeds. It took 54 seeds, using a mix of Cannaventure, Bodhi, Useful, Hazeman, and Brisco's Bargain Beans. So a seed weighs roughly 1/50 of a gram. 1/50 of a gram of gold is $39.89/50=$0.7989.

If you're paying more than 80 cents a seed, you're seeds are worth more than their weight in gold. That said, I have no problem with the prices of the seeds I buy.
But I remember when gold and flower were close to 350/oz
Capitalism is the reason people charge through the roof for their seeds instead of a reasonable price. You’re obviously missing the definition of capitalism

I like how you cherry picked the negative of capitalism, but entirely avoided the opposite. Because of capitalism, a guy down the street from the expensive seed shop will open his own seed shop with great genetics at lower prices.

Because of capitalism, you have companies like Wal-Mart changing the way they do business because of rivals like Amazon. Capitalism doesn't ruin anything, it gives you alternative markets with competitive prices.