Whatsup guys, I just planted my first couple seeds last monday. Left them soaked in water for 24 hours, then put them in a moist paper towel. By tuesday one of them had already sprouted, so by wednesday night I made the move to plant the seed in a rockwool cube. It's been growing and blooming ever since, but I got up this morning to find that my plant is droopy and appears to be dying. I've included some pics so maybe you guys can help me.. I'm thinking it could need a bigger pot? I keep the watering to 3-4 days and I checked yesterday to see if the surface was dry, which it was so I let it remain.
Also, I transported the plants (moved them in their respected trays) to another room temporarily, which was about the same temperature (23 Celsius), however thinking back the humidity may have been different.
Just a note - the picture of the second plant that is just beginning to sprout, didn't look like it was going to make it yesterday. It looked weak. I fed it some water because the medium seemed to be dry, and now its as if the plants have switched places health wise.
Also, I transported the plants (moved them in their respected trays) to another room temporarily, which was about the same temperature (23 Celsius), however thinking back the humidity may have been different.
Just a note - the picture of the second plant that is just beginning to sprout, didn't look like it was going to make it yesterday. It looked weak. I fed it some water because the medium seemed to be dry, and now its as if the plants have switched places health wise.