Seeds Dying

so i recently potted three bag:-? seed in rockwool, two died i think due to being waterlogged, however the third one appears to be going strong, it looks as if the seed is being pushed to the top of the rockwool does this mean that it is growing?:shock:
Been doin seeds for about 4 year now buddy and never had a reliable seedbanks seed die on me. I will tell you what i do by no means am i saying that this is the best way just a successful way that i am firmiliar with. Take a video case ( yes black VHS case or simular) and get a roll of none scented toilet paper. Unroll the toilet paper and make a strip the same length of the container about an inch thick and then do the same with another peice. Put the first bit of toilet paper in and then wet it with warm water ( usually the heated water will have been sitting in the boiler for a bit and alot of the alkalines will already have been evapurated) . Then make wee dints in toilets roll to sit the seeds in, place the seeds in and then cover with the other bit of toilet roll. Then soak with water, you can let any excess water drain out of the case. Close the case And place somewhere warm, i place mines under a heater. You want the toilet paper to feel warm to the touch you wont need to wet again, wait 2 or 3 days and the seeds should have a root about an inch long. Take the rockwool cube fill with soil compact it, make a hole in it with a pencil, place the seed in very gently and then cover the seed with soil. Use water to compact the soil around the seed, place under a light add some rhizotonic or simular (not needed but helps, i only use about half strength) and about 1 or 2 days later it will have popped out of the cube.
I think that heat is the key for speed a seed baking in the soil will reach quite a high temperature.
Not too hot though keep it feeling warm. I realise this was not your question but should help in the future.
The seed coming out of the rock will most likely have a root underneath sometimes the seed casing stays on the small leaves underneath. I would leaf it :-) a couple of days after it popping out of the rockwool, if it still hasnt fell off see if u can gently remove it, if it doesnt come off easily wait a day or two then try the same again.
You can grow in rockwool and it will work fine. Probably the main bonus of using the toilet roll in my eyes is that you can keep an eye on the seed as its rooting. Rockwool will also dry out in heat but not one way is right and not one way is wrong people just have methods that they prefer. I have heard seeds taking up to two weeks to root, longest i have experienced in tissue is about 4 days, usually 2 or 3.
so i recently potted three bag:-? seed in rockwool, two died i think due to being waterlogged, however the third one appears to be going strong, it looks as if the seed is being pushed to the top of the rockwool does this mean that it is growing?:shock:
Yes they are growing! Or its quite possibly trying to get away from you! Id place a net or box over it just in case.
Heres a tip for you aswel i think this is one of the most common mistakes people make, make sure that you have quality genetics. Too many people take seeds or clones because they are free. Why waste your time growing seeds that might have rubbish genetics and that might turn hymaphtodite. Buy quality seeds from a reliable seed bank amd ensure you have top notch genetics, if taking clones make sure you have seen the plant they come from and tested the bud. If you do not have good genetics chances are you wont have a great yeild or bud. Do yourself a favour mate and grab proper seeds.
Been doin seeds for about 4 year now buddy and never had a reliable seedbanks seed die on me. I will tell you what i do by no means am i saying that this is the best way just a successful way that i am firmiliar with. Take a video case ( yes black VHS case or simular) and get a roll of none scented toilet paper. Unroll the toilet paper and make a strip the same length of the container about an inch thick and then do the same with another peice. Put the first bit of toilet paper in and then wet it with warm water ( usually the heated water will have been sitting in the boiler for a bit and alot of the alkalines will already have been evapurated) . Then make wee dints in toilets roll to sit the seeds in, place the seeds in and then cover with the other bit of toilet roll. Then soak with water, you can let any excess water drain out of the case. Close the case And place somewhere warm, i place mines under a heater. You want the toilet paper to feel warm to the touch you wont need to wet again, wait 2 or 3 days and the seeds should have a root about an inch long. Take the rockwool cube fill with soil compact it, make a hole in it with a pencil, place the seed in very gently and then cover the seed with soil. Use water to compact the soil around the seed, place under a light add some rhizotonic or simular (not needed but helps, i only use about half strength) and about 1 or 2 days later it will have popped out of the cube.
I think that heat is the key for speed a seed baking in the soil will reach quite a high temperature.

use a paper towel not toilet paper. paper towel holds water longer/better which means less dampening and less disruption while germinating. With Toilet paper you'll be waking up every morning to a dry tissue and thats NO good. other than that, the cd case does work haha

source - 5th grade earth science
Heres a tip for you aswel i think this is one of the most common mistakes people make, make sure that you have quality genetics. Too many people take seeds or clones because they are free. Why waste your time growing seeds that might have rubbish genetics and that might turn hymaphtodite. Buy quality seeds from a reliable seed bank amd ensure you have top notch genetics, if taking clones make sure you have seen the plant they come from and tested the bud. If you do not have good genetics chances are you wont have a great yeild or bud. Do yourself a favour mate and grab proper seeds.
thanks man i actually have some special kushNo.1 on the way
No bother bud and good luck with the kush , another strain thats good aswel if ur on a budget is white skunk grows a bit wild but the bud quality is excellent. Any problems feel free to ask, people are more than willing to help the only thing is is that alot of people give bad info lol so try to sumarise and come to your own logical conclusions using the info gathered.
Free the weed
Alex Salmond you legend !!
Instead of the paper towel idea. Put a couple of handfuls of soil on a plate then make a mound,use a pencil to poke holes(inch deep)in the mound and drop your beans in there and wait for them to pop. you can pull the whole tap root seeding before any little hair root form.And they won't start to rot from the soggy paper towel.