
Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey got some easy questions for someone that's been doing this a while. I just got some seeds, been keeping them in distilled water in the dark until i see a crack in them. I had one crack right away the others been in there for a couple of days now grrr. I think i might have messed up my first seed by taking it out of the dark to soon, i saw the stem a lil in the hole of the cube just no sprout yet it was still bent down, but i put it under the lights anyways grr it sprouted and leaves flipped 3 days it grew 5 inchs. I think as it grows bigger the stem might be to weak. Long story short should i let the sprouts come out in the dark leaves and all then put them in the lights or does it matter.


Well-Known Member
Should have sprouted them in paper towls or even just a cup of water. Then after the tape root pops out. put the root downward in you cube, or what ever you are using. wait for them to grow the 1st set of leafs. then harden them by putting them into lights.