

Active Member
Has anyone ever ordered seeds to have shipped the U.S. that never showed up or been confiscated (sp?) by authorities? Is this anything to worry about?



Well-Known Member
Not I. I got mine just fine. A lot of the companies that ship to the US send under false names and try to "hide" the seeds within the envelope.

Nirvana got me my seeds pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered seeds 3 times with no problems at all. you don't have to worry about anything. I suggest nirvana-shop for your first purchase, good genetics, good prices, stealth shipping, what more can you ask for!


Active Member
I would hate to spend a couple hundred bucks for nothing.
I will check out nirvana .

Thanks for the responses.


Well-Known Member
i used attitude not that long ago.. got my order within 5 days.. they have a garuntee you can get that says if something happens they will replace your order free of charge.. and they also give out free seeds with every order.. i spent like 150.00 and got 4 free seeds.. not bad.. and all the seeds i ordered germ'd.. well the 7 seeds (all different strains) i germ'd all sprouted.. you can even tell them how you want it packaged... well... damn near.... but it came in the regular mail in a plain yellow envelope... i suggest using a pre paid credit card and using a fake name tho.. just in case...


Well-Known Member
I ordered off attitude as well as the previous poster, and I got my seeds fast too. Not only that got freebie seeds with the order - a feminized blue hash (which didn't germinate) and a feminized blue widow that is over an inch tall at less than a week old. I also got cali orange 5/5 germinated and are growing and I have Northern lights which 0/5 germinated... not great news, but they have a ton of selection and I'm sure I must have done something wrong as they didn't crack at all.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered 3 times - all orders arrived fine
But the 'no worry' attitude may be a little too causal. The chances of any 'bad things' happening from having seeds shipped through customs is very low - but it's not zero.
A safe address for shipping may be difficult to do, but it's really worth the piece of mind.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered 3 times - all orders arrived fine
But the 'no worry' attitude may be a little too causal. The chances of any 'bad things' happening from having seeds shipped through customs is very low - but it's not zero.
A safe address for shipping may be difficult to do, but it's really worth the piece of mind.
What would that be? They confinscate them and send you a letter saying your items are being confinscated because they dont conform to the laws of the country, if you despute it they basically say "if you want them, come and claim them." If you try, maybe you'll get in shit, but, why would you go to try and claim something illegal? All you have to do is mail people seeds to get in big shit? Then cool, I'll mail my ex-wife seeds everyday and tip off the OPP. I'm guessing a very simple.. I dont' know who sent me these but they are obviously trying to get me into some kind of trouble would cover that situation.
Worst that can happen is to have your address flagged and they will check your packages for a while. I know from experience. Don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
What would that be? They confinscate them and send you a letter saying your items are being confinscated because they dont conform to the laws of the country, if you despute it they basically say "if you want them, come and claim them." If you try, maybe you'll get in shit, but, why would you go to try and claim something illegal? All you have to do is mail people seeds to get in big shit? Then cool, I'll mail my ex-wife seeds everyday and tip off the OPP. I'm guessing a very simple.. I dont' know who sent me these but they are obviously trying to get me into some kind of trouble would cover that situation.
Worst that can happen is to have your address flagged and they will check your packages for a while. I know from experience. Don't worry about it.
Confiscation is small change. Customs can(and has) notified local law enforcement in certain cases of an attempted seed delivery to a given address.
There are a small number of cases where LEO has 'stopped by' at that address, and spotted something 'suspicious'. Searches and arrests have happened. Seem to be very rare, but have happened.
If you open your door to a LEO, they can claim they smelled the odor of cannabis, and they have a warrant less search.


Active Member
I get mine from a local shop in town......I have order'd off the internet b4 and it worked fine..


Well-Known Member
For almost people that do - no problem. Very occasionally, a bad thing will happen.
My point is you can reduce your seed risk to zero(or very close) by a safe address. Been covered many times in the seed FAQ.


Well-Known Member
Confiscation is small change. Customs can(and has) notified local law enforcement in certain cases of an attempted seed delivery to a given address.
There are a small number of cases where LEO has 'stopped by' at that address, and spotted something 'suspicious'. Searches and arrests have happened. Seem to be very rare, but have happened.
If you open your door to a LEO, they can claim they smelled the odor of cannabis, and they have a warrant less search.
Wow, and here I had 10g's worth of roids snapped at the border over two shipments, and I got a nice letter on yellow paper saying my items were seized as suspicious goods, if I thought they were seized in error, I could go to thier office to claim it.....
maybe the people you heard about who got pinched actually went to pick them up.
It's entrapment if they end them through and then stake you out to arrest you.. and guess what, if you get a package that's been opened by customs and delivered, use your head, throw the things out and don't grow for a while then.. either way, pretty common sence. You won't get in shit. I'm talking from experience over a pretty serious charge, and all I did was change my address with the place I bought the roids from -$32 and a private mailbox from mailboxes inc, and I was back in business.
I'm not saying it's never happened to anyone, but point me to a case study or a newspaper article about it, and I am sure you will discover there was more to it then someone buying seeds online..

As a side note, if you get your package of seeds that's been opened and sealed with yellow tape indicating, by law, that it was opened for inspection by customs, and you know it's illegal, common sence would dictate you would either throw the seeds in the garbage, and not grow for a while.. or take the seeds in to the cops yourself, and tell them you don't know what they are, but you think after looking on the internet that they could be "cannibas seeds".. that's not going to work though if you go in stoned wearing a 4:20 shirt and have dreads down your back.. again, common sence would come into play as with any situation.


No they DON'T send you a letter. The envelope arrives with big, green tape over where they sliced it open reading Customs and Border Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security. The seed packaging is resealed, minus the goods. Now, they have your name and we remember the Hitler years.


Well-Known Member
Wow, and here I had 10g's worth of roids snapped at the border over two shipments, and I got a nice letter on yellow paper saying my items were seized as suspicious goods, if I thought they were seized in error, I could go to thier office to claim it.....
maybe the people you heard about who got pinched actually went to pick them up.
It's entrapment if they end them through and then stake you out to arrest you.. and guess what, if you get a package that's been opened by customs and delivered, use your head, throw the things out and don't grow for a while then.. either way, pretty common sence. You won't get in shit. I'm talking from experience over a pretty serious charge, and all I did was change my address with the place I bought the roids from -$32 and a private mailbox from mailboxes inc, and I was back in business.
I'm not saying it's never happened to anyone, but point me to a case study or a newspaper article about it, and I am sure you will discover there was more to it then someone buying seeds online..
Pretty much what you said - if you get a customs letter don't consider your address safe.

This is the one case many people have heard of, you can google from the key words pretty easy

COLUMBUS, Ind. -- Police say an intercepted order of marijuana seeds prompted investigators to arrest a Columbus doctor and his wife on drug possession charges, RTV6 reported Friday. Investigators found more than 30 marijuana plants in the home of Dr. Arnaldo Trabucco and Pamela Trabucco, police said. Authorities searched the home after customs agents in Chicago intercepted a package of marijuana seeds from England. Police said they believe the Trabuccos had ordered the seeds on the Internet. The case will be examined by the Bartholomew County prosecutor's office, RTV6 reported.


Well-Known Member
No they DON'T send you a letter. The envelope arrives with big, green tape over where they sliced it open reading Customs and Border Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security. The seed packaging is resealed, minus the goods. Now, they have your name and we remember the Hitler years.
We are talking about 2 different countries brother. What your border and customs do are different than ours.. hence if you read my other posts you would have caught OPP.. (Ontario Provincial Police) and RCMP. So yes you do get a letter, I know... it happened.. TO ME.

The only time I ever got delivered roids that were opened by customs.. and had the YELLOW tape on it all my amps were opened and empty. Check on any roid forum and you will hear about that happening all the time.. like "fuck it, let's screw with him". Again, it's entrapment... it'll get thrown out of court if you have a lawyer.

You and your homeland security... ya cause they give a fuck if you order 10 seeds either, oh my goodness in 6 months he may have a few pounds to sell to fund terrorism...... oh wait, you can open a bank account in Texas and get a gun( I saw that in a Micheal Moore movie, so it must be true!).

Not arguing that it could happen, but I don't think anyone has to lose sleep over it, and just be smart...


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what you said - if you get a customs letter don't consider your address safe.

This is the one case many people have heard of, you can google from the key words pretty easy

COLUMBUS, Ind. -- Police say an intercepted order of marijuana seeds prompted investigators to arrest a Columbus doctor and his wife on drug possession charges, RTV6 reported Friday. Investigators found more than 30 marijuana plants in the home of Dr. Arnaldo Trabucco and Pamela Trabucco, police said. Authorities searched the home after customs agents in Chicago intercepted a package of marijuana seeds from England. Police said they believe the Trabuccos had ordered the seeds on the Internet. The case will be examined by the Bartholomew County prosecutor's office, RTV6 reported.

Cool, thanks man! I honestly have never heard of it happening. and what I went through - unscathed - I just wrote it off to be urban legend...
But like I said, I am not, and wasn't saying "it can't" happen, but I would assume that there was something more to it than just them getting seeds and searching the house.. Again, a big difference from US practices and Canadian practices apparently... but I was just letting you know from a Canadian customs point of view.
I have ordered stun guns and butterfly knives that have been confiscated as well.
I worked in the "body guard" business for a while and we all liked our toys, so I sold them to several... roids too.. now I'm done with that shit, but I've had worse than seeds confiscated (in Canada) and no more than a letter...
again, not trying to argue, but I know what happened to me, and I find it hard to believe that weapons and shit can get taken and I just have to change to a different PO box and I'm all good again.


Well-Known Member
This is very rare in the USA. Of course, you seldom hear all the details on why a given grow operation was busted. Seeds don't seem to be used as evidence much. But it can give law enforcement an address, if they are inclined to go further. From what I can tell from my internet browsing, the Chicago customs hub seems to be the primary seed/law risk.


Cowell, I went through a BC bank, waited 4 week and e-mailed them. They said they were sent, but were nice enough to resend. The second got the green tape. The first, obviously, went missing along the way. Resently, when through the UK and they arrived in less than two weeks. UK goes through the more picky Chicago customs? Hmmmm?
What's the options? Order from everywhere? Flood the borders from every direction with the hope that some will get through? That should cost a bit.
Me and my Homeland Security? Don't blame me for my countries silly ass, miss directed policies. If it were my choice, I'd get rid of the whole lot. I try when I vote, but it ends up being the lesser of two evils.
I currently reside in one of the most backward thinking states in the union, Georgia. Maybe I should move back to my grandparents birthplace, St. John, NB. It seems Canada is far more forward thinking and liberal when it comes to MJ.