Well-Known Member
hey everyone, so imma 3 time loser so far in my attempts at growing , first plant was a hermie with more dominant male parts, 2nd was a male , third was going great atleast i thought, turned out that it snuck about 3 pollen sacks in and pollenated its self, not just a little, i mean i got fucking seeds galore enough supply every member on every forum on every site lol... not that the seed would be worth shit im sure,,, just wondering has this happened to anyone else? ive read alotta people never had a hermie and that self pollenating was rare, i cant seem to escape this doom.... on the bright side im assuming that my air circulation on my indoor grow is fucking awesome because there is not a single bud without seed anyways i didnt really start this with looking for an answer to a question but fuck might as well... i sprayed my room 3 times with a weak bleach solution wiped down the first time and let the other two sprayings dry on there own....im hoping its cleared out and killed the pollen in there and i just put a buzz light gear i had vegging for about 4 weeks into my flower room.... worste case scenario i shouldnt end up with a seed infestation again as long as i end up with a female right ? i hate to go thru another 5 weeks of flowering just to get the same shitty result ( i wouldnt be devistated to find a FEW SEEDS) .... by the way i chopped the self pollenated plant and im currenty hang drying it to salvage what ever smoke i can although potency will proble be shit since it was only 5 weeks into flower however i do have some trichomes and i think the focus was on seed developement so i really dont thing the buds would have continued to grow or mature....i removed the pollen sacks from the hanging branches and sprayed the fuck outta the sack just to make sure....