Senate Report: Hillary's State Dept Could Have Been Prevented Benghazi Attack


New Member
A long-delayed Senate intelligence committee report released Wednesday spreads blame among the State Department and intelligence agencies for not preventing attacks on two outposts in Libya that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. The bipartisan report lays out more than a dozen findings regarding the assaults on Sept. 11 and 12, 2012, on the diplomatic compound and a CIA annex in the Libyan city of Benghazi. It says the State Department failed to increase security at the sites despite warnings and faults intelligence agencies for not sharing information about the existence of the CIA outpost with the U.S. military.

“The attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the panel said in a statement.

It's going to be amusing to see how the media tries to spin this story.
We may find democrats distancing themselves from Hillary Clinton like they are Barack Obama and his massive signature healthcare failure.
meh..are republicans still trying to spin this one?

now click your heels together and repeat:

there's no scandal like chris christie
there's no scandal like chris christie
there's no scandal like chris christie
911 "could have been prevented" as well, the gulf oil spill "could have been prevented", "three mile island" could have been prevented as could "chernobyl" and "fukashima", It's nice to live in a parallel universe of could have
meh..are republicans still trying to spin this one?

now click your heels together and repeat:

there's no scandal like chris christie
there's no scandal like chris christie
there's no scandal like chris christie

Yeah, the Senate intelligence Committee is a bunch of republicans spinning investigative facts. LOL

Oh how you lefties hate bad news when it's one of your own at the center of it.
911 "could have been prevented" as well, the gulf oil spill "could have been prevented", "three mile island" could have been prevented as could "chernobyl" and "fukashima", It's nice to live in a parallel universe of could have

And here we go!
A long-delayed Senate intelligence committee report released Wednesday spreads blame among the State Department and intelligence agencies for not preventing attacks on two outposts in Libya that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. The bipartisan report lays out more than a dozen findings regarding the assaults on Sept. 11 and 12, 2012, on the diplomatic compound and a CIA annex in the Libyan city of Benghazi. It says the State Department failed to increase security at the sites despite warnings and faults intelligence agencies for not sharing information about the existence of the CIA outpost with the U.S. military.

“The attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the panel said in a statement.

It's going to be amusing to see how the media tries to spin this story.
We may find democrats distancing themselves from Hillary Clinton like they are Barack Obama and his massive signature healthcare failure.

I know you are gloating over what you think is his "massive health care failure", but what you are doing is gloating over America's health care failure, even before it has been established that it is indeed a failure. I find this abhorant. You would rather your fellow citizens die in the streets, lose their homes and livelyhoods, gloating in their misery simply because you get to be.... right and obama gets to be.... wrong.

And that is exactly why Republicans, in general are such damnable assholes, because deep down, through all the jingoistic rhetoric and their bullshit ideas about "freedom and the american way", all they care about is their own ideology and lining their own pockets - at the expense of America. I fear this will forever be true with you folks.
I know you are gloating over what you think is his "massive health care failure", but what you are doing is gloating over America's health care failure, even before it has been established that it is indeed a failure. I find this abhorant. You would rather your fellow citizens die in the streets, lose their homes and livelyhoods, gloating in their misery simply because you get to be.... right and obama gets to be.... wrong.

And that is exactly why Republicans, in general are such damnable assholes, because deep down, through all the jingoistic rhetoric and their bullshit ideas about "freedom and the american way", all they care about is their own ideology and lining their own pockets - at the expense of America. I fear this will forever be true with you folks.

America doesn't have a healthcare problem, America has a healthcare cost problem.
Unless we bring the cost of healthcare down, we're chasing our tails.
Obamacare is making it less affordable, it's a complete failure and you know it.
America doesn't have a healthcare problem, America has a healthcare cost problem.
Unless we bring the cost of healthcare down, we're chasing our tails.
Obamacare is making it less affordable, it's a complete failure and you know it.

Damn man, you were soooo close to have me agree with you. Then you went Finthere on me.

You yourself JUST explained that healthcare itself is not the problem and the cost of it was. Obamacare aims to solve that cost issue, but you are lumping the two in the same category. Healthcare costs are not rising from Obamacare, they are rising from greedy doctors and hospitals that are run like capitalist businesses... and you know it.
America doesn't have a healthcare problem, America has a healthcare cost problem.
Unless we bring the cost of healthcare down, we're chasing our tails.
Obamacare is making it less affordable, it's a complete failure and you know it.

I just posted that we were at the bottom of 17 other developed nation in health - We have a health care problem, we spend more than any other nation and get less for our money than any other nation. There has never been even a feble attempt at changing our situation eminating from your side of things. And DO NOT claim that tort reform and selling across state lines is anything more than window dressing because I have in the past and will again trounce that insignificant argument.

Now realize that I am a victim currently of this very same health care reform, I don't like it, it isn'thelping me but you see, it isn't always and all the time about us as individuals and immediate return.

It is easy to point at what doesn't work when you got nothing to replace it. My point remains - YOU are gloating over the death and misery of your fellow Americans. This sort of smug superiority lends nothing to America and is about as unpatriotic as anything I can imagine, to conservatives, a flag lapel pin is enough, to the rest of us, it is as I said, window dressing for the conservative plundering of America
Damn man, you were soooo close to have me agree with you. Then you went Finthere on me.

You yourself JUST explained that healthcare itself is not the problem and the cost of it was. Obamacare aims to solve that cost issue, but you are lumping the two in the same category. Healthcare costs are not rising from Obamacare, they are rising from greedy doctors and hospitals that are run like capitalist businesses... and you know it.

And I disagree.
Doctors and hospitals have to raise their costs to offset the low reimbursement rate created by Obamacare.
Look it up.
And I disagree.
Doctors and hospitals have to raise their costs to offset the low reimbursement rate created by Obamacare.
Look it up.

I would say that two of the largest contributing factors to rising healthcare costs in the past, oh I dont know, 30 years, has been the incorporation of hospitals as well as rising malpractice lawsuits. It is disingenuous to say that Obamacare is a major contributing factor to rising healthcare costs, it's simply not true, and you are ignoring the real issues.
And I disagree.
Doctors and hospitals have to raise their costs to offset the low reimbursement rate created by Obamacare.
Look it up.

No, you look it up - the Insurance companies are the ones subsidized and THEY are the ones paying the hospitals. Sheesh.
I would say that two of the largest contributing factors to rising healthcare costs in the past, oh I dont know, 30 years, has been the incorporation of hospitals as well as rising malpractice lawsuits. It is disingenuous to say that Obamacare is a major contributing factor to rising healthcare costs, it's simply not true, and you are ignoring the real issues.

you are so close to my agreeing with you.... but rising malpractice lawsuits are not a significant factor - rising premiums for doctors may be, but those premiums dont have much to do with what amount to relatively minor payouts.
No, you look it up - the Insurance companies are the ones subsidized and THEY are the ones paying the hospitals. Sheesh.

Sorry canndo, you just don't get it.
That's like saying your car insurance is setting the cost of repairs to your damaged vehicle.
Never mind the rising costs of parts and labor, sheesh!
you are so close to my agreeing with you.... but rising malpractice lawsuits are not a significant factor - rising premiums for doctors may be, but those premiums dont have much to do with what amount to relatively minor payouts.

You keep saying that like it is a fact while providing no evidence of it.

The Democrats are in the pockets of trial lawyers and will never allow it to happen so it has not been tried.
I would say that two of the largest contributing factors to rising healthcare costs in the past, oh I dont know, 30 years, has been the incorporation of hospitals as well as rising malpractice lawsuits. It is disingenuous to say that Obamacare is a major contributing factor to rising healthcare costs, it's simply not true, and you are ignoring the real issues.

I agree with your first two assertions, however, claiming Obamacare's low compensation rates are not driving doctors away and increasing the costs for those who are not subsidized and pay for our premiums is foolish.