Senate Report: Hillary's State Dept Could Have Been Prevented Benghazi Attack

forget about those damn pesky subsidies.

stupid fucking facts always getting in the way of a good republican yarn.

Lol, the subsidies are the point. They come from the subsidy oak and they are FREE.

Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Gather round kids, Uncle Buck is gonna spin a yarn about the great pot of subsidy at the end of the rainbow.

Mmm,mmm gonna get me some subsidy...they're practically giving it away.
Lol, the subsidies are the point. They come from the subsidy oak and they are FREE.

Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Gather round kids, Uncle Buck is gonna spin a yarn about the great pot of subsidy at the end of the rainbow.

Mmm,mmm gonna get me some subsidy...they're practically giving it away.

getting all asshurt isn't gonna change your non-facts to facts somehow.
healthcare costs have been steady ever since obamacare was passed, you fucking idiot.

how could health care be less affordable of the costs have been the same for years now?


Looking back on how you thought your paycheck stub reflected the effective tax rate you paid, it doesn't surprise me a bit that you don't have the intellect to figure out that the Obamacare subsidy program hasn't even taken effect yet.

Buckology, is failure.
I did compare our plan from State Farm (my wife's employer) and comparable plans on the exchange. In fact, Cheebs and I had an uncommonly civil exchange on the subject. The plans on the exchange fell far short on benefits, coverage, deductibles and premiums. So much so, it led me to comment that no one in their right fucking mind would actually pay for that coverage.

You made an interesting point about the comparison using subsidized premiums and how after being subsidized, they would be closer. I think that point might actually be counterproductive to your argument. The fact the Walmart plan doesn't need my taxes to be affordable is a BIG WIN from where I'm standing. We aren't going to penalize ourselves 1% of our earnings or force people to buy a service they don't want to prop the Walmart plan up. We aren't going to piss away hundreds of billions of dollars away (even that will skyrocket) building a huge government bureaucracy, bailing out the insurance companies and subsidizing the premiums on the Walmart plan. IMO the Walmart plan is far superior, except for the whole having to work at Walmart thing.

And you keep leaving out one glaring error in your comparison

You wifes employer SUBSIDIZES her policy. And that is why it is cheaper. If you were on the open market before Obamacare you would be paying over a 1000 a month for the policy you and her have
Because you're ignorant, why else. LMFAO

wow, you just talked yourself right into circles, smarty.

first you claimed (falsely) that i thought that the withholding rate on my pay stub was the same as my effective tax rate, showing my lack of intellect.

then i pointed out that i touted a different effective tax rate then my pay stub showed.

so you claim that also shows that i am ignorant.

you can't have it both ways, clayton. you just trapped yourself in yet another one of your lies, borne of asshurt and conceived in dumbassery.

why so upset, sistah?
Committee Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Marco Rubio of Florida, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, and Dan Coats of Indiana said failures that led to the attack could be partly related to Obama's failure, in their words, to establish a clear detention policy for terror suspects that gets the most out of intelligence collection.
Instead of sending terror suspects directly to the military facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the administration has temporarily interrogated suspects on Navy ships, sometimes for weeks at a time, before sending them to the United States for trial.
"President Obama and his administration must end their efforts to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and must develop a clear, cogent policy for the detention and interrogation of suspected terrorists," the Senators wrote.
wow, you just talked yourself right into circles, smarty.

first you claimed (falsely) that i thought that the withholding rate on my pay stub was the same as my effective tax rate, showing my lack of intellect.

then i pointed out that i touted a different effective tax rate then my pay stub showed.

so you claim that also shows that i am ignorant.

you can't have it both ways, clayton. you just trapped yourself in yet another one of your lies, borne of asshurt and conceived in dumbassery.

why so upset, sistah?

I can't believe you are this frikin stupid.
You are so convinced that you are right, but you're too mindless to figure out why your lefty buddies who are usually surrounding the wagons for you, are fukin MIA, HELLO!
I can't believe you are this frikin stupid.
You are so convinced that you are right, but you're too mindless to figure out why your lefty buddies who are usually surrounding the wagons for you, are fukin MIA, HELLO!

Your position is two-sided on this matter, just is your political positions, as long as it is convenient for you.

You have just finthere'd your way to the Fin Hall of Fame. Induction ceremony will be held in your honor in the nearing days.

Finthere 2014!
Your position is two-sided on this matter, just is your political positions, as long as it is convenient for you.

You have just finthere'd your way to the Fin Hall of Fame. Induction ceremony will be held in your honor in the nearing days.

Finthere 2014!

So you're saying UncleBuck or anyone else can figure their effective tax rate from a paycheck stub?

Explain it then, tell us how a person who makes $28k annually will have a 22% federal effective tax rate, I'll be waiting.
If you dodge the question, I'll take it as you are just as ignorant.
So you're saying UncleBuck or anyone else can figure their effective tax rate from a paycheck stub?

Explain it then, tell us how a person who makes $28k annually will have a 22% federal effective tax rate, I'll be waiting.
If you dodge the question, I'll take it as you are just as ignorant.

Yes, you can closely figure your effective tax rate from a pay stub. If one were to simply have tax taken from each pay period and at the end of the year file a 1040 EZ and take standard deductions, one might get a little money back, but effectively pay the rate that was deducted from check each pay period. In UB's case it looks like his stub withholding rate was around 25% and after he received some money back, he effectively paid 22%. Pretty simple logic, not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. Must be a Finthere thing.
Yes, you can closely figure your effective tax rate from a pay stub. If one were to simply have tax taken from each pay period and at the end of the year file a 1040 EZ and take standard deductions, one might get a little money back, but effectively pay the rate that was deducted from check each pay period. In UB's case it looks like his stub withholding rate was around 25% and after he received some money back, he effectively paid 22%. Pretty simple logic, not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. Must be a Finthere thing.
UB was supposed to show PROOF. That pay stub PROOVED nothing.

In a court of law, UB would be laughed out of the room..
Yes, you can closely figure your effective tax rate from a pay stub. If one were to simply have tax taken from each pay period and at the end of the year file a 1040 EZ and take standard deductions, one might get a little money back, but effectively pay the rate that was deducted from check each pay period. In UB's case it looks like his stub withholding rate was around 25% and after he received some money back, he effectively paid 22%. Pretty simple logic, not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. Must be a Finthere thing.

If that check was for 2 weeks, the rate on the amount would be different than if it were 1. If it were the only check of the year the effective rate would mostly be 0. Showing one pay stub and declaring it proof of anything other than you have a pay stub is dishonest. If you want to prove what you paid for the year, show me your w2.