Senate Report: Hillary's State Dept Could Have Been Prevented Benghazi Attack

UB was supposed to show PROOF. That pay stub PROOVED nothing.

In a court of law, UB would be laughed out of the room..

And so would see4.
This confirms that neither see4 or UncleBuck have a frikin clue about paying taxes.
Anyone that knows the basics can tell you that NO ONE making $28k a year is going to come CLOSE to paying a 22% effective federal tax rate, period.
If that check was for 2 weeks, the rate on the amount would be different than if it were 1. If it were the only check of the year the effective rate would mostly be 0. Showing one pay stub and declaring it proof of anything other than you have a pay stub is dishonest. If you want to prove what you paid for the year, show me your w2.

Another valid point, one check reflects only two weeks of income.
I was giving UB the benefit of the doubt, he claimed to gross $28k.
Even at that annual gross, he won't come close to 22%.
UB was supposed to show PROOF. That pay stub PROOVED nothing.

In a court of law, UB would be laughed out of the room..

Says the guy who says he owns a pinball machine on the dark side of the moon. Prove it or sit down and hush up.
And so would see4.
This confirms that neither see4 or UncleBuck have a frikin clue about paying taxes.
Anyone that knows the basics can tell you that NO ONE making $28k a year is going to come CLOSE to paying a 22% effective federal tax rate, period.

Awww, Finthere is terribly butthurt that his million dollar business is a complete figment of his imagination.

I pay more in taxes than you earn. And I can PROVE it. How about you show us all what you look like, coward. How about you show us some sort of proof that you own a million dollar business.

Until then, sit down and hush up. Finthere done that.
And so would see4.
This confirms that neither see4 or UncleBuck have a frikin clue about paying taxes.
Anyone that knows the basics can tell you that NO ONE making $28k a year is going to come CLOSE to paying a 22% effective federal tax rate, period.

Just an FYI: one pays an overall effective tax rate, not an effective federal tax rate. You clearly do not know your tax code or tax/onomy.

Yes, I just made a funny. Tax-taxonomy. Good times.
Just an FYI: one pays an overall effective tax rate, not an effective federal tax rate. You clearly do not know your tax code or tax/onomy.

Yes, I just made a funny. Tax-taxonomy. Good times.

Keep talking see4, keep talking.

The more you say, the more you demonstrate your ignorance.
OK, I'll take you for your word, prove it!

I will once you show us what you look like and your million dollar business. I've already showed everyone what I look like, so as it stands right now, I'm one step ahead of you. Your turn.
Keep talking see4, keep talking.

The more you say, the more you demonstrate your ignorance.

You are a silly silly child. You can't prove anything or argue, so you just resort to name calling and try to avoid the argument. You have certainly Finthere and done that.
And you keep leaving out one glaring error in your comparison

You wifes employer SUBSIDIZES her policy. And that is why it is cheaper. If you were on the open market before Obamacare you would be paying over a 1000 a month for the policy you and her have

No, I'm not leaving it out at all. That is the central tenet of my argument. Her EMPLOYER subsidizes her policy as part of the terms of her employment, not the taxpayers. It is a benefit that the company provides to lure and retain desirable employees. It manages to do this AND stay profitable AND competitive with other companies in the home & car insurance market.

You guys keep making my point for me, I appreciate it.
I will once you show us what you look like and your million dollar business. I've already showed everyone what I look like, so as it stands right now, I'm one step ahead of you. Your turn.

Your word is shit then.

Lets talk about taxes see4, tell us more about effective tax rates and how it can't be a federal effective tax rate.
Are you saying state income taxes are included, maybe property and sales taxes too? LOL

Cmon see4, let's talk taxes.
No, I'm not leaving it out at all. That is the central tenet of my argument. Her EMPLOYER subsidizes her policy as part of the terms of her employment, not the taxpayers. It is a benefit that the company provides to lure and retain desirable employees. It manages to do this AND stay profitable AND competitive with other companies in the home & car insurance market.

You guys keep making my point for me, I appreciate it.

Employer subsidizing policies, our fed subsidizes those employers. I'm not saying it's the same amount, but offering insurance through employment was incentivized by our nanny state long ago.

It began when the central planners thought it best to cap how much the labor market could pay. If you wanted to compete with another company for labor, you had to offer bennies instead of more pay. The central planners liked this so much, they started subsidizing those bennies in their grand social engineering platform.
Awww, Finthere is terribly butthurt that his million dollar business is a complete figment of his imagination.

I pay more in taxes than you earn. And I can PROVE it. .

Hey see4, neither of us are accountants but we both say we're business owners.
So lets talk about effective tax rates and let the chips fall where the may.
Your word is shit then.

Lets talk about taxes see4, tell us more about effective tax rates and how it can't be a federal effective tax rate.
Are you saying state income taxes are included, maybe property and sales taxes too? LOL

Haha, ok Finthere.

Federal Tax Rate is a rate that is mandated by the federal government, it is a fixed rate.
State Income Tax Rate is a rate that is mandated by the state government, it is a fixed rate.

Property tax is not a fixed rate of the tax filing and is handled differently. Same with sales tax.

Effective tax rate is the AVERAGE rate an individual's income is taxed. POST deductions and adjustments.

Finthere done that. Coward.
Hey see4, neither of us are accountants but we both say we're business owners.
So lets talk about effective tax rates and let the chips fall where the may.

Sure, let's talk about effective tax rates. Menial subject for a menial mind I suppose.
Haha, ok Finthere.

Federal Tax Rate is a rate that is mandated by the federal government, it is a fixed rate.
State Income Tax Rate is a rate that is mandated by the state government, it is a fixed rate.

Property tax is not a fixed rate of the tax filing and is handled differently. Same with sales tax.

Effective tax rate is the AVERAGE rate an individual's income is taxed. POST deductions and adjustments.

Finthere done that. Coward.

I've never heard our federal tax system referred as a "fixed" rate, marginal yes but not fixed, same with state tax rates.
Fixed rates to me are interest rates with a fixed percentage rate and term.

Average rates and effective rates are different.
Average income tax rate is your tax amount / taxable income. Effective tax rate is your tax amount / total income.

For a guy who claims to own multiple businesses, you are falling way short.
Keep talking see4, keep talking
Sure, let's talk about effective tax rates. Menial subject for a menial mind I suppose.

OK, here we go.

Using average figures, what is your best estimate of an effective tax rate for a single person making $28k annually, just an estimate.
OK, here we go.

Using average figures, what is your best estimate of an effective tax rate for a single person making $28k annually, just an estimate.

It totally depends. It can range from anywhere between 15% to 24% (sometimes less). If one were able to deduct a lot, beyond standard deductions, they would be able to lower their effective tax rate to 15%, sometimes even less. But if an individual didn't care very much, filled out a 1040 EZ, used standard deductions, etc, it is not unreasonable to consider they are paying a 22% effective tax rate. Though I think it is unlikely, it is very POSSIBLE.
I think I would almost rather talk about everyone being a racist and who is deleting threads and why, then talk about Unclebuck's pay stub.
I've never heard our federal tax system referred as a "fixed" rate, marginal yes but not fixed, same with state tax rates.
Fixed rates to me are interest rates with a fixed percentage rate and term.

Average rates and effective rates are different.
Average income tax rate is your tax amount / taxable income. Effective tax rate is your tax amount / total income.

For a guy who claims to own multiple businesses, you are falling way short.
Keep talking see4, keep talking

No. Just no. A simple 30 seconds google look up proves you wrong. Seriously Finthere. I can't tell if you are trolling. If you are, my hat goes off to you.