Senator wants to hear from African-Canadians on cannabis legalization


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Blacks have mostly been silent on the issue, says N.S. Sen. Wanda Thomas Bernard
Nova Scotia Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard wants to explore why African-Canadians have mostly been silent on the legalization of marijuana in Canada.

"I think part of the silence is pretty obvious, that up until now cannabis has been — is — illegal, and so, you know, I think that people are reluctant to talk about something that's illegal that may somehow connect them to illegal activity," Bernard said in an interview Monday.

"I think also the fact that there are so many issues that the black community right across this country is dealing with, so this is probably low on a list of a lot of issues."

On Saturday in Halifax, Bernard and her Africentric social work class will host a public discussion about the legalization of marijuana at 3 p.m. at the Dalhousie School of Social Work in the Mona Campbell Building.

"The consultations have not had any information around how does the legislation impact people of African descent. African voices have been pretty silent on what the situation is for them, how it impacts them, what their thoughts are about it. So I felt that it would be important to create an opportunity to hear from African-Canadians."


Workers produce medical marijuana at Canopy Growth Corporation's Tweed facility in Smiths Falls, Ont., on Monday, Feb. 12, 2018. (Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)

The federal Liberal government has set July 1 for the full implementation of legal cannabis. However, that legislation could be delayed. Once the law passes, consumers will be able to purchase legal, recreational marijuana from storefronts.

Bernard said it's important to hear from African-Canadians, especially because of the significant increase in the number of black men and women incarcerated across the country in recent years.

"Part of that is related to the get tough on crime legislation that we've had, and many of those folks who are incarcerated have been incarcerated for simple possession charges," she said.

Provincial Justice Department numbers showed that in 2014-2015, about 14 per cent of provincial inmates were African-Nova Scotian and seven per cent were Aboriginal. There is also a higher percentage of black and Indigenous inmates in federal prisons.

Bernard will take what she hears from black community members back to the discussion in the Senate.
What in the fuck does skin colour have to do with smoking weed? "blacks have been largely silent on this issue" WTF? My daughter-in-law is Black and there are always a bunch of their 'Black' friends hanging around their house. ALL of them toke and not one of them is shy about talking about it.
I can help this mentally challenged senator out and save her some embarrassment - as crazy and far-fetched as this sounds; black Canadians and white Canadians both feel the same about legalization. Oh and both demand the senate be abolished so we can stop paying money for stupid people and their ridiculous ideas.
Identity politics at its finest. By trying to be inclusive shes actually come off as more racist than anything, lol. Also, wtf is with African Canadian? If you were born in Canada you are Canadian regardless of race. If you were born elsewhere you became Canadian through immigrating. I dont call my native friends Native Canadians, or my asian friends asian canadian, etc..... People always try to put others into categories on the premise of inclusiveness and it never works.
ffs..what is this crap?

.......of course its racist..

but ok because....

..can you imagine if anyone had dared say lets get opinions from White people
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