Senators ask Obama for legal basis for targeted killings of Americans

Should the president/king be allowed to kill/detain american citizens without trial

  • Yes, Presidents should be judge, jury, and execut as decided behind closed doors.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Kind of, As long as it is Obama I trust his decision, not sure about future presidents/kings.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do not trust Obama but maybe if we get a republican president/king.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, because the bill of rights and consitution.

    Votes: 19 95.0%
  • No, except in "special" circumstances and I trust them to decide what those are on the fly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We are not at war with Yemen but dropping bombs on their soil is good way to start one. I just don't think we would put up with other countries pulling the same shit here that we do there. Lucky for us though, we don't have to put up with it here and they have no choice. We have the coolest toys.


the part of yemen we blowed up was a part of yemen that YEMEN is at war with.

a big chunk of their back-country is run like a private feifdom by al quaeda in the arabian peninsula's warlords. they run the whole thing, executing people who dontt adhere to their interpretation of islam, holding kangaroo courts, dragoonong people into their "army" and firing on yemeni military forces who try to shut their shit down.

the yemenis ASKED for help in clearing thier back yard of serpents, and a couple of those serpents were stamped Made In USA.

we are not at war WITH yemen, we are at war ALONGSIDE yemen.

of course they are as useful as a french army manual on "how to surrender in 88 languages", but at least theyre trying to keep their local assholes from fucking up other peoples shit.
It's not an XBOX game fucknuts... And for every bloke you kill, you just create 10 more to take his place.

No Moral superiority, no defence of democratic or free principles... I'm glad you're content to shit on all that was built after WW2...

This is how it reads... Fuck the constitution - you can kill americans just don't take my right to bear arms..

another mindless brainfart.

should we send in process servers to give them subpoenas demanding they turn themselves in or face a stern finger wagging?

you really are terminally stupid.
funny you should mention the black panthers...

and of course waco, ruby ridge, bear island etc etc etc.

the gubmint has no dearth of willingness to kill anyone they feel is a "danger" with no regard to the niceties of the constitution, but if they paint the victims a "dangerous child molesting meth cooking doomsday cultists" it's a lot easier to get away with the shit.

as long as they dont go to the lawless and brutal excfesses of the clinton administration BHO is actually doing better than expected.

he still sucks, but he is not as dangerous as clinton.

nixon. nixon. nixon.
nixon was only "a little shady" when compared to obama, and the clinton regime was america's own Papa Doc Duvalier experience.

were they also cooking meth in waco? i thought they were just diddling kids and stockpiling illegal arms.
Why are people so scared of dirt poor people, "talking shit" on the other side of the earth? How does that cancel out their right to a trial? Why don't we bomb drug dealers friends and mafia associates?

"talking shit" like:

the toner cartridge bomb plot
the underwear bomber
the shoe bomber
the plot to surgically implant bombs in dipshits' bodies
numerous attempts to get "red mercury' (lulz)

and many other plots which originated in the lawless no-man's-land of yemen.

yemen considers these plots to be an affront to their national dignity and thus ASKED for help.

send troops to the sacred arabiaan peninsula again? EVIL
not help them? EVIL
supply info from drones, and take a potshot at a few clowns who are an affront to OUR national dignity? EVIL

what option is NOT evil?

just because it makes you feel bad, that doesnt mean we all have to slit our wrists alongside you.
another mindless brainfart.

should we send in process servers to give them subpoenas demanding they turn themselves in or face a stern finger wagging?

you really are terminally stupid.

You currently have members of Delta, ISA, CIA, along with allied units such as 22SAS/SRR, SASR & French 1er RPIMa operating in Yemen and North Africa in general. Drone strikes require CCTs on the ground as it's cannot all be SIGINT intercepts. These units have served as "process servers" thus far and since they're already there further CONOPS should be drawn up and executed by said units.

Keep bombing Yemen but don't worry about the endless supply of shitbags coming over from Saudi Arabia and the financial and material support they provide funded through petrodollars.

Your myopia is only outdone by your ignorance. Try thinking next time simple jack!
"talking shit" like:

the toner cartridge bomb plot
the underwear bomber
the shoe bomber
the plot to surgically implant bombs in dipshits' bodies
numerous attempts to get "red mercury' (lulz)

and many other plots which originated in the lawless no-man's-land of yemen.

Thank Hoover's FBI for that one... The only time you hear about those plots is when the FBI has FUCKED UP. You'll also notice all of them are either run by FBI handlers or are under surveillance by the CIA. All of the suspects in the above mentioned plots were also on the State dept. watch list. Another fail.
were they also cooking meth in waco? i thought they were just diddling kids and stockpiling illegal arms.

meth was the second allegation, when child molestation charges were found to be LIES, the "illegal weapons" claim was also found to be LIES, and in fact the branch davidians were seventh day adventists.

the entire raid was a put up job so the BATF could have a show for their upcoming funding hearings.

the atf was invited to check the shit out, they declined.

On February 27, 1993, the Waco Tribune-Herald began the “Sinful Messiah” series of articles by Mark England and Darlene McCormick who alleged that Koresh had physically abused children in the compound and had taken multiple underage brides amounting to statutory rape. Koresh was also said to advocate polygamy for himself and declared himself married to several female residents of the small community. According to the paper, Koresh declared he was entitled to at least 140 wives, that he was entitled to claim any of the females in the group as his, that he had fathered at least a dozen children through the harem and that some of these mothers became brides as young as 12 or 13 years old.[SUP][18][/SUP]
In addition to allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct, Koresh and his followers were accused of stockpiling illegal weapons. In May 1992, Chief Deputy Daniel Weyenberg of the McLennan County Sheriff's Department called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) notifying that his office had been contacted by a local UPS representative. A UPS driver described a package that had broken open on delivery to the Branch Davidian residence, revealing firearms, inert grenade casings, and black powder. On June 9, 1992, a formal investigation was opened and a week later it was classified as sensitive, "thereby calling for a high degree of oversight" from both Houston and Headquarters.[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP] The documentary Inside Waco claims that the investigation started when in 1992 the ATF became concerned over reports of automatic gunfire coming from the Carmel compound.[SUP][21][/SUP] On July 30, 1992, ATF agents David Aguilera and Skinner visited the Davidians' gun dealer Henry McMahon, who tried to get them to talk with Koresh on the phone. Koresh offered to let ATF inspect the Davidians' weapons and paperwork and asked to speak with Aguilera, but Aguilera declined.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP] Sheriff Harwell told reporters regarding law enforcement talking with Koresh, "Just go out and talk to them, what's wrong with notifying them?"[SUP][24][/SUP] The ATF began surveillance from a house across the road from the compound several months before the siege. Their cover was noticeably poor (the "college students" were in their 30s, had new cars, were not registered at the local schools, and did not keep a schedule which would have fit any legitimate employment or classes).[SUP][25][/SUP] The investigation included sending in an undercover agent, Robert Rodriguez, whose identity Koresh learned, though he chose not to reveal that fact until the day of the raid.
Former Davidian Marc Breault claimed that Koresh had "M16 lower receiver parts"[SUP][15][/SUP] (combining M16 trigger components with a modified AR-15 lower receiver possibly constitutes the manufacture of a firearm that would be classified as a machine gun;[SUP][26][/SUP] the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 outlawed civilian ownership of any newly manufactured machine guns manufactured after the date of enactment[SUP][27][/SUP]). According to the Affidavit presented by ATF investigator David Aguilera to U.S. Magistrate Dennis G. Green on February 25, 1993, the Branch Davidian gun business (the "Mag Bag", Route 7, Box 555-B, Waco, Texas, 76705, located on Farm Road number 2491), had purchased many legal guns and gun parts from various legal vendors (such as 45 semi-automatic AR-15 lower receivers from Olympic Arms). Deliveries by UPS for the "Mag Bag" were accepted and paid for at Mount Carmel Center by Woodrow Kendrick, Paul Fatta, David Koresh or Steve Schneider. These purchases were traced by Aguilera through the normal channels used to track legal firearms purchases from legal vendors. None of the weapons and firearms were illegally obtained nor illegally owned by the "Mag Bag"; however, Aguilera affirmed to the judge that in his experience, in the past other purchasers of such legal gun parts had modified them to make illegal firearms. The search warrant was justified not on the basis there was proof that the Davidians had purchased anything illegal, but on the basis that they could be modifying legal arms to illegal arms, and that automatic weapon fire had been reported on the compound.[SUP][28][/SUP] When the reports of automatic fire were first received, Steve Schneider and David Koresh showed[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] the County Sheriff's Department a "Hellfire" device, a quick-firing trigger sold with an ATF letter certifying that the device was not a machine gun.
The affidavit of ATF investigator David Aguilera for the search warrant claimed that there were over 150 weapons and 8,100 rounds of ammunition in the compound. The paperwork on the AR-15 components cited in the affidavit showed they were in fact legal semi-automatics; however, Aguilera told the judge: "I know based on my training and experience that an AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle practically identical to the M-16 rifle. [...] I have been involved in many cases where defendants, following a relatively simple process, convert AR-15 semi-automatic rifles to fully automatic rifles of the nature of the M-16. [...] Often times templates, milling machines, lathes and instruction guides are used by the converter."[SUP][29][/SUP] Aguilera stated in the affidavit and later testified at trial that a neighbor had heard machine-gun fire. However Aguilera failed to tell the magistrate that the same neighbor had previously reported the noise to the local Waco sheriff, who investigated the neighbor's complaint. Paul Fatta, who was also involved in the failed takeover of the group in 1987, told The New York Times that Koresh and he had visited the sheriff after the surveillance had been spotted and claimed that the sheriff's office told them their guns were legal.[SUP][30][/SUP]

yeah i know wikipedia, but this is pretty well sourced, and theres so much bullshit from both sides that getting the actual info independently is a full time job.

in the end the BATF found no grenades, automatic weapons, or any illegal weapon that they did not bring to the site themselves for their party, there was no drug lab, and not a single scrap of evidence for child abuse.

they were wacky, but wackiness is not a crime.
You currently have members of Delta, ISA, CIA, along with allied units such as 22SAS/SRR, SASR & French 1er RPIMa operating in Yemen and North Africa in general. Drone strikes require CCTs on the ground as it's cannot all be SIGINT intercepts. These units have served as "process servers" thus far and since they're already there further CONOPS should be drawn up and executed by said units.

Keep bombing Yemen but don't worry about the endless supply of shitbags coming over from Saudi Arabia and the financial and material support they provide funded through petrodollars.

Your myopia is only outdone by your ignorance. Try thinking next time simple jack!

such jargony jargon.

how many tom clancy novels did you scour to create that much important sounding gibberish.

do we also have Imperial Space Marines and Clan Skyre Warlock Engineers on the ground in yemen too? why it seems yemen must be well pacified now right? just like somalia was/is.

regurgitating the gibberish you read in SOF last month doesnt make you an expert. if it would have been so simple with all that Overwhelming Force to just walk up and take those twats in, it would have been done.

how many corpses do you propose to leave behind when the time comes to bag the next turd that floats to the top?

another mogadishu style "police raid"? im not the ignorant myop[ic idiot whos arguning that american troops act as the police in every corner of the world, and every jackass with a bomb vest be read his miranda rights before he can he shot in the head, that idiot is YOU.

you are a vile little worm, but ya know what, this is US policiy, and you dont get a voice in US policy Digger Blue.
"talking shit" like:

the toner cartridge bomb plot
the underwear bomber
the shoe bomber
the plot to surgically implant bombs in dipshits' bodies
numerous attempts to get "red mercury' (lulz)

and many other plots which originated in the lawless no-man's-land of yemen.

yemen considers these plots to be an affront to their national dignity and thus ASKED for help.

send troops to the sacred arabiaan peninsula again? EVIL
not help them? EVIL
supply info from drones, and take a potshot at a few clowns who are an affront to OUR national dignity? EVIL

what option is NOT evil?

just because it makes you feel bad, that doesnt mean we all have to slit our wrists alongside you.

Your going to use acts done by none citizens to justify shit talkers who haven't done anything? Doesn't add up to me.
Thank Hoover's FBI for that one... The only time you hear about those plots is when the FBI has FUCKED UP. You'll also notice all of them are either run by FBI handlers or are under surveillance by the CIA. All of the suspects in the above mentioned plots were also on the State dept. watch list. Another fail.


the red mercury sting was run by MI-5 not the FBI
the toner cartridge plot was uncovered by an MI-6 informant
the underwear bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist.
the shoe bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist
the surgery plot was revealed by yemeni inteligence and MI-6 (and is so far just a pipe dream)

pretty amazing how these plots can all be blamed on america, the cia and j edgar hoover (who is long dead) in your insane dimwitted troofer universe.

you just make shit up dontcha Digger Blue?
Your going to use acts done by none citizens to justify shit talkers who haven't done anything? Doesn't add up to me.

poppa douchebag al awalaki was the top recruiter in the english speaking world for the organization behind all those plots (except red mercury, they just keep trying to get it)

juinor douchebag al awalaki was determined to be a "martyr" for that organization, and was in company with their top trainer and junior recruiter when he caught the 3:15 missile to paradise.

being a member of an organization trying to kill people and being surprised when the defenders of those people blow you up is logically inconsistent.
being a member of an organization trying to kill people and being surprised when the defenders of those people blow you up is logically inconsistent.

lol like being a member of the us government? If you go to another country and bomb them, your defending yourselves. But if you blow up someone from the organization in your country, your a terrorist?
Your a traitor to your country, we should not have to feel the repercussions of killing an american who has betrayed this country.
Wanna see a pic of me taking a shit on a american flag?

Sure idc honestly, I just see more than half of americans point of view, they believe that you ultimately you signed your life away by making this choice, I personally am not going to make s difference and this doesnt bother me at all, ultimately its our leaders decision not the peoples.
Sure idc honestly, I just see more than half of americans point of view, they believe that you ultimately you signed your life away by making this choice, I personally am not going to make s difference and this doesnt bother me at all, ultimately its our leaders decision not the peoples.

It's no fun if you don't care. :(