Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia


Well-Known Member
Australia arrests arson suspect after deadly fires
14 hours ago
MELBOURNE (AFP) — Australian authorities charged a man Friday with arson causing death in connection with one of a swarm of wildfires which killed more than 181 people and destroyed hundreds of homes.
The unidentified man was arrested in a country town in Victoria, the southeastern state ravaged by the fires last weekend, and moved to state capital Melbourne for his own safety, police said.
"He was charged with arson causing death, intentionally or recklessly lighting a bush fire and possessing child pornography," police said in a statement.

what a sick fuck.....

haha dont worry... In australia those kinds of people get what they deserve its when they get to jail there real trial is set ;-) :blsmoke:

would you like a piece of polly pipe, some razor wire and shattered glass up your ass:roll: lol.

its happened "true story" a fairly old one but a true one... and HOPEFULLY i doubt times have changed much lol... karmas a bitch with fangs at times.
i personally will be disappointed if he can walk after his trial... if i get a fucking 1152 dollar fine for 4 seedlings this mother fucker better burn:cuss:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
FAKE DONATION collector arrested today........ how low can you go.
One guy was arrested yesterday for stealing donation money. He was let out on bail and was caught again today trying to steal more donation money. How stupid is this guy? They need to put him in jail and tell everyone what he has done and see how he survives then.

One of the suspected arsonists is in protective custody because they fear for his safety in the mainstream jail. I say he shouldnt be given protective custody, he doesnt deserve it.


Active Member
There is that guy who stole the donation money - but there is someone else that has been charged with stealing donation money as well. It's bullshit.

The brendan guy that got arrested for the churchill fires is going to end up dead no matter what happens for him now, unless he stays in protective custody on suicide watch for the rest of his life.

189 dead and counting.. and if the power line theory is correct for the marysville fire then that powercompany, the council and the government are going to get their arses owned in legal proceedings. I've been working in one of the red cross call centres and it's amazing the generosity that has been shown, kids donating their pocket money - i had one guy say the department of housing could borrow his fully furnished unit thats close to that area but vacant.. businesses.. alot of companies are matching employees donations either dollar for dollr or double.

Worst natural disaster in australia's history and the ironic thing is the north of the country is flooded hardcore.


Well-Known Member
All I gotta say is karma is a Bitch. The guys who lit the fires and the retards who are stealing money are going to have their faces all over the news..:twisted:

Good job to all the people who are donating and volunteering. Its nice to see people getting out and helping when others are in need. :clap:


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Good job to all the people who are donating and volunteering. Its nice to see people getting out and helping when others are in need. :clap:

Its not just nice, it has been amazing to see how people and communities come together at these times.

The good people in this world far outnumber the bad ones.


Well-Known Member
Its not just nice, it has been amazing to see how people and communities come together at these times.

The good people in this world far outnumber the bad ones.
The good people in this world far outnumber the bad ones.

true dat mate... Now all we need is a kira to whipe the bad ones out : P.

Well at least the bad guy got caught.... how has he not killed himself yet? who can live with that on their mind?


Well-Known Member
There's really no need to bump something like this without any new news or info... I don't think anyone has forgot.

Vic firefighters prepare for the worst

Posted Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:01pm AEDT
Updated Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:24pm AEDT
Fire crews and residents are preparing for more bad news. (AAP: Joe Castro)

Victorian firefighters are working to prepare for bad weather conditions on Friday as they battle major blazes across the state.
Crews are working on seven fires, including a 300-hectare blaze at Upwey in the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne, where the awareness message has been downgraded.
Work is continuing on containment lines at the fire near Won Wron in Gippsland and no properties are under threat.
Efforts are also underway to stop a 20,000-hectare blaze at Wilsons Promontory in the state's east from spreading.
Strike team leader Craig Hepburn is working on the 2,800-hectare blaze near Daylesford, west of Melbourne, which has claimed four sheds and some pine plantations.
He says crews have been preparing for Friday.
"We're just working along the break that was put in yesterday, a few hot spots, a few trees with embers up a bit," he said.
"[We are] just preparing it for the bad weather they're expecting on Friday, with the wind going back to the north, and the temperatures predicted to be 38 at the moment.
"The winds are going to strike up, so this southern side will be the problem area Friday."
Police believe the fire may have resulted from machinery being used during yesterday's total fire ban.
Victoria's Country Fire Authority says it does not believe any homes have been lost in the Daylesford fire.
Police are urging Daylesford residents not to bypass roadblocks and Sergeant Andrew Guiney says police will not help people use backroads to enter unsafe areas.
"You can't ring the police and ask them is it safe for you to go around the roadblock," he said.
"If you chose to go around a roadblock that is your decision and yours alone. It is not recommended, but it is your decision."
The Daylesford fire claimed one man's entire car collection.
Matt Treacey had more than 20 partially restored cars on a property near Musk Vale, south of Daylesford.
He says they are now all destroyed, including a large, gas-powered bus.
"When the gas cylinder exploded of course it blew the roof and folded it back and blew the doors off it, so I would hate to be the firies trying to work on it," he said.
"There's not even one thing we can get from there."


Well-Known Member
Tuesday to be 'a challenge for Vic fire'
Tuesday is shaping up as a "fire weather shocker" and wind will be the great enemy, Emergency Services Minister Bob Cameron has warned.
Victorians should prepare for a major wind event on Monday night, with damaging northerly gale-force winds of up to 140km/h on Tuesday followed by a strong south-westerly wind change that is forecast to continue until Wednesday.
Parents are advised schools may have to close for classes on Tuesday, depending on the results of risk assessments.
Travel or recreational plans should be reconsidered unless critical, emergency services have advised.
"We've got to remember that in these situations even though the temperatures might be lower... wind is the great enemy," Mr Cameron told an emergency services briefing on Sunday.
"What we could see is a lot of trees and branches come down ..."
State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers will be on standby to deal with power blackouts and falling trees, and people are advised to have a transistor radio and battery-powered torch close at hand.
Country Fire Authority (CFA) crews are battling blazes at Wilsons Promontory, Bunyip, and two Kilmore-Murrindindi complexes.
The total area burnt from the four fires is now 302,875 hectares.
Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) chief fire officer Craige Brown (Craige Brown) said ongoing problems with containment at the Kilmore East-Murrindindi North complex fire could break lines on Tuesday.
"There is an expectation that under the wind event on Tuesday that fire will break out and make a run towards Melbourne water catchments," Mr Brown said.
CFA chief officer Russell Rees said additional resources had been committed to prepare for increased fire activity from Monday night.
"History shows that fires that start in the night cause the most confusion and the most difficulty," he said.
"To wake up in the morning to have fire around and on your doorstep is a terrifying thing."
He warned that winds after the change could be even stronger than peak northerly gusts on Tuesday.
Fire plans should be activated early on Monday to avoid panic and traffic congestion on the roads in the event of fire outbreaks, Mr Rees said.
"Tomorrow, you need to put in place your plan ... because it may be that if you think you're going to move Tuesday morning, the trees are down across the road, fire is already in your area."
Police will suspend searches for people missing from the February 7 bushfires disaster on Tuesday due to safety concerns for members, Victoria Police assistant commissioner Steve Fontana said.
"We will be suspending our search activities in those particular areas," he said.
On Saturday, Australian Army Brigadier Michael Arnold, commander of the Joint Task Force assisting Victorian authorities in the fire relief effort, said new teams of soldiers would begin searching devastated properties previously combed for outstanding disaster victims.
"It's not an easy task. We know that there are 37 missing persons still, the odds are we will come across human remains during this search," Brigadier Arnold said.
But on Sunday Mr Fontana said it was unknown how many people were missing.
"At the moment, we do not know how many people are missing.
"At the moment, police are going through all the records that have been provided on the National Registration Inquiry system.
"We don't have an exact figure. If we had one we'll release it, but at this stage we've had no further reports since Friday of any missing people."


Well-Known Member
The total area burnt from the four fires is now 302,875 hectares
