Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia


Well-Known Member
i agree... did they say how much money they made....

what a wanker.... i mean theres a differance between kids flogging off some fake raffle tickets and cashing in off other peoples good nature and despare isnt there.


Well-Known Member
nah its not the point, too right

bet he realises it was a bad decision now tho lmfao. serves him right....


Well-Known Member
donations up to 51 million and heaps of stuff to give the people. its a start but to help get the bush back to scratch i think theres a way to go somehow....

2 men arrested for suspicious behavior

deathtoll 181 80 missing and 2 week estimate for the bodies to be returned.

and a date to be set as an international day of mourning.

on a lighter note
100s of animals have survived .... with burns and smoke inhalation :(
(its nothing compared to the dead but still good news none the less)


Well-Known Member
Koala saved from Australia's wildfires doing well

Cheyenne Tree treats a Koala nicknamed Sam, saved from the bushfires in Gippsland, at the Mountain Ash Wildlife Center in Rawson, 100 miles (170 kilometers) east of Melbourne, Australia, where workers were scrambling to salve the wounds of possums, kangaroos and lizards Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009. More than 180 people were killed in the weekend's fires, and on Wednesday, the scope of the devastation to Australia's wildlife began to emerge, with officials estimating that millions of animals also perished in the inferno. (AP Photo)
SYDNEY—"Sam" the koala, the most famous furry survivor of Australia's worst-ever wildfires, is healing well thanks to the efforts of caretakers at a rescue shelter -- and she even has a new boyfriend, "Bob."

Sam, who captured hearts around the world after she was photographed drinking from a firefighter's water bottle, has also won the affection of "Bob," another koala whose paws were scorched in the weekend's inferno, caretaker Lynn Raymond said Thursday.
"Bob is her protector -- as soon as she is moved, he's on the move, too. It really looks like he's making sure she's OK," Raymond said from the Mountain Ash Wildlife Shelter in Rawson, 100 miles (170 kilometers) east of Melbourne in Victoria state, where the deadly fires continue to burn. "They're good company for each other."
Neither koala is likely to be healthy enough for release for at least four months, and are being comforted by caretakers who salve their scorched paws every few hours.
Global interest in the fate of Sam has been intense since a photograph of firefighter David Tree offering her a bottle of water in a burned-out forest was splashed across the Internet, in newspapers and on television broadcasts. The telephone at the shelter has rung incessantly with callers eager for an update on the creature's condition.
"It's insane," Raymond said with a laugh. "(But) everybody has been absolutely wonderful."
Sam was found moving gingerly on scorched paws by a fire patrol Sunday. Tree crouched down and held out a bottle of water for her to drink, which she eagerly accepted, holding Tree's hand as he poured water into her mouth.
"You all right, buddy?" Tree asks in a video of the encounter as he approaches the koala. Later, as Sam gulps from the bottle, he quips: "How much can a koala bear?"
Often mistakenly called koala bears because they resemble a child's teddy bear, the marsupial is actually a somewhat ornery creature with a loud growl and sharp claws.
Sam, who suffered second- and third-degree burns to her paws, has been sharing a cage with Bob, who took an immediate interest in her when she arrived on Sunday, Raymond said.
Both Sam and Bob were given painkillers when they first arrived, but they're off the drugs now, Raymond said. The two are still receiving antibiotics and have their bandages changed regularly to stave off infections.
The koalas are likely to be in the shelter at least four months, depending on how quickly their burns heal, Raymond said. For now, though, the famously thirsty marsupial appears to be on the mend.
"I'm just looking at Sam now -- she is fast asleep," Raymond said. "She's doing very, very well."


Well-Known Member
that koala is the poster child
4 being stoned
did you see her drinking outa a bottle like its just another day
it makes me feel happy
also heaps of dogs are getting picked up at the pound


Well-Known Member
I'm In the states and saw that koala on the news this morning. What a sad thing going on down there. Stay safe all.


Well-Known Member
They have caught an arsonist.......... that was responsible for 21 of the deaths.... he was also caught with Child porn.......This model citzen should be shot or lock up in soltry confinment for the rest of his life.
Now they are also dealing with toxic water due to silt in the water catchment for drinking...


Well-Known Member
They have caught an arsonist.......... that was responsible for 21 of the deaths.... he was also caught with Child porn.......This model citzen should be shot or lock up in soltry confinment for the rest of his life.
Now they are also dealing with toxic water due to silt in the water catchment for drinking...
wow. what a fuck. I agree solitary confinement for the rest of his life. make his brain rot with insanity How do we know he only started the fire that killed 21. couldnt it have (figuratively speaking) been the one that started all the fires around there?


Active Member
Hey guys, fire changed direction the other day and headed away from my joint thankfully(not so for some unfortunate others though). I live near Healesville so i have to keep listening to the radio and checking the CFA website for updates. The fire around here is still going and can't go outside as the smoke is terrible. Woke up yesterday thinking my house was on fire because I woke up choking, glad it wasn't!

Glad they caught that sick coward. He should get a dose of his own medicine and get burned at the stake as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, and Koala's are cool aren't they?!


Well-Known Member
Australia arrests arson suspect after deadly fires
14 hours ago
MELBOURNE (AFP) — Australian authorities charged a man Friday with arson causing death in connection with one of a swarm of wildfires which killed more than 181 people and destroyed hundreds of homes.
The unidentified man was arrested in a country town in Victoria, the southeastern state ravaged by the fires last weekend, and moved to state capital Melbourne for his own safety, police said.
"He was charged with arson causing death, intentionally or recklessly lighting a bush fire and possessing child pornography," police said in a statement.

what a sick fuck.....


Well-Known Member
Australia arrests arson suspect after deadly fires
14 hours ago
MELBOURNE (AFP) — Australian authorities charged a man Friday with arson causing death in connection with one of a swarm of wildfires which killed more than 181 people and destroyed hundreds of homes.
The unidentified man was arrested in a country town in Victoria, the southeastern state ravaged by the fires last weekend, and moved to state capital Melbourne for his own safety, police said.
"He was charged with arson causing death, intentionally or recklessly lighting a bush fire and possessing child pornography," police said in a statement.

what a sick fuck.....
seriously.... the world is almost over. Its getting more fucked every day. I dont understand anything anymore. eh.... how can someone be so fuckin sick?