Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia


Well-Known Member

LOOK FAMILIAR: ???!!!!!!!!!!

The Ash Wednesday fires were a natural disaster that occurred in south-eastern Australia on 16 February 1983. Within twelve hours, more than 180 fires fanned by winds of up to 110 km (68 mph) per hour caused widespread destruction across the states of Victoria and South Australia. Years of severe drought and extreme weather combined to create one of Australia’s worst fire days in a century.The fires are the second deadliest bushfire disaster in Australian history - only the 2009 Victorian bushfires have claimed more lives.
In Victoria, 47 people died, while in South Australia there were 28 deaths. This included 14 CFA and 3 CFS volunteer firefighters who died across both states that day.Many fatalities were as a result of firestormconditions caused by a sudden and violent wind change in the evening which rapidly changed the direction and size of the fire front.[The speed and ferocity of the flames, aided by abundant fuels and a landscape immersed in smoke, made fire suppression and containment impossible. In many cases, residents fended for themselves as fires broke communications, cut off escape routes and severed electricity and water supplies.[1 Up to 8000 people were evacuated in Victoria at the height of the crisis and a state of disaster was declared for the first time in South Australia’s history.[
Ash Wednesday is one of Australia’s costliest natural disasters.[ Over 3,700 buildings were destroyed or damaged and 2,545 individuals and families lost their homes. Livestock losses were very high, with over 340,000 sheep, 18,000 cattle and numerous native animals either dead or later destroyed.A total of 4,540 insurance claims were paid totaling $176 million with a total estimated cost of well over $400 million (1983 values) for both states or $1.3 billion in adjusted terms (2007).
The emergency saw the largest number of volunteers called to duty from across Australia at the same time – an estimated 130,000 firefighters, defence force personnel, relief workers and support crews


Well-Known Member
Theres some amazing pics in that lot. And to think that the fire was traveling at almost 100km/h is just astounding. It's a scary fucking thought...


Well-Known Member
Please also donate any clothes, blankets or furniture to your nearest Salvation Army (link)or other charity collection point.
Bushfire Relief Appeal

The Salvation Army has launched an appeal to assist those affected by the devastating bushfires that have raged across Victoria. With hundreds of families impacted severely, the need for immediate support is enormous. Donate | Read media release

Flood Relief Appeal

The Salvation Army has launched an appeal to assist those affected by the floods in North Queensland. Donations will help fund the Salvos’ emergency response to this disaster. Donate | Read media release

For everyone who cant do that...................
Dig into your pockets real deep and log on to the red cross................


Active Member
Yeah the fires are shocking. A little nervous myself looking at the fires in the distance near my place!


Well-Known Member
Yeah the fires are shocking. A little nervous myself looking at the fires in the distance near my place!
Not good....... Prepare, stay & deffend or go ? Thats your choice Id make it now............. gather everything like photos and file/papers/hard drives in one place & start cleaning gutters, clearing yard of shit, and prepare to water everything................. its the embers are the big thing....

I have only been in one major in ACT when i was down there... and that was enough, although now im a home owner it would be the same decision- P.S.D.

Good luck mate...... start preparing now though. Fill your bath tube, pack the car with emergeny sleep, light, blankets, food, etc.


Well-Known Member
Wow.... I can;t get any news on this... FUCK AMERICAN NEWS CHANNELS! ISSUE #1 IS NOT THE ECONOMY TO EVERYONE!!! Whats the death toll up to now? I wish I could get some good TV news on it....


Well-Known Member
Sorry to correct you eza82 but Ash Wednesday fires were lit my an arsonist as well,
from memory it was lit behind dairy farmers in north Adelaide.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to correct you eza82 but Ash Wednesday fires were lit my an arsonist as well,
from memory it was lit behind dairy farmers in north Adelaide.
I cut & pasted the ash Wen artical bit out of an old artical in Sydney Morning Hearld form when it happened....


Well-Known Member
Prdicition is toward 300..... Such remote famlies are unaccounted for so lets all just hope that EVERYONE of them is fine, just a bit frazzeld.


Well-Known Member
Did nt work??
The origanl link will get updated every few hours or so... with all the latest and new film....