Well-Known Member
yeah yeah, bullshit
400,000 duped people, who watched a computer landing simulation play out on a screen (their reward for such hard work), but actually helped build the elite the most advanced underground inter-connected bases, and other tech that you could ever imagine.
They had our heads in "space".. in science fiction la la land, while they tunnel right under out feet, and go deep under water too. There's wires everywhere in the ocean (the primary source of communications, not satellites).. and alien looking bases down there too. That's where 90 percent of the resources have gone in the last 50 years. Under the ground or water.
All the fake nuclear warheads we've been tricked into thinking we were building are actually batteries, to power it all. For every satellite supposedly in orbit, and every nuclear warhead known to be in existence, there is someone elite who owns it under the ground or sea, where it was actually secretly designed to go.
They know life for the slaves isn't sustainable with such a large population, and so only the most loyal elites will get to put on a bio-hazard "space" suits when the real pandemic\purge happens.. (robot bird spread flu) Then they'll train the remaining slaves to run the new machines, that take over billions of dead peoples occupations that were once needed..
But what about Birds?

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