Serious Newbie growing


Well-Known Member
you could probably do a few plants in a mostly DIY setup for that price. but if you really want to get results you need to invest into it. i recomend buying the things you need over time, myself i've put about 800$ into my setup but i spaced the purchases over a few months so it wasnt such a bite out of my wallet.
you will be very lucky to break even on your first grow no matter how much or how little you put into it. However once you own the equipment you need you dont need to buy it again so every grow after the first is a lot cheaper.


Active Member
*bump Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated, I have heard from a few different sources conflicting information maybe someone can clear it up for me. I have heard that it basically takes about 500 dollars to get a decent set up that will barely produce any bud at all, but other sources are saying it takes around 1k and as little as 175 to get everything growing good. Then im hearing its about 250 to get a good set up that will get me good yeilds aslong as I take care of the plants and all that...I have been more conflicted on whose advice to this will help, I am going to try and budget 250ish less if possible. Is it possible to grow decent bud from a set up that costs around 250? Again I am not trying to sell alot of it most of it will be for my own pleasure but some of it will be given to friends and family shit like that ....again like I said any input would be helpful at this point as I am completely lost again lol:weed:
You dont need 1k to have a decent grow room. $250 will be enough as long as you work with it. What i mean by that is buy as much as you can with the 250. Cfl lights or floro lights are the cheapes by far. They also stay very cool unlike hps. However you probably wont yield as much with cfls as you would hps. Make a list of what you plan on buying with the 250 and post it on here. We can then nit pick to help you with a better setup. Im no expert but grow rooms and setup are pretty self explanitory. Cant remember if you mentioned it, but how many plants do you want to grow? The internet is your friend. You can get everything cheaper on the net, then in most stores. for lights on a budget, go to home depot or lowes and buy cfl bulbs. You can buy the light holders for a couple bucks apiece and wire them to each other for what you need. Just post what you plan on buying with the price nxt to it, and we can help you from there. Peace bro


I am going to grow about 4-6 plants I am sure some will be males so after I weed the males out there should be about 2-4 left I am assuming.


Active Member
I am going to grow about 4-6 plants I am sure some will be males so after I weed the males out there should be about 2-4 left I am assuming.
You can use floros. It costs 10-15 bucks a piece for a 4 foot floro light fixture (holds 2 four foot bulb). Bulbs are cheap. Use 6500k bulbs for veg, and 2700k bulbs for flowering. Buy 2 of those fixtures and some cfl bulbs and holders. That will be enough light for 5-6 plants. Are you using soil or dro?


I am going to be using soil, the soil that widowmaker recommended in his threat unless there is another one that is just as good that you can recommend.


Active Member
I am going to be using soil, the soil that widowmaker recommended in his threat unless there is another one that is just as good that you can recommend.
I dont use soil, but from what i keep reading a lot of folks use Happy Frog Soil. There are tons of different setups using different things. You will learn as you go that YOU will ultimately be the judge on everything you do, and only YOU will truely know what your plants need as you go. Im still pretty new so dont only take my advice. Since its your first grow you will make many mistakes. Believe me. I just started flowering and my plants got stretched early on during veg because of my lack of knowledge. But your mistakes are the best way to learn. Also, make a journal for yourself so next time you grow you no what worked and what didnt work. The guys and gals on this site are very helpful and ive learned a lot from them. But trial and error is a big part of growing and its the best way to learn. Dont expect big yields your first grow, that ive been told many times. Also, dont freak out when something happens to your plants. Ive noticed that too many people try to over-compensate to try and fix their plants as soon as they notice a problem. DONT JUMP THE GUN. You will learn that PATIENCE is a big roll in growing. Im learning that as I grow. Also, dont feed nutes to the plants right away. Your plants wont need nutes for at least a couple weeks after seeding. That was another mistake i made. Now back to the grow room. Have you come up with a list of what you think you might need?


Well-Known Member
cfls are a pain in the get a good light a fan and filter all the stuff u need i just dont c 250 not even if u bought used stuff.......u wont have much if anything to share growing w cfls


ok well thats great either way lol, what is the best type of soil to use?? and all the ingredients i need to stock up from start to finish? I am not going to be growing probably at the end of next month if not a little later. I am waiting untill I get things right so that I dont kill the plant right away or something like that


Active Member
ok well thats great either way lol, what is the best type of soil to use?? and all the ingredients i need to stock up from start to finish? I am not going to be growing probably at the end of next month if not a little later. I am waiting untill I get things right so that I dont kill the plant right away or something like that
My advice since you dont plan on growing for a month or so is to do as much reading and research as possible. Everyone here will have their own opinion and none of them is a perfect answer since every grow is different no matter what you do. Find out what would be a good soil, nutes, lights, etc. Research, research, research. Then come up with a plan you think will work. After that, post it on here and then we can go from there. There is tons of info on this site. Just use the search function and you will be amazed at the amount of info you will find.


Yeah ive been doing quite a bit of research, watching videos and all that jazz, one of the videos I watched a guy grew a small plant that was no bigger than maybe a foot tall and he ended up with a gallon bag almost full of bud, is this something I can look forward to off of such a small plant? or is complete bullshit like almost every other video out there


Anyone got any input on the best soil to use? The video I watched he mixed 3 or 4 different things into his soil but did not explain what they were or where he got them or what they did for his plant -_- :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna let somebody else answer that one, sorry.
I'm just a cheap/ easy (well, easy, but I'm not cheap) soil kinda guy.
I just use MG moisture control with 40% MG perlite mixed in.
It works great for me, if you want easy to find, and cheap to get, but I'm sure you'll get plenty of FFOF, or Happy Frog guys chiming in.


I'm gonna let somebody else answer that one, sorry.
I'm just a cheap/ easy (well, easy, but I'm not cheap) soil kinda guy.
I just use MG moisture control with 40% MG perlite mixed in.
It works great for me, if you want easy to find, and cheap to get, but I'm sure you'll get plenty of FFOF, or Happy Frog guys chiming in.

Is it already mixed like that or do you mix it yourself?? and if its a premix whats the name of it and where can i pick it up?? I am going to go get the and stuff next week then the week after that I am going to be getting the soil and tent then ill be getting the rest of the shit i need and starting my grow by the beginning of march I hope! Once I start my grow I am almost sure I will kill atleast one of the plants by doing something stupid like overwatering or trying to harvest my 4 week old plant -_-