Evening fellas! Bully!!! Now that's going to be a
heavy harvest! I apologize for the late update but I have a bit of disappointing news
So I harvested Saturday into Sunday early morning. The buds were stinking the house of a heavy sweet dank fragrance. My relatives walking out of their rooms, said it smelled strongly of fresh picked flowers and good weed??? I definitely agree of the fresh flower!

The skunk is faint but comes out every now and then you go walk near the drying rack.
I must say... I believe the light was the main issue. I only say that as I had
alot of airy popcorn buds and the main buds weren't as dense or big as I was anticipating. Many factors I have considered that can be improved. I will be changing out my light to a CMH by middle of December and
many more things.
Learned more than I expected. I've decided there will be no more soil grows. I will be changing everything. It is what it is
So much popcorn buds it's unbelievable. I ended up tossing it all in with the trim and counted only the solid buds imo were good. Long, dense colas that shine like glitter when the light hits the buds when I was trimming. Dried out to 4 zips and a half of buds. Threw them all in jars and the curing began yesterday. The scent is very faint and the buds have lost alot of water weight from when I was trimming.
The buds are so frosty, I couldn't resist trying out a non-cured, dried popcorn bud... ...

... ... ... ...

felt a tingle behind my eyes. I got up; began walking around the apartment picking up things, cleaning the dishes, bathroom, prepping for work in the morning and then asked myself am I high?... Nooo, I'm anticipating a crazy head rush that'll knock me on my ass and I'd be in a comatose state. Boyyyyy was I wrong! I usually save cleaning for the weekend and for me to do that is rare. I went to lay down and fml i began zoning out with nothing but clear thoughts. My temporal lobes began buzzing as I was staring at the wall instead of the movie that was playing. As I continued asking myself is this good bud, my eyes began throbbing. I couldn't even keep my eyes focused on the tv. I began to lose grip of my thoughts and was kind of freaking out

Paranoia did set in unfortunately. I got to say it was definitely good ride! Reminds me of being a young teenager trying weed for the first time
I may not have achieved what I was hoping for but the sour turbo will be even better as I'll be implementing the changes I've decided were nothing but a waste of time imo. The final smoke report will come soon once the buds are cured. I had taken a few flicks while trimming & jarring. Hope you guys like! Stay tune!