Stay calm remember you grow/have weed and he obviously knows about it if you sell to him ......if it's illegal to do where you are he can use that as an angle to screw you over careful and don't talk about anything around him as he could be recording you ............kick him in the balls .......twice
I think your brother may have a case.
Not to be a dick but you come across as a little loose minded.
Just my pennies from qwiznos worth. Thats like 500
anytime brother, hope things work out for you!well i got dirt on him too if he plays the dirty i do not care what ppl think about me and no longer think of him as family ......i can expose everything i know ........3 more weeks this op is done and shut down (he reports me with dad dead the house can be seized under the law as i am the owner now with older brother so it opens him up to legal ).......i like to work under the idea it is best to have mutural assured destrution....ussr and untied states during cold war
well they will get theirs ......rem monkey see monkey do (their kids will do same thing to them)
sorry about moms on your side and how they played it on yah
this makes me feel better
thanks for kind words
haha, get em!!i just installed a phone recording app on my cell phone auto records and up loads it to a 2ndary google account no one knows about but me
i will not need to kick him his wife will make his life hell........i am walking away from them she will be all on his shit to make up and square the books his adopted daughter is coming back home for 2 months with a new born and a 1 year old .....he thought he could come and stay here to get away from them.....nope he has to get hotel now
your preaching to a burnt man .......i know and i am being super anally carefulJust be careful around him to say but you can't have people you can't trust around you who aren't looking out for your best interest or otherwise ......just be smart especially if you can get in trouble for ganja where you are ...he may try to get you caught up if that's the case
really your really trying to figure that out .....after all these u have not figured out i do not what u guys call trolling ......i type it i mean it
u should go see a doctor .....something is off in your head
pops wil was simple .....everything to be slipt between 3 of us if one died his share goes to other 2
my brother wade wants to keep the money in the ira so he does not get taxed......i am not allowing him to do this i want al funds into the estate account taxes and all that filed on pops tax id ....avoiding me needing to need to file anything with the IRS it was taxed tho dads account
K not preaching at you ....just trying to help you on all angles I could think of for you that's all .....can't stand greedy people and asssholes who will fuck people over for a dollar .......GLyour preaching to a burnt man .......i know and i am being super anally careful
rereading and changing anything i type in a text msg so it comes off cold and biz like with no hint of anger or anything i would like to do to him or wish on him
got out of jail in 2002 hooked up with a evil women and she almost got me locked up again she did farud on a cellphone and left me more then 2k bill
maryland is 2.26 million before estate taxs and inheritance there is none for me as direct blood ...federal estate taxes is 5.56 million before it appliesAre u trying to avoid inheritance tax ?
I was surprised to find out that there was no inheritance tax in my state for any estate under 4 or 5 million dollars .
What I ended up with was well below that. So the property and house I inherited I paid no taxes on until the following year when we paid the property tax for the first time. If the house or property are ever sold I'm not sure if any capital gain taxes would need to be paid but at this time we're not planning on selling.
K not preaching at you ....just trying to help you on all angles I could think of for you that's all .....can't stand greedy people and asssholes who will fuck people over for a dollar .......GL
Understood all good bro .....keep your head up and your wits about you .....hope it turns out the way your dad intendedmaryland is 2.26 million before estate taxs and inheritance there is none for me as direct blood ...federal estate taxes is 5.56 million before it applies
the ira is what i want cashed into the estate to aviod irs and needing to file for the first time ....for me to do what i need to do means it all would be cashed in and i have to pay since the value is over 26k i have to file
was not saying u were ....was meaning to imply u are telling me something i learned the hard way .....others should listen to the advice too sorry came off wrong
knuckle bump of respect
At least no death by taxesmaryland is 2.26 million before estate taxs and inheritance there is none for me as direct blood ...federal estate taxes is 5.56 million before it applies
the ira is what i want cashed into the estate to aviod irs and needing to file for the first time ....for me to do what i need to do means it all would be cashed in and i have to pay since the value is over 26k i have to file
was not saying u were ....was meaning to imply u are telling me something i learned the hard way .....others should listen to the advice too sorry came off wrong
knuckle bump of respect
It's funny to watch someone who is obviously batshit crazy try to convince people they're not.
Ie. This thread.
i know i play civil and agree and hold my ground where i wantif you both get lawyers they will start an even bigger shit fight and most of your inheritance will end up in their pockets as fees
she is 51 and i am 37 not going to do thatI'd say just fuck your brothers wife and get it over with