Sessions is at it again!!

what a dumb fucking thing to say, but the fact that you are spreading such desperate and transparent lies in an attempt to say "HILLARY WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!" when we all know that's not true just proves that you know how badly you fucked up with your trump vote.

i guess racism was just that important to you.

My vote doesn't matter Hillary won my state.
0:39 smart guy "wants to move it off schedule 1" that means schedule 2 she certainly wasn't going to deschedule marijuana completely dipshit. :lol:
This is exactly what's wrong with Trump's supporters. They hang on to what the imagine they heard even as his AG moves to put you behind bars. Then you'll blame the govmint. You hear "schedule 2" but it was only in your imagination. But that's enough. Because belief > facts

Clinton did very clearly say leave regulation up to states. Trump did not say that. He mumbled something about state rights and you bent over for his love.

I don't know why you and @twostrokenut keep dwelling on a person who is no longer relevant. You both put Trump in office and now want to blame Session's plan to re-start the war on drugs on Democrats. It would be funny if people weren't going to get hurt by all this.
Hillary Clinton would not have gone after Marijuana, It would of went in the same direction it was headed. (Not Now.)
Now we "All' should be worried, Of course unless you have a billion dollars.
When I see something actually happen I'll begin to get concerned. As of yet, NOTHING has happened. I'm just not seeing the awe inspiring horror at the moment. Sessions is already on thin ice from his Russia scandal and it's unlikely that he'll want to rock the boat now by doing something highly controversial.

Yeah, fascists have taken over the white house.
Can't argue with that I suppose. Maybe the dems should have put up a candidate who wasn't hated by 70% of the country. They had this really likeable old guy called Bernie something, and screwed him over to run one of the most hated candidates ever. Maybe they'll learn something from their mistake.

Hillary had so many skeletons in her closet that a blind man could have seen it was a mistake to run her.
When I see something actually happen I'll begin to get concerned. As of yet, NOTHING has happened. I'm just not seeing the awe inspiring horror at the moment. Sessions is already on thin ice from his Russia scandal and it's unlikely that he'll want to rock the boat now by doing something highly controversial.

Can't argue with that I suppose. Maybe the dems should have put up a candidate who wasn't hated by 70% of the country.

By the time anyone realizes what happened it may be to late.
He has already made statements saying such things.
Very dangerous
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When I see something actually happen I'll begin to get concerned. As of yet, NOTHING has happened. I'm just not seeing the awe inspiring horror at the moment. Sessions is already on thin ice from his Russia scandal and it's unlikely that he'll want to rock the boat now by doing something highly controversial.

Can't argue with that I suppose. Maybe the dems should have put up a candidate who wasn't hated by 70% of the country. They had this really likeable old guy called Bernie something, and screwed him over to run one of the most hated candidates ever. Maybe they'll learn something from their mistake.

Hillary had so many skeletons in her closet that a blind man could have seen it was a mistake to run her.
Yep is was a mistake to run her. After all only 3 million more people thought she would be a better president. And that's the issue. Trump didn't have skeletons in his closet, they were running about his house, living in his car, drinking his beer, rifling his pockets, they were all over him in plain view. Not just skeletons but ones wearing swastikas. But the chumpsters we've been talking to this morning imagined he was different. A kind gentle Trump who would never stiff his contractors for services rendered or enable a return to the war on drugs. They heard what they wanted to hear whether it was said or not. @tampee heard Hillary say something that she never said. Alternative facts and all that.
This is exactly what's wrong with Trump's supporters. They hang on to what the imagine they heard even as his AG moves to put you behind bars. Then you'll blame the govmint. You hear "schedule 2" but it was only in your imagination. But that's enough. Because belief > facts

Clinton did very clearly say leave regulation up to states. Trump did not say that. He mumbled something about state rights and you bent over for his love.

I don't know why you and @twostrokenut keep dwelling on a person who is no longer relevant. You both put Trump in office and now want to blame Session's plan to re-start the war on drugs on Democrats. It would be funny if people weren't going to get hurt by all this.
Sorry am still learning the tricks. I posted above about Clinton and schedule two. Just trying to figure out what "She" said. Only thing I can go by. So far finding agreement on schedule 2. Point me in the right direction to find her quotes about something different.
Not trying to be an ass, I am hoping I am wrong.

I am pulling up articles at random and it seems as if her stance was fairly clear. Schedule 2.
Did I miss where she said differently? I am still looking so this may change............
I don't get it. The links you posted don't directly quote Clinton, they say what you want to hear about Clinton but they don't actually quote her.

One of Hillary Clinton's top senior policy advisers said that the Democratic presidential nominee would reschedule marijuana if she gets elected in November. (business insider)
That's not the same as draconian ban MJ at state level like Sessions is saying he will do. And they don't say Schedule 2.

Clinton has repeatedly stated that she wants to move marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule II drug, under the Controlled Substances Act, to increase research, as well as to stop imprisoning marijuana users. When asked in a town hall what she would do to decriminalize marijuana, Clinton said that she "will do a lot." (raw story) As far as I can tell, they are putting words in Clinton's mouth. Where is a direct quote saying she will move MJ to schedule 2 in this article or in the Washington Times article that was so full of ads that it brought my computer to a crawl?

I'm not defending Clinton. I don't know what she would have done. I'm just calling out revisionists who say Clinton would have been just as bad and to prove their point, they make up what she said. Trump totally shagged the people who voted for him, put Sessions in as AG and is doing nothing good while doing harm to this country. Sessions is making very pointed threats at the nascent MJ industry. Isn't it time to listen to what the people in charge are saying rather than try to justify the very stupid act of voting for that orange piece of fascist shit?
Aren't we supposed to be united across the political spectrum on issues we are in agreement upon? You lefty's should really ponder your tactics here and why you won't get on board with lawful weed. We can all agree Sessions is a piece of dung prohibitionist.......I don't see a Russia connection because there are zero facts to support such assertion but I would not be sad to see him go all the same.

But this is another problem altogether of the lefts "ends justify the means" attitude of rights erosion by supporting the totalitarian federal government rather than supporting individual rights.
This is exactly what's wrong with Trump's supporters. They hang on to what the imagine they heard even as his AG moves to put you behind bars. Then you'll blame the govmint. You hear "schedule 2" but it was only in your imagination. But that's enough. Because belief > facts

Clinton did very clearly say leave regulation up to states. Trump did not say that. He mumbled something about state rights and you bent over for his love.

I don't know why you and @twostrokenut keep dwelling on a person who is no longer relevant. You both put Trump in office and now want to blame Session's plan to re-start the war on drugs on Democrats. It would be funny if people weren't going to get hurt by all this.
I thought it was spelled gub'mint.
When I see something actually happen I'll begin to get concerned. As of yet, NOTHING has happened. I'm just not seeing the awe inspiring horror at the moment. Sessions is already on thin ice from his Russia scandal and it's unlikely that he'll want to rock the boat now by doing something highly controversial.

Can't argue with that I suppose. Maybe the dems should have put up a candidate who wasn't hated by 70% of the country. They had this really likeable old guy called Bernie something, and screwed him over to run one of the most hated candidates ever. Maybe they'll learn something from their mistake.

Hillary had so many skeletons in her closet that a blind man could have seen it was a mistake to run her.
You are very dumb and unable to see two steps ahead. Call me when you die and I will rush you to the hospital.
Sorry am still learning the tricks. I posted above about Clinton and schedule two. Just trying to figure out what "She" said. Only thing I can go by. So far finding agreement on schedule 2. Point me in the right direction to find her quotes about something different.
Not trying to be an ass, I am hoping I am wrong.
I've looked and can't find a direct quote about Clinton saying she'd move MJ to schedule II. She didn't say she wouldn't, which is not the same thing but agree there is wiggle room that makes me uncomfortable too. What Clinton did say was she'd let states regulate within their borders. Very clearly she said that.

But today, she's irrelevant. I'm responding to the very real attempt to hand wave over Session's statements about enforcing federal laws in all states regardless of results of statewide initiatives to legalize MJ. Nothing Clinton said makes acceptable what Trump's man Sessions says about this.
i guess people just recognize the facts about your idiotic stupidity.

You guess growing a plant is not an individual right because you must sacrifice individual rights for your ideology. But you hope for change and pray to your spaghetti monster that one day the gooberment might grant you your right to grow a plant if you remain loyal to the cause.

Aren't we supposed to be united across the political spectrum on issues we are in agreement upon? You lefty's should really ponder your tactics here and why you won't get on board with lawful weed. We can all agree Sessions is a piece of dung prohibitionist.......I don't see a Russia connection because there are zero facts to support such assertion but I would not be sad to see him go all the same.

But this is another problem altogether of the lefts "ends justify the means" attitude of rights erosion by supporting the totalitarian federal government rather than supporting individual rights.
How bout we stop enabling fascists to take over the government by at the very least voting against them if not for a candidate that can beat them?

How 'bout the denialist Libertarians own up to being mules for the GOP.
Aren't we supposed to be united across the political spectrum on issues we are in agreement upon? You lefty's should really ponder your tactics here and why you won't get on board with lawful weed. We can all agree Sessions is a piece of dung prohibitionist.......I don't see a Russia connection because there are zero facts to support such assertion but I would not be sad to see him go all the same.

But this is another problem altogether of the lefts "ends justify the means" attitude of rights erosion by supporting the totalitarian federal government rather than supporting individual rights.
Lol. That would not be funny if you did not just elect a President who choose an obviously anti-marijuana AG.

Don't know what to say about you "seeing" the facts but I know you well enough to call you out as a hypocrite. If Hillary had done (to quote Mikey Flynn [he's a lobbyist for Turkey]) "one tenth" of what we know the Trump campaign has done, you would be screaming for indictments by now.