Sessions is at it again!!

We can sit back a smoke one.

State > Fed.

Not true in some cases. It depends on how they go about doing it.

If I were running the DEA and the President ordered me to crack down on, say, Colorado and end their legalized marijuana law, it would be relatively easy to do it.

Why? Because people are stupid.

How? Easily. Being a schedule 1 drug, anything having to do with MJ is fair game for investigation. I'd simply tap the phones of the distributors and customers and wait. Sooner or later, somebody is going to cross the state lines and/or sell to someone from another state.

The instant they do that, I've got them. That's interstate commerce. That is the domain of the Federal Government. I'll jail the entire MJ production and distribution population overnight.

It's just that easy, folks. All it takes is one idiot selling to someone from out of state or crossing the state line with it and it's all over.
Not true in some cases. It depends on how they go about doing it.

If I were running the DEA and the President ordered me to crack down on, say, Colorado and end their legalized marijuana law, it would be relatively easy to do it.

Why? Because people are stupid.

How? Easily. Being a schedule 1 drug, anything having to do with MJ is fair game for investigation. I'd simply tap the phones of the distributors and customers and wait. Sooner or later, somebody is going to cross the state lines and/or sell to someone from another state.

The instant they do that, I've got them. That's interstate commerce. That is the domain of the Federal Government. I'll jail the entire MJ production and distribution population overnight.

It's just that easy, folks. All it takes is one idiot selling to someone from out of state or crossing the state line with it and it's all over.
True that.

Oregon's AG has said they will defend the state's laws and I've heard same from Washington and California. I haven't heard Colorado's governor chime in but maybe he has too. So, our lawyers are going to talk to their lawyers and the whole thing will hopefully get bogged down in court. Waste of time and money over a beneficial home remedy that does things like reduce opiate use. But then again, maybe that's why Trump and Big Pharma would approve of Sessions' actions.
I don't get it. The links you posted don't directly quote Clinton, they say what you want to hear about Clinton but they don't actually quote her.

One of Hillary Clinton's top senior policy advisers said that the Democratic presidential nominee would reschedule marijuana if she gets elected in November. (business insider)
That's not the same as draconian ban MJ at state level like Sessions is saying he will do. And they don't say Schedule 2.

Clinton has repeatedly stated that she wants to move marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule II drug, under the Controlled Substances Act, to increase research, as well as to stop imprisoning marijuana users. When asked in a town hall what she would do to decriminalize marijuana, Clinton said that she "will do a lot." (raw story) As far as I can tell, they are putting words in Clinton's mouth. Where is a direct quote saying she will move MJ to schedule 2 in this article or in the Washington Times article that was so full of ads that it brought my computer to a crawl?

I'm not defending Clinton. I don't know what she would have done. I'm just calling out revisionists who say Clinton would have been just as bad and to prove their point, they make up what she said. Trump totally shagged the people who voted for him, put Sessions in as AG and is doing nothing good while doing harm to this country. Sessions is making very pointed threats at the nascent MJ industry. Isn't it time to listen to what the people in charge are saying rather than try to justify the very stupid act of voting for that orange piece of fascist shit?
????? EXACTLY what I was saying?
Not true in some cases. It depends on how they go about doing it.

If I were running the DEA and the President ordered me to crack down on, say, Colorado and end their legalized marijuana law, it would be relatively easy to do it.

Why? Because people are stupid.

How? Easily. Being a schedule 1 drug, anything having to do with MJ is fair game for investigation. I'd simply tap the phones of the distributors and customers and wait. Sooner or later, somebody is going to cross the state lines and/or sell to someone from another state.

The instant they do that, I've got them. That's interstate commerce. That is the domain of the Federal Government. I'll jail the entire MJ production and distribution population overnight.

It's just that easy, folks. All it takes is one idiot selling to someone from out of state or crossing the state line with it and it's all over.
You would jail tens of thousands of people overnight? Maybe if they just took it, and nobody tried defending them. As Trump said, there are 'something 2nd amendment something' solutions to large scale tyranny. If a bunch of nuts can take over a wildlife refuge, it doesn't seem unreasonable for a bunch of guys to defend a state legal cannabis industry.
You would jail tens of thousands of people overnight? Maybe if they just took it, and nobody tried defending them. As Trump said, there are 'something 2nd amendment something' solutions to large scale tyranny.
shit stupid post. Is anybody surprised?

TM was explaining how easy it will be for Sessions to crack down. Not endorsing the action.

And yeah, it would be terrible if some second amendment people did something. Just turrrible. Except we'd have Pence and this situation would not get better.
You would jail tens of thousands of people overnight? Maybe if they just took it, and nobody tried defending them. As Trump said, there are 'something 2nd amendment something' solutions to large scale tyranny. If a bunch of nuts can take over a wildlife refuge, it doesn't seem unreasonable for a bunch of guys to defend a state legal cannabis industry.

If the President ordered it, sure. And yes, they would go peacefully. (Most would receive a citation and be ROR'd on the spot.) The objective wouldn't be to incarcerate the populace. The objective would be to sue Colorado and rid them of their MJ law.

It would work. And it would be very, very easy. Again, because people are, sorry to say, stupid. People can't have a good thing and leave it at that. They'll want to capitalize on it by dealing to those who don't have it.

Once that interstate sale takes place, it's over. I can show that Colorado can't police it, is infringing on the laws of other states and the domain of the Federal Government, and I'll have that law stricken from the books in record time.

All told, I could do it in about 3 years tops. California I could do even faster than that.
If I were running the DEA and the President ordered me to crack down on, say, Colorado and end their legalized marijuana law, it would be relatively easy to do it.

Why? Because people are stupid.

How? Easily. Being a schedule 1 drug, anything having to do with MJ is fair game for investigation. I'd simply tap the phones of the distributors and customers and wait. Sooner or later, somebody is going to cross the state lines and/or sell to someone from another state.

The instant they do that, I've got them. That's interstate commerce. That is the domain of the Federal Government. I'll jail the entire MJ production and distribution population overnight.

It's just that easy, folks. All it takes is one idiot selling to someone from out of state or crossing the state line with it and it's all over.

The entire Mj population? With a phone tap? Sounds like it would make a good TV show. Not going to happen though, they have procedures to follow. Which is why nothing has happened to MMJ, nor will it to REC. I'm sure we will see these threads until 2018. Then it will be some new threat everyone is worried about. As of now the law stands, and it's just here say.
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If the President ordered it, sure. And yes, they would go peacefully. (Most would receive a citation and be ROR'd on the spot.) The objective wouldn't be to incarcerate the populace. The objective would be to sue Colorado and rid them of their MJ law.

It would work. And it would be very, very easy. Again, because people are, sorry to say, stupid. People can't have a good thing and leave it at that. They'll want to capitalize on it by dealing to those who don't have it.

Once that interstate sale takes place, it's over. I can show that Colorado can't police it, is infringing on the laws of other states and the domain of the Federal Government, and I'll have that law stricken from the books in record time.

All told, I could do it in about 3 years tops. California I could do even faster than that.
Well yes, they could shut the industry down, but they cannot force CO to re-criminalize the substance. Then you just go from moderate problem with the black market to a HUGE unregulated black market, as home growing for personal use would still be legal. It would basically make the situation worse in every aspect, and send a bunch of money back to organized crime. Unless federal officials have the time and effort to track down and raid all the little 'personal growers' in CO it would just be an epic fail on all fronts. The state police wouldn't get involved most likely.
How bout we stop enabling fascists to take over the government by at the very least voting against them if not for a candidate that can beat them?

How 'bout the denialist Libertarians own up to being mules for the GOP.

How about we both be honest about the large volume of shit we agree on and be real about the financial shit that we disagree on? This might actually put real candidates up for a vote for a change.

Lol. That would not be funny if you did not just elect a President who choose an obviously anti-marijuana AG.

Don't know what to say about you "seeing" the facts but I know you well enough to call you out as a hypocrite. If Hillary had done (to quote Mikey Flynn [he's a lobbyist for Turkey]) "one tenth" of what we know the Trump campaign has done, you would be screaming for indictments by now.

My state went to Hillary. You can cry more about your strawman that I somehow helped elect Trump, or you can recognize that you actually cast a ballot for a cheating, big government corporate shill because you are willing to sacrifice rights for privileges.
I'm glad I didn't sell out like you did though, so projecting your hate vomit like you do is almost comical.
You would jail tens of thousands of people overnight? Maybe if they just took it, and nobody tried defending them. As Trump said, there are 'something 2nd amendment something' solutions to large scale tyranny. If a bunch of nuts can take over a wildlife refuge, it doesn't seem unreasonable for a bunch of guys to defend a state legal cannabis industry.
Oh, you are doing "schtick". Sorry, I thought you were very dumb. Now I realize that you are a comic genius. Like Jerry Lewis.
Then you just go from moderate problem with the black market to a HUGE unregulated black market,

And that is exactly what they want.

If you haven't figured that out by now and why they want it that way, then you've been living under a rock for the last 45 years.
My state went to Hillary. You can cry more about your strawman that I somehow helped elect Trump, or you can recognize that you actually cast a ballot for a cheating, big government corporate shill because you are willing to sacrifice rights for privileges.
I'm glad I didn't sell out like you did though, so projecting your hate vomit like you do is almost comical.
I didn't vote for Trump. And "hate vomit"? Really? Ha ha ha. You are a bad (or sick) guy.